Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
I have concerns that she has absolutely no relevant experience and was 100% a political decision. The Commission isn't like other political bodies: it requires certain kinds of expertise...that's the reason it exists: the issues at the Commission are of a technical and legally nuanced nature, and a special body needs to see to those issues. Not just any schmo.

I didn't vote for Fallin anyway, but I'll remember this and I hope y'all do to: it's "politics as usual" with ol' Mary running the show.
I agree with the spirit of your post, but not the specifics. In fact, I think the need for overseers without connections to the industries they regulate is crucial. We need a true Public Utilities Commission. We need a commission to make sure the consumers are not shafted. The Corporation Commission has a huge staff, for different industries and different regions of the state. They need the expertise. The commissioners themselves need only to accept all the pertinent information and make decisions in the best interests of the people of the state. Period. Not decisions in the best interests of the corporations. We've had a few brave souls at the CC, but not enough.

As for Douglas, expect more pandering to Oklahoma's Big Business Cartel.