Where is the ice skating rink located? I haven't figured that out yet from looking at the pictures.
Well is the rink going to be larger than the water area now? Because from the photos I have seen, the area that appears to be a reflecting pool isn't very large. Not large enough for ice skating.
Yes, the planters will be moved. That's the whole point of putting the trees in above-ground planters in the first place.
Here are some renderings... The rink will be a nice size and I believe the building on the east side will have restrooms, skate rentals and probably concessions. And if you look at the last photo, the metal light/speaker standards probably de-mark the outside of the rink.
Should be a fantastic setting:
September 2011 by cityofokc, on Flickr
Will the ice rink be just a December/early January thing, or will it run throughout the winter?
Also, is the refrigeration system already in place under the current concrete area, or will that have to be installed each season like the portable rink that was in front of the Civic Center?
The rink will be sponsored by Devon and be open from November 25 through January 1. They will have a DJ on Friday nights and radio teams on Saturday.
I'm sure it's a portable rink, similar -- and maybe even using some of the same components -- to the old setup at the Civic Center.
Pete has it right.
The tree planters will be moved and the new rink will be put up on top of the plaza area. The chiller is actually built underground as a permanent part of of the Gardens. They are contracting out with an outside rink operator who will take care of everything - from skate rentals, blade sharpening and concessions.
Downtown in December will run November 25 - January 1, but the Gardens are looking to have the rink open later than that if they can get the right deal.
More word soon!
Thanks Fritter!
I bet the rink will be popular enough that it could be supported through January and maybe all the way to March.
Hasn't it always been pretty crowded at the old location? There will certainly be more people at the park, near the arena, etc. Plus, it's an easy walk to/from Bricktown.
Sounds great. If we are lucky enough to get an NBA season, I hope the rink will stay open late after the games. I'm sure a lot of people would enjoy that for post-game entertainment, especially with kids. It would also make a great sight to see so many things going on downtown before and after a game.
I've never noticed it until now, but that rendering shows a green roof on the restaurant.
Fritter, did it get built out that way or was it scrapped.
The green roof was scrapped.
What is the status of the restaurant? Are they still planning OKC's version of Tavern on the Green or will it be more like Shake Shack?
Nichols (he's on the garden's Board) was recently quoted as saying they are being patient and want to find the right operator; something nice (a burger concept was rejected) but not too upscale.
I bet this will move along now that the gardens are generally complete although it would sure help if the NBA season would get back on track.
I didn't realize the cafe building was so complete:
Myriad Gardens night shots, okc_-32_3_4_tonemapped by BINKY SAINTS, on Flickr
Myriad Gardens night shots a, okc_-4 by BINKY SAINTS, on Flickr
Can't wait until the Devon Tower is all lit up along with the tube......maybe that'll happen by the end of the year.
I don't think Devon Tower will activate the LED lighting until the crown is substantially finished, as there will be a lot of lighting concentrated there.
And at the rate they are going, that will be a while.
Yes, and they have a lot of stuff going on up there. What is the red cladding about in the triangles ????? Anyone know ?
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