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Thread: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

  1. #26

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    A dryer is odd, but only a tad. It's possible she thought the tale of the apologetic slayer might be completely accepted. IF one holds that notion, it's not weird to then believe either the policia would never even take a gander at the other end of the house, where the dryer was located, or that the opportunity would arise to go back and get rid of the gun later.
    I should think, being married to a fire chief, that she'd have heard a zillion stories about crimes and stupid criminals since they hang with the police so often. I imagine her attorney will help her to explain that it was sudden, unplannned and she just panicked. The dryer might help in that defense. Besides, no one likes to see someone get murder one on a long term marriage domestic. I know I sound flip and that is unkind. He sounds like a nice man, I expect she was probably nice, too. And they have children who are hurting. This is the type of thing that lends itself to idle speculation when you aren't directly involved but it is hell for the family.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    If she's guilty, hopefully she will plead.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    Quote Originally Posted by Double Edge View Post
    If she's guilty, hopefully she will plead.
    Guilty or no, the odds are extremely high for any case to conclude via a plea arrangement. Don't know the parties, but given the abrupt change of circumstances, it won't be a shocker to learn all was less than merry on their lil' corner of the prairie.

    Should that bear out, one could speculate to an outcome along the lines of manslaughter one, 20 years, the bulk suspended, and possibly another charge relating to the police fibbing, likewise suspended in whole or in part. A class or three, minimal level of supervised probation after any incarceration, plus costs and fines.

    Of course it could bear out that she was actually cold and calculating, albeit with poor planning skills.

  4. Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    To make this TV movie worthy it needs to come out that she was having an affair with the chaplain she was so desperate to ensure got dead hubby's organs. That could be the murder motive - kill the husband to save the lover.

    Disclaimer - Zero proof or allegation of any of that. Just talking out loud.

  5. Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    To make this TV movie worthy it needs to come out that she was having an affair with the chaplain she was so desperate to ensure got dead hubby's organs. That could be the murder motive - kill the husband to save the lover.

    Disclaimer - Zero proof or allegation of any of that. Just talking out loud.
    Only on Lifetime Movie Network!!!

    Maybe she's in love with someone in his or her family? :-O

  6. #31

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Guilty or no, the odds are extremely high for any case to conclude via a plea arrangement. Don't know the parties, but given the abrupt change of circumstances, it won't be a shocker to learn all was less than merry on their lil' corner of the prairie.

    Should that bear out, one could speculate to an outcome along the lines of manslaughter one, 20 years, the bulk suspended, and possibly another charge relating to the police fibbing, likewise suspended in whole or in part. A class or three, minimal level of supervised probation after any incarceration, plus costs and fines.

    Of course it could bear out that she was actually cold and calculating, albeit with poor planning skills.
    The presence of the glove is going to go against her.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    The presence of the glove is going to go against her.
    The glove pretty much takes away any claim of "in the heat of the moment" she might have had. It'll take a pretty good lawyer to make this look anything but premeditated.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    The whole divorced but still living together is never a good idea...They would have just parted ways like normal folks both of em would likely be at the fair today

  9. #34

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    The whole divorced but still living together is never a good idea...They would have just parted ways like normal folks both of em would likely be at the fair today
    Well, she filed for divorce. We don't know if that was ongoing; if they were living separate lives (rather than divorce) although living under the same roof; if they were fighting over assets and neither wanted to move out of the house; or if they'd reconciled or were trying to reconcile; or if she thought things were better before something happened that specifically sent her over the edge.

    When I was younger, I used to think that a couple that wasn't in love or were just living parallel lives should absolutely divorce. It seemed obvious, to me. I met a lot of women back east who were married but hadn't seen their husband in years and seemed perfectly content with that. Frequently, the husband had a sweetie and the wife couldn't care less. As long as she wasn't planning to get married, herself, getting a divorce was just a technicality. That struck me as so strange.

    But as I've gotten older, I notice that there are a lot of people who have been married a long time and who aren't particularly in love - or even like - who choose to simply make the best of the situation rather than divide assets or upset their families. If they are of a temperament to do that, I guess "whatever works." Marriage and family are both bigger than a love affair, afterall. Of course, there is always the risk that one or the other will change their mind about that along the way and things can go south.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    I truly believe she acted impulsively heat of passion based on the way that it took place. She obviously got nervous and tried to hide evidence but it goes to show she was completely out of character and a insanity moment she had. I think with the battered wife and verbal/physical abuse defense it would surprise me if she spends any length of time in prison and not a Psychiatric facility. Just saying she has that defense in place that will make a difference in the case.....Not to mention a white woman who has been a model citizen up until this incident

  11. Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    Quote Originally Posted by metro405 View Post
    I truly believe she acted impulsively heat of passion based on the way that it took place. She obviously got nervous and tried to hide evidence but it goes to show she was completely out of character and a insanity moment she had. I think with the battered wife and verbal/physical abuse defense it would surprise me if she spends any length of time in prison and not a Psychiatric facility. Just saying she has that defense in place that will make a difference in the case.....Not to mention a white woman who has been a model citizen up until this incident
    No idea how premeditative it was, but it was murder no less. In light of Ersland's conviction, I wouldn't hold my breath that she gets anything less than a lengthy prison sentence.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    Maybe it's just me but, acting impulsively in the heat of the moment doesn't include wearing a glove to avoid testing positive for GSR.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    There are women at Mabel Bassett who are doing life for murdering an abusive spouse. In Oklahoma, nothing would surprise me.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    The presence of the glove is going to go against her.
    It's a problem for her. A greater problem, my opinion anyway, is the impact on the fact finder of the info spoken by the defendant along with her demeanor during the 911 calls.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    What does anyone know about Lance Cargill? The family issued a statement Saturday referring to him as "our advisor and attorney."

  16. #41

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCTalker View Post
    Then you all are the winners. Congratulations.
    I don't think there are any winners in this case... sad

  17. #42

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCTalker View Post
    What does anyone know about Lance Cargill? The family issued a statement Saturday referring to him as "our advisor and attorney."
    Possibly this Lance Cargill, atty and former Speaker

    offices out of Harrah
    Last edited by kevinpate; 09-26-2011 at 08:51 AM. Reason: add location

  18. #43

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    I don't think there are any winners in this case... sad
    That was sarcasm. Brian was spiking the ball in the end zone and it p***ed me off - a good man was killed by his wife, and in so doing, she unnecessarily frightened OKC Fire Chief Keith Bryant and the citizens of Mustang, robbed her two sons of their father, two grandsons of their grandfather, and a fire department of its chief.

    I've known two other people who were murdered - one by his wife, the other an OCPD officer by a burglar (his shooter later asphyxiated himself with a sock) - both young men about age 30. It leaves you angry and sad, and a hole remains for the rest of your life.

    There are no winners in this, which was a truly unnecessary, selfish, stupid and premeditated act.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCTalker View Post
    That was sarcasm. Brian was spiking the ball in the end zone and it p***ed me off - a good man was killed by his wife, and in so doing, she unnecessarily frightened OKC Fire Chief Keith Bryant and the citizens of Mustang, robbed her two sons of their father, two grandsons of their grandfather, and a fire department of its chief.

    I've known two other people who were murdered - one by his wife, the other an OCPD officer by a burglar (his shooter later asphyxiated himself with a sock) - both young men about age 30. It leaves you angry and sad, and a hole remains for the rest of your life.

    There are no winners in this, which was a truly unnecessary, selfish, stupid and premeditated act.
    I agree 100%

  20. #45

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    No idea how premeditative it was, but it was murder no less. In light of Ersland's conviction, I wouldn't hold my breath that she gets anything less than a lengthy prison sentence.
    Good point BB but I believe after the jury hears about the verbal and physical abuse that will be raised and how she feared for her life. During the trial you will hear how bad of a guy Keith Bryan is suppose to have been. I really don't think they will send her away for long Battered wife syndrome temporary insanity defense

  21. #46

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    Whatever role Cargill played earlier on, Gary James is her attorney at this time.

  22. Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    I just want to say...this guy left the state just in time! http://www.okctalk.com/showthread.php?t=4379

  23. #48

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    Generally, there would be need to be evidence of battered wife syndrome, which would generally include a reputable psychological report supporting it, plus good evidence of abuse. These days, I would be surprised if they could hide substantial abuse but time will tell if they make that claim. The fact that they never took any domestic calls to the house might mean they didn't happen, or it might mean that people were protecting him. The kids would know. I hope it doesn't go this route.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    Affidavits filed Monday (10/17) show that Rebecca L. Bryan had an extra-marital affair with a man identified as “John” from July 2009 – January 2010 when he broke up with her. She continued pursuing “John,” and called him three hours before shooting her husband on September 20. When she called him that night, “John” hung up on her. She then sent a text message (no reply), and called again, leaving a voicemail message which stated that she still loved him (“John”), that she was about to receive an “inheritance,” and was going to buy a house near him.

    Found in a search of Becky Bryan’s papers at her office was a 2011 Valentine’s Day card from Mustang Flowers and Gifts which read, “To Becky Bryan from Keith.”

  25. #50

    Default Re: Nichols Hills Fire Chief Murdered in his Mustang Home

    Isn't love grand?

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