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Thread: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

  1. #151

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Maybe I am crazy, and I'm the first to concede that possibility most days. but i woulda sworn that when Dillards was closing out a few years back it had beige carpet in most areas on the first floor except for the wide walkways.

    Could be thinking of somewhere else, but I thought it was when i was checking for any interesting display pieces that were being liquidated.

  2. Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Kevin, it was tan. Dillard's going beige to amaze!

  3. #153

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Exactly. Glad to know I wasn't the only one who remembered.

    The original carpet was a darkish tan, but slightly lighter than the wooden flooring.

  4. #154

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    My uncle owns a large commercial painting company here in OKC & Mike Dillard is a good friend of his. He told me about the purchase the day they closed the deal (we'd been discussing CRM's current sad state a few months ago & he knew I'd be interested). I asked him if he had any idea what the plan for the mall was going to be & he said that Mr. Dillard told him what he wants most is to keep it as a mall; to update the interior & lure stores back to fill it up again. That is the current plan BUT is subject to change depending on how much it's going to cost to get it to the point that they've got more stores. On the plus side of things, the asbestos was removed several years ago, most of the air conditioning units are in good working order & the last remodel that was done took care of most of the hard stuff. My uncle said that Mr. Dillard is very excited about this project. He said once they get a better idea of exactly what they want to change he will be going out to tour the property again & put in a bid for the painting job. I told him to keep me posted with anything he hears about it.

    And before people start thinking this is yet another heard from a friend who heard from a friend who knows a guy whose wife's third cousin is the new owners lawn boy - pm me & I'll give you my uncle's name & the name of his company. I won't post it publicly without permission. Some of you southsiders from Grant probably know him anyway lol.

  5. Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Please pass on the message that the two dudes MUST regularly come on here to be guided on how to renovate the mall. If they do not, they will fail. And that is Fail hardcore. Who cares about money. They must spend a whole bunch and risk it in order to revive and make money.

  6. #156

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by MsDarkstar View Post
    My uncle owns a large commercial painting company here in OKC & Mike Dillard is a good friend of his. He told me about the purchase the day they closed the deal (we'd been discussing CRM's current sad state a few months ago & he knew I'd be interested). I asked him if he had any idea what the plan for the mall was going to be & he said that Mr. Dillard told him what he wants most is to keep it as a mall; to update the interior & lure stores back to fill it up again. That is the current plan BUT is subject to change depending on how much it's going to cost to get it to the point that they've got more stores. On the plus side of things, the asbestos was removed several years ago, most of the air conditioning units are in good working order & the last remodel that was done took care of most of the hard stuff. My uncle said that Mr. Dillard is very excited about this project. He said once they get a better idea of exactly what they want to change he will be going out to tour the property again & put in a bid for the painting job. I told him to keep me posted with anything he hears about it.

    And before people start thinking this is yet another heard from a friend who heard from a friend who knows a guy whose wife's third cousin is the new owners lawn boy - pm me & I'll give you my uncle's name & the name of his company. I won't post it publicly without permission. Some of you southsiders from Grant probably know him anyway lol.
    No, I believe you. Do you happen to know if at the very least they plan on putting in a new tile floor? I wonder how much Mike Dillard thinks it will take to lure stores back. I can tell based on your description that the ideas and dreams of some members of this forum go beyond what the new owners want to do with the mall. Certainly no major structural changes like a new food court, new entrance,more open space, attached movie theater, etc that others have mentioned.

  7. #157

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    jn1780 - My uncle didn't mention anything about the flooring. He just told me that they got the main CRM building & the two outbuildings (the tire place & service center I think he said). I asked him about Dillard's, whether or not that was included in the sale since I thought it was owned seperately. He said he didn't know, he didn't think to ask. We just talked about the financial aspect of things regarding what they paid versus what it'll take to make it a decent mall again. As I said in my previous post, that discussion was mainly about the asbestos removal, A/C units & previous remodels putting them in a good position to spend most of their budget on prettying things up. He said they'll know more once they get in there with contractors. Mostly he just said that Mike is a great guy & is really excited about turning CRM around. I'll update when I hear more. I'll be seeing my uncle this week anyway & have to get scoop on The Warren Theater; his company did the interior paint work on it & they asked him to bid the work on the new addition. The fun thing about that is that if he gets it, they'll get to go to preview night. When The Warren opened, we got to go have dinner & see a movie for free to test out the staff before the grand opening. It was a lot of fun!

  8. #158

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Thanks for the info, Darkstar.

    Perhaps you could help relay some of the ideas from us here, to your dad, who can then pass it by Mr. Dillard?

    Never hurts, and we all want to see this mall restored.

    First off, there should be new flooring. I know I've stated how I've seen the mall with white/black marble tiles with green/white marble diamond-shaped tiles between every 4 tiles, but it doesn't have to be that. Perhaps a beige-ish color, to match the new bricking near the carousel?

    The main problem with the mall, is the "pepto-bismal" colored railing, and the flooring. If they fixed those aspects, the mall would be more modernized. The flooring had been there since the day it opened in 1974.

    Just something to run by your father, who may then run it by Mr. Dillard.

    I think it would have been cool if Mr. Dillard, or one of the owners, visited here and got some ideas from us. If not to post, then at least to view and get some of our ideas at a five-fingered discount.

    I still think they need to dedicate a section of the mall to being a food court. The lack of consistency in the previous version of the mall, probably caused some frustration as well.

  9. Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Why not keep the pink railings? :-(

  10. #160

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    OKC should be very interested in providing TIF financing to lure retail dollars back away from Moore.

  11. #161

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    OKC should be very interested in providing TIF financing to lure retail dollars back away from Moore.
    Do you think Best Buy might close the Moore store if they were given the proper incentive? Isn't this idea more a way to punish Moore than help OKC?

    Asking, not setting up an argument, to try to understand the concept.

  12. #162

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Any new info on when renovations should be starting on the inside of the mall?

  13. #163

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by flintysooner View Post
    Do you think Best Buy might close the Moore store if they were given the proper incentive? Isn't this idea more a way to punish Moore than help OKC?

    Asking, not setting up an argument, to try to understand the concept.
    Probably not since those stores are likely leased long term. Moving the Crossroads store to 240 Penn Park will likely help both stores as far as turnstile numbers are concerned. If you think about it all the Best Buy store will now be approximately 15 minutes apart from one another therefore allowing each store to serve a large number of customers and they will be able shuttle traffic back and forth to each other when stock is depleted at one and overstocked at another.

  14. #164

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    I wonder why these two Oklahoma owners haven't spoken up yet about the mall? I mean why buy a mall for 3 mil and sit on it? The lack of updates make me think they don't care for the mall like I thought they did.

  15. Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by megax11 View Post
    I wonder why these two Oklahoma owners haven't spoken up yet about the mall? I mean why buy a mall for 3 mil and sit on it? The lack of updates make me think they don't care for the mall like I thought they did.
    They probably don't like media exposure. Just look at them....the two dudes. The media are bound to find out of their homosexual relationship together. Maybe they are afraid that people will find out and not go to the mall ever again.

  16. #166

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by megax11 View Post
    I wonder why these two Oklahoma owners haven't spoken up yet about the mall? I mean why buy a mall for 3 mil and sit on it? The lack of updates make me think they don't care for the mall like I thought they did.

  17. Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Swake2 View Post
    What are you shocked about? That our #1 mall still lives on?

  18. #168

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    They probably don't like media exposure. Just look at them....the two dudes. The media are bound to find out of their homosexual relationship together. Maybe they are afraid that people will find out and not go to the mall ever again.

    Where's Jean-Luc Picard when you need him? He might need to bring along Riker to for that comment.

  19. #169

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    What are you shocked about? That our #1 mall still lives on?
    Probably the fact you would make such a false and possibly slanderous statement, not very smart--------but not surprised!

  20. #170

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Okay, there should have been some update about the mall by now. They bought the mall almost 2 months ago, if I recall, and no new updates.

    I'm starting to think these new owners are flakes. Flakes in that they bought the mall for 3 mil, said some words, and are now putting a foot in their mouth.

    I highly doubt I can walk in that mall and see anything starting up. I wish they would say something.

  21. Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by megax11 View Post
    Okay, there should have been some update about the mall by now. They bought the mall almost 2 months ago, if I recall, and no new updates.

    I'm starting to think these new owners are flakes. Flakes in that they bought the mall for 3 mil, said some words, and are now putting a foot in their mouth.

    I highly doubt I can walk in that mall and see anything starting up. I wish they would say something.
    You missed the story on KFOR? The two men are known slumlords. Now they have control of the magnificent mall, Christmas is looking very dim this year.

  22. #172

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    You missed the story on KFOR? The two men are known slumlords. Now they have control of the magnificent mall, Christmas is looking very dim this year.
    Former magnificant mall; not so much now.

  23. #173

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by megax11 View Post
    Okay, there should have been some update about the mall by now. They bought the mall almost 2 months ago, if I recall, and no new updates.

    I'm starting to think these new owners are flakes. Flakes in that they bought the mall for 3 mil, said some words, and are now putting a foot in their mouth.

    I highly doubt I can walk in that mall and see anything starting up. I wish they would say something.
    Otherwise known as speculators or flippers. If you ever watch house flippers, the people that make out the best are the ones who just do mostly cosmetic changes like paint or cheap tile.

    It takes a long time to collect enough discount mess up paint from Home Depot to do the entire mall you know. Lol

  24. #174

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    You missed the story on KFOR? The two men are known slumlords. Now they have control of the magnificent mall, Christmas is looking very dim this year.
    Link please?
    From talking with the new owners, I think they are waiting to see what kind of interest there is from retailers to move back in before they throw a lot of money into the property. It would be pretty foolish to pour millions into the place and then find out no national retailers want to lease space there.

  25. #175
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    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bailey80 View Post
    Link please?
    From talking with the new owners, I think they are waiting to see what kind of interest there is from retailers to move back in before they throw a lot of money into the property. It would be pretty foolish to pour millions into the place and then find out no national retailers want to lease space there.
    You would have thought they would do this BEFORE buying the place. Doesn't sound like they knew what they were doing. This is much different than the little buildings they were doing previously.

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