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Thread: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

  1. #26
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    when my wife taught at jefferson, there were two guys going to
    have a fight. they jumped up in the air and danced around like two
    storks in mating season. I got to laughing so hard it embarrassed
    them and they quit. However, there was a girl fight a couple of
    days later and they were seriously "Hooking it up"...things have
    When I attended Jefferson in the 1700's the fights took place on
    the property just south and west of the school. I remember some
    CHHS dudes showed up in a convertible and started taunting us.
    Nothing happened and they drove off after a nifty neato yelling
    contest that lasted about 30 minutes.

    The fights were known by everyone, except faculty, by the lunch
    break. Why? I haven't a clue but word got around and we
    couldn't wait until the final bell. Do they still have bells in
    Jr. High? Do they still teach anything in Jr. school?

    Soonergirl26 and Tall Girl were never at the fights. They had
    to much class.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Yeah:..."Kick Boxing".

  3. #28

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Saw plenty when I taught at the junior high level; broke up several; was shown how to get a hold on a student (from behind) so I wouldn't get hit--but now, I'm not sure a teacher would even dare touch a student on clothes or arms even to break up a fight! While teaching at the high school level, though, most of the combatants were too much larger than I for me to stop--although I did develop a voice that could stop a train and that worked on more than one occasion. Girl fights were the worst, though. Never wanted to be around when those started!

  4. #29

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    I never was in a fight, but as a student at Shields Heights Elementary, I recall there was a boy who was a dreadful bully and picked fights with everyone. When he threatened me (a girl) my mother came to school and talked to the teacher. The teacher said 'yes, he's a terrible bully and a very mean boy, we can't control him and all the teachers are too afraid of him to try anymore!' At least that's what my mother says the teacher said. I saw him beat up on many kids on and off the school grounds. There was a footbridge over the railroad tracks by the school and I recall watching him lurk there waiting for victims. If you've ever seen the movie "A Christmas Story" he was a lot like the bully in that, but I never saw him get his comeuppance like that character does from Ralphie.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    I got into a lot of fights. Not because I was a bully but because I stood up for myself. Iwas the new kid that didn't talk much so they figured I would be a push over. The saying goes "the quiet ones are the ones to be afraid of", obviously their parents never taught them that cause I had too. :-)

  6. #31

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    I'm not sure if this would be a "fight" . . . but one day in gym, while playing a version of dodge ball, about six football players all ganged up on this rather small, new, black kid (just about the only one in our school at the time) and all began pummelling him, unmercifully, with several of the balls. To me, it was obviously going way beyond the "rules" of the game. I grabbed one of two twin brothers--who, ironically, were both offensive guards--picked him up, slammed him to the gym floor and said: "You like THAT m-fer? How does it feel? You like it?"

    The coaches--including the head football coach--had been laughing at the bullying of the "newbie of color" up to that point. Since I had dropped out of football the year before to pursue rock climbing (and other things that long-haired, semi-hippie types did back then) I was not one of their pets. They hollered something at me and I said, "Yeah, well if you'd call off your animals, that never would have happened."

    I was told to go to the coach's office and decided to comply.

    As the coach got up in my face, ragging on me for possibly damaging one of his toadies, I could see that it was taking all the restraint he could muster to keep from punching me with one of his clenched fists. Immediately behind me was a huge, glass window to the locker room so I just kept egging him on with, "Go ahead . . . Do it . . . Give it your best shot, a--hole." I was planning to duck and let him put his fist through that glass, thus providing him with yet another opportunity to explain his lack of situation control.

    Amazingly, in the end, I didn't even get a write-up or a trip to the Assistant Principal's office.
    I guess even the coach realized that my intervention into the earlier "bullying" was grounds for dismissing all charges.

    I did however only get a "C" in gym that year.
    Even if I deserved a "B+".

  7. #32

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    And this one goes out to MDot . . .

    Perhaps illustrating the observation(s) that while "the world goes round and round" . . .
    and times, people and situations change . . .
    (like "sands though the hour glass"
    or at least the way the hour glass looks
    with different amounts of sand =) . . .
    life is not a broken record.

    Keep fighting the good fight.
    Even if some might call you a rebel . . .
    (It's always good to rebel against stupidity and mindless conformity).

    Plus, girls like rebels. =)
    At least they did back in '68. =)

  8. #33

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Haha thanks RM. And good job for standing up for that coloured kid.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    You know what? I really didn't care what color (or even colour =) he was at the moment.
    (Not even if he was from Canada. Or England. =)

    I just remember that those "Coach's Pets" (who, on and off the field, were essentially classless morons) were (more than) picking on a new kid who seemed to be a nice person.
    No kidding.

    I only mentioned the "pigmentation" thing because it was a fairly major issue, nationally, at the time.
    (You know . . . Dr. Martin Luther King . . . etc.)
    And because all of that took place at what was supposed to be one of the most "enlightened" high schools in the nation.

    And maybe even because where I went to Elementary School (several years before that incident, in that same "enlightened town") they put the only "child of color" in the school down in the Special Ed basement classroom.

    But in Elementary School I wasn't quite big enough to fight injustice. =)

    So . . . In retrospect, I guess I should have just said "Thanks" in response to your comment.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Whatever the reason, that's pretty courageous of you to stand up for a person other than yourself.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Yeah . . . Yet, in reality, I was more "angry" than "courageous" I'm afraid.

    Still, much better to do it that way--individually--than to later associate yourself with groups like SDS . . .
    (A group even more stupid and classless--not to mention manipulative--
    than many (but not all) high school jocks of the immediately preceeding era. =)

  12. #37

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    That's how I am, I get angry not courageous but it stills seems like I'm doing something for a good cause when in reality someone's just pissed me off. Lol

  13. #38

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    I seem to recall that I read somewhere that it is "'OK' to 'be angry' (just 'don't sin')."
    Or something like that.

    I think that we would agree that those are some fairly high-level abstractions to define, process and act upon.

    Maybe there should be a new bumpersticker, ribbon or lapel pin that says something like:

    "Be Kind . . . or risk The Alternative."

    Nah . . . Too Radically Moderate.
    Almost like something a Nun might have said.
    Had I attended a Parochial School. =)

    And almost like "asking for a fight" . . .
    As did the IP on this thread.
    Even if I agree with him. =)

  14. #39

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    I think it goes something like "be angry and sin not?" I'm not really sure. But I kinda like your "Be Kind...or risk The Alternative." bumpersticker, it'd be legit on the back of my car.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Buy the copyright.
    Print it.

    Pay for college. =)

    The lapel pin would simply be inviting trouble.
    (a type of "double-dog-dang dare ya' deal" . . .
    already property of the Jean Shepherd Estate . . .
    at least according to Scut Farkis and his toady Grover Dill. =)

  16. #41

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Haha that's the smartest idea I've heard on how to pay for college, and no offense, but it's the most simple. Lol

  17. #42

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    "Simple is Best": That Mies van der Roe Dude, et. al. Sort of an architect. I guess. =)

    That, or start kickin' ass on the gridiron instead of in the parking lot. =)

  18. #43

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    My one and only was after school in 9th grade at Putnam City Central Junior High. It was with a guy I had known for several years, and for some reason he just had a hair up his butt that day and kept picking on me. Finally he made a reference to my parents' deafness and referred to my dad as a "deaf and dummy." Big mistake.

    I whirled around and punched him square in the nose, knocked his glasses flying, and he started crying and soon had snot dripping everywhere. That was the end of the fight.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix59 View Post
    My one and only was after school in 9th grade at Putnam City Central Junior High. It was with a guy I had known for several years, and for some reason he just had a hair up his butt that day and kept picking on me. Finally he made a reference to my parents' deafness and referred to my dad as a "deaf and dummy." Big mistake.

    I whirled around and punched him square in the nose, knocked his glasses flying, and he started crying and soon had snot dripping everywhere. That was the end of the fight.
    The first year I went to Central was the year they renamed it James L. Capps Middle School.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Quote Originally Posted by MDot View Post
    The first year I went to Central was the year they renamed it James L. Capps Middle School.
    Sorry, MDot. You have to be at least 18 to post in a nostalgia thread. You're not old enough to have nostalgia about anything. LOL

  21. #46

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Sorry, MDot. You have to be at least 18 to post in a nostalgia thread. You're not old enough to have nostalgia about anything. LOL
    My age is my largest liability. Lol

  22. #47

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    I remember a fight at NW Classen in the spring of my senior year, 1971. Just two guys, IIRC, but one of them was stabbed in the heart. He was transported to Baptist, where they postponed an elective open heart surgery to take the victim. He barely survived. Fortunately, I was at OCU that day for district band and orchestra contest, and missed it.

  23. #48

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Where? Small town called Hinton, Ok
    When? Every year really.
    Why? I was a bully, and didn't take crap from anyone. Male or Female
    How? Confrontational. called whoever upset me out, then threw the first punch. Needless to say I was always in trouble. And me being a very short female, it was shocking to most.

    go firgure.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Did you ever get in fights at school? See any fights?

    Quote Originally Posted by 911dispatch View Post
    Where? Small town called Hinton, Ok
    When? Every year really.
    Why? I was a bully, and didn't take crap from anyone. Male or Female
    How? Confrontational. called whoever upset me out, then threw the first punch. Needless to say I was always in trouble. And me being a very short female, it was shocking to most.

    go firgure.
    Lol you and my mom have a lot in common minus Hinton, Ok. And she wasn't a bully but she didn't take any crap.

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