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Thread: Why

  1. #1

    Angry Why

    OK this is a pet peeve of mine....

    Why do networks feel the need to advertise other shows across the bottom third of the screen while I'm trying to watch the show that's on.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Why

    Because every show is simply a means to have your eyes on their ad delivery platform. Times are tough and they want you to know they expect you to stay glued to their delivery system, though they prefer you think it is your idea.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Why

    Or maybe it's because networks are thoughtless, rude, money-grubbing entities . . .?

    (Can you imagine ANYONE who thinks that this network "technique" is a good idea?)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Why

    Because it helps them turn a bigger profit? They're in the entertainment biz and want to advertise their own products?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Why

    Isn't "advertising" of any sort what "commercial breaks" are supposed to be about?

    Isn't spoiling one "product" by advertising another product on top of it sort of . . . stealing value?
    (As if the sort of crap programming we are talking about actually had value . . .
    Unlike, say, Netflix. =)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Why

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Or maybe it's because networks are thoughtless, rude, money-grubbing entities . . .?

    (Can you imagine ANYONE who thinks that this network "technique" is a good idea?)
    network execs
    their spouses
    their kiddos
    network bean counters
    show junkies who telly stalk their fav actors

    and that's without even taking a soda break to think about it

  7. #7

    Default Re: Why

    Point taken.
    But when I said "ANYONE" I meant regular people.
    Like Joe the Viewer.
    (I apologize for not making that clear. =)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Why


  9. Default Re: Why

    Because everyone fast-forwards through the commercials on DVR and so their ads/promotions aren't seen by most people. We just noticed that tonight and figured that it is the only time your eyes will see it! Annoying though.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Why

    Because the shows suck and have a very short life span so they need as many people watching initially as they can.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Why

    Quote Originally Posted by Celebrator View Post
    Because everyone fast-forwards through the commercials on DVR and so their ads/promotions aren't seen by most people. We just noticed that tonight and figured that it is the only time your eyes will see it! Annoying though.

    Ding, ding, ding!! We have a winner! This is exactly why they do it. It's no different than having the judges on "The X Factor" drinking out of cups with big Pepsi logos on them.

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