Ah, the excitable boy never rests. :-) Go get 'em, Tiger. :-D
Ah, the excitable boy never rests. :-) Go get 'em, Tiger. :-D
Books-A-million is buying some of the closing/bankrupt Borders locations, so if they are moving, I would think they might be looking at going into the now closed Borders store on NW Expressway (currently a temp Halloween Store). Course they could have a southside location too.
While rent may still be cheaper @ Crossroads, didn't the new owners indicate they were going to be raising rents too?
But the excitement of tenants like Tegart may damper when they discover the rock-bottom rent they've been receiving is likely to rise. John Wooley II, a spokesman for the mall's new owner, Raptor Properties LLC, said all the current tenants have short-term leases and when it's time to renew, rates will be more “competitive.”
I think they will raise rent, but not to the levels the old owners did, that drove out the stores. Plus the new owners are actually listening to what the merchants wanted the most, which was for the mall to be renovated and modernized.
I think they know what issues the merchants held to their chest back in the day and will stop from repeating the same mistakes the old owners did.
I think its the most logical decision ever made in the history of CRM. Start the rent low with incentives. This will attract past and new businesses. Gradually increase the rent annually to a competitive level. I am sure the dudes will basically keep rent just a tiny bit lower than area/state/national average in order to be competitive.
I'd like to know if every space has its own electric meter or does OG&E send CRM one whole bill? If its just one gigantic monthly electric bill, then businesses better darn understand the electricity rates, how much they use, and the electric usage to crank up the AC and Heater that has to affect the entire mall as well.
Yup, the dudes know of all that. :-D
megax11, we should meet and toast a celebration. I was your only true believer. Never once did I let you down.
Just being realistic. I'm not saying it won't ever be a retail center again, but I'd quit focusing on the past and focus on the future. Focus on ways to re-use the mall for retail use in ways that obviously weren't working as a traditional mall. Traditional mall retailers are struggling right now, so you're going to have a hard time selling them on a failed mall. Someone mentioned Abercrombie, Hollister, and A&F. Abercrombie just pulled most of their stores out of Quail springs, so I don't see them even beginning to take a risk on Crossroads. JC Penney simply isn't coming back.
Dillards still owns its property, and it's been mentioned that they might consider putting a clearance center in the space. I actually don't think that's a bad move for Crossroads. Truth is, retailers often times only look at demographics within a 1 mile radius around the mall. Even though the south side has some pretty wealthy areas, the area right around the mall isn't helping any. But, that might not be a problem. Someone mentioned Costco. I think that's a GREAT idea! It's a new major retailer to the market, and it fits in well with what Crossroads can attract at the present time. If you're thinking upscale retailers like Saks, Niemann, Nordstrom, etc., I think you're kidding yourself. Be more realistic. But, maybe some of the clearance centers for the upscale retailers would work, like a Nieman Marcus Last Call, Nordstrom Rack, etc.
Ummmm, not too many folks are leaving that shopping center (Quail Springs Marketplace), so not sure what you're referring to. Ultimate electronics went out of business because the whole chain went bankrupt. Books-a-million is leaving because they're likely buying the Borders location on NW Expressway....better location, and can own rather than lease. And if Bath and Body works leaves, it will be because they already have a store across the street in Quail springs Mall....never really made sense to have a store in that shopping center anyways.Originally Posted by Thunder
Guys, if you re-read the article from The Oklahoman, there are some areas of concern:
If they think that minor cosmetic changes, like changing the Pepto-Bismol paint, are going to turn the mall around, then they're as crazy as previous owners have been.
They're also considering turning the larger anchor spaces into office space. There's nothing retail about that.
That's only one thing they were looking at fixing. They specifically mention "TLC," which means tender loving care, which means it will most likely go beyond just painting the pink a different color.
Infact, Thunder posted a link to a video here, where FOX 25 mentioned they're going to do more renovations than just paint something a different color. Infact, they said they're going to use the renovations to entice people to come back.
They know what they're doing.
megax11, our friend, Brian, posted that link to that news video.
It is what I want to see done to the mall.
Now, people will say that neon border all around atop the building is too excessive. I disagree. Sonic is famous for their neon lights. There are growing places having neon lights. Even a small shopping center on the northwest corner of Sunnylane and 15th in Del City north of a gas station has purple/blue neon border lights atop the building. Its just a creative and impressive display for the building at night and to make it more lively. It is also attractive and more noticeable.
Why I want it on Crossroads Mall? To propel the mall into the future. It will greatly boost the exterior appearance at night. People driving by on Interstate 35 and 240 at night will surly notice the lights. Those that do not know of the mall's existence will for sure find out as soon as they can during daylight. The mall will become more lively. The appearance will be...eh just pick a word. Something like 3 or 4 lines of neon lights all around. Can be all blue or blue/white or whichever colors combination they choose.
I'm not sure about the current rates for neon lights compared to the past, but I consider it a great investment as long they choose the right company, brand, and utmost quality. All of it can last for many years and quite electric-friendly, so like I said, a great investment to enhance the mall.
Also neon lights outline for new 'n raised signage on all sides of the mall.
The dudes can have bragging right to having the only mall in the state to be outfitted with neon lights.
I love the neon idea. A couple of th hotels on NW Expressway & May have them and they look great at night.
Can cross them off your contact list... the Oklahoman had a pic in the "Buzz" story and the caption read "Bath and Body Works is one of the main tenants inside Crossroads Mall..."
I thought they left sometime earlier this year. I guess they are still there, which is good news. And they will be there for many years to come under the new management of two dudes (unless an F5 comes barreling down the path).
Also, I have another suggestion. To the two dudes silently reading this, but afraid to join in the conversation, please reserve a space for a LPS. That is Local Pet Store. Preferably the same space on the east side of the mall next to the anchor space (upper level) previously leased by Steve 'n Barry. There was a pet store for many years, Pets Unlimited, but they moved out due to previous owners jacking up rent. I think Pets Unlimited then reopened at a new location, but lack of customers (shame on you Oklahomans) failed to follow. Anyway, bring back a pet store that is unique. Not part of a retail chain. A Local Pet Store tend to have more knowledgeable employees. Pets such as dogs, cats, fish, birds, bunnies, hamsters, gerbils (stay away Mathis Brothers), mice, reptiles, critters, and more. There is already a showcase within the space that is outside the space (where the mall walkway is) where puppies or kittens are kept for special up close viewing, special sales, etc. Bottom line, bring back a pet store. Its rare to find one in Oklahoma. Consider this, the two dudes, this will be another feature/attraction that will also have additional target audience to flock toward the mall. Trust me, many times I just love going out there to visit our fellow animals.
(Btw, I would love that space for a Fish 'n Aquarium Supplies store. lol) Maybe one day, if this new business become really successful, I may consider relocating or expanding.
Oh, I have a special offer to the two dudes. Lifetime free rental/leasing space in exchange for me to start a brand new website for Crossroads Mall with pictures and videos of all the retailers, vendors, and so on. Including events, announcements, and so much more. Constantly updated monthly, etc. I can do that in exchange for a few grands to start up a business there along with lifetime free rental/leasing (the agreement will be kept a secret between the two dudes and I).
Sorry, but I would not count on Bates and Dillard being readers of OKC Talk.
thunder, pets unlimited closed due to bad rep.. they got sued by a lot of people who bought sick puppies that died from them, pets unlimited never was able to make it after, thats why when they moved to their location in the walnut square shopping center, no one wanted to buy a dog from them after what happen with a lot of customers
Okay, time to sound odd again.
During some of my mall dreams, I remember being inside Dillards. This is after renovations to the mall, because the mall felt different. I remember hiding from my son, having fun. I was looking at the carpet inside this seemingly new Dillards and seeing beige carpet that didn't used to be in the old Dillards.
So anyhow, I go to Best Buy last night, for the launch of Gears of War 3 on Xbox 360. I see the lights on in Dillards, so I think "I should drive over and see what's up. It looks different inside."
It also baffled me, because the Dillards doors used to be boarded up where no one could see through, so I was also wondering why they were taken down. So I drive up and all the sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks. There is brand new beige carpet in there. As soon as I looked at it, I instantly thought about that dream I had, where I was hiding from my son on a trip to the mall with my at least my son.
So now the question is -
1: Why does Dillards have the boards down?
2: Why are they working on the inside?
3: Why do they have all new carpet inside?
Maybe they're going back?
Dillard's will not be going back into that building as a Clearance Center since the news revival by the two dudes. If they are to ever come back, which they will, it will be as a full-scale store with spanking brand new carpeting.
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