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Thread: Moneyball and 50/50

  1. Default Moneyball and 50/50

    We saw the movie Moneyball tonight. It was a really good movie. Brad Pitt was good, but to me, Jonah Hill kinda stole the movie. It's a baseball movie. Phillip Seymour Hoffman played the team coach. I loved the movie. I'm lucky to get to see some movie sneak previews, and this was an especially good one. We saw 50/50 again last night. I would recommend both movies.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Moneyball and 50/50

    Moneyball is a really interesting book, and I wasn't sure how they would make it into a movie. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

  3. Default Re: Moneyball and 50/50

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerQueen View Post
    We saw the movie Moneyball tonight. It was a really good movie. Brad Pitt was good, but to me, Jonah Hill kinda stole the movie. It's a baseball movie. Phillip Seymour Hoffman played the team coach. I loved the movie. I'm lucky to get to see some movie sneak previews, and this was an especially good one. We saw 50/50 again last night. I would recommend both movies.
    <3 He's from Oklahoma! *faints*

  4. #4

    Default Re: Moneyball and 50/50

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    <3 He's from Oklahoma! *faints*
    Brad Pitt is from Springfield, MO

  5. #5

    Default Re: Moneyball and 50/50

    Loved Moneyball (the book) and I know the movie will be spoiled for me because the Jonah Hill character is completely fictional, a conglomeration of several real-life people which also means they completely omit the second most important person in the story, Paul Depodesta.

    However, it's getting 87% on Rotten Tomatoes, and that's a very good sign.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Moneyball and 50/50

    I want to read the book and see the movie, not sure which order to do it in.

  7. Default Re: Moneyball and 50/50

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    Brad Pitt is from Springfield, MO
    So the official record of him being from Shawnee is false?!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Moneyball and 50/50

    Technically, you're equally right as you are wrong.

    He was BORN in Shawnee, but moved to Springfield, Missouri before he was even a year old. He went to elementary and high school in Springfield, and spent a few years at the University of Missouri. He considers himself a Missourian, even though his grandmother lives in Shawnee.

    I have cousins in Shawnee that knew the Pitts before they moved to Springfield.

    They never knew Brad but knew his parents.

  9. Default Re: Moneyball and 50/50

    Then he is a true born Oklahoman. :-D

  10. Default Re: Moneyball and 50/50

    Saw Moneyball again Tuesday night. Liked it better the second time.I liked it the first time too.lol

  11. #11

    Default Re: Moneyball and 50/50

    I might read the book first, although I suspect they're going to be really different. There's too much detail that would be almost impossible to put in a movie that really made the book interesting to me. I didn't realize Paul Depodesta isn't a character in the movie. That's a shame.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Moneyball and 50/50

    Now 93% on Rotten Tomatoes -- that's about as good as it gets for live action.

  13. Default Re: Moneyball and 50/50

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    Loved Moneyball (the book) and I know the movie will be spoiled for me because the Jonah Hill character is completely fictional, a conglomeration of several real-life people which also means they completely omit the second most important person in the story, Paul Depodesta.

    However, it's getting 87% on Rotten Tomatoes, and that's a very good sign.
    I saw an interview on ESPN with Jonah Hill and he stated that Paul Depodesta didn't like how he was portrayed in the book. They figured he wouldn't like how he was portrayed in the movie so out of respect they made this mash up character that you stated.

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