This gives me hope regarding the IKEA to Yukon rumor LOL. Of course, that poster hasn't been seen again as far as I know. Megax11 was persistent.
This gives me hope regarding the IKEA to Yukon rumor LOL. Of course, that poster hasn't been seen again as far as I know. Megax11 was persistent.
I wouldn't bet the house on Crossroads being a major retail destination quite yet. Let's face it the Federal Government was anxious to get the mall off of their books. Had another year passed I bet somebody would have been able to walk away with the deed for under a million.
There are still a lot of issues that need to be handled. First and foremost is the area on the adjacent areas around the mall. You have a half occupied strip center blocking the view of the mall from interstate traffic to the West. The I-35/I-240 Interchange rebuild that is going to happen at some point during the next few years. That alone will have a drastic effect on customer traffic for 12-18 months. You have two movie theaters that are doing well one month and tanking the next. Then you have Valley Brook and all of it's wonder to the East. The surrounding area is littered with abandoned warehouse space.
Lastly, you have image problem. Your going to need a huge investment from the city and investors. I don't see the City of Oklahoma City investing in a re-vitalization project for Crossroads and the nearby areas.
Don't get me wrong, I really hope this deal takes off and Crossroads returns to being a vital asset to the metro. I just don't see retail being front runner in the game. I see a complex of Industrial, small business, convention/meeting space, education, healthcare, office space and a mix of quick service restaurants to cater to that crowd. If anything, move the business park from Sheppard to Crossroads. Tear down Sheppard Mall and replace it with center similar to Town Center in Midwest City.
Any new retail they try to sell on moving there will quickly be courted by city/business leaders in Moore, Norman, Midwest City, Del City and South OKC will likely swipe anyone shopping for space at Crossroads. The only thing that would bring Crossroads back at this point would be IKEA opening a store there. They could use an existing anchor space. There stores have a showroom on one floor and the product on another. Then again I think IKEA would probably choose I-40 West, I-35 area in Edmond, Memorial or Moore/Norman long before they would choose Crossroads.
^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Greetings oneforone, I shall take the time I have now to respond to your previous long post, which the members can find up above (follow the arrows).
We all know that it takes time for something to become something. Rome wasn't built in a day (is that how its said?). I would like to say that you are incorrect with your thinking that CRM's value dropping to less than a million.I wouldn't bet the house on Crossroads being a major retail destination quite yet. Let's face it the Federal Government was anxious to get the mall off of their books. Had another year passed I bet somebody would have been able to walk away with the deed for under a million.
The buyers are very much aware of all issues presented to them one way or another. The amount of money they will be spending to purchase CRM is no joking matter. This is serious business and a serious business is serious business.There are still a lot of issues that need to be handled. First and foremost is the area on the adjacent areas around the mall. You have a half occupied strip center blocking the view of the mall from interstate traffic to the West. The I-35/I-240 Interchange rebuild that is going to happen at some point during the next few years. That alone will have a drastic effect on customer traffic for 12-18 months. You have two movie theaters that are doing well one month and tanking the next. Then you have Valley Brook and all of it's wonder to the East. The surrounding area is littered with abandoned warehouse space.
I can see CRM clearly and perfectly fine on both, Interstate 35 and 240. The surrounding buildings and the strip center has no such negative effect toward my view on the mall while cruising down the Interstates within the lawful speed limit.
Constructions are happening all around us, including Downtown, so what. We all know that constructions are only temporary. Still want to complain about that? There are plenty of access points to CRM and when people are determined, trust me boy, they will get there as I will quite easily as well.
Valley Brook and other buildings to the east, including the landfill, is not within CRM properties. They are there, so what. There are many locations in every city having some "negative" viewpoint. Want an example? Go cruise on down Interstate 40 through Downtown, you will see the old and rusty mills to the south. Does it stop you from going to Downtown or Bricktown? No, it does not (and don't lie).
The Oklahoman has an image problem. Do people still buy newspaper from them? Yes. Do people still pay "special membership" to access some features on The Oklahoman's website? Yes. Penn Square Mall has an image problem. Do people still go there to shop? Yes. Does the ladies actively park within certain areas knowingly the potential of high crime risk? Yes.Lastly, you have image problem. Your going to need a huge investment from the city and investors. I don't see the City of Oklahoma City investing in a re-vitalization project for Crossroads and the nearby areas.
Why single out Crossroads Mall? What is your beef with this glorious piece of history?
I, among with many others, are quite confident with the dudes being able to restore CRM to its newfound glory. Will it take time? Yes. Will it happen? Yes. The dudes know there will be huge investments to be done. Want to know a secret? It takes risk to be successful. Not just any risk...a major, shocking, unthinkable, OMFG kind of risk. They have faith, the will, the money, and the power to do it, then it will happen. Trust me, OKC will be motivated with this glorifying news.
I keep seeing Valley Brook brought up as a negative for Crossroads. I have gone to Crossroad since it opened and never once gave Valley Brook a thought. It is irrelevant. Can anyone give me an instance where it has caused a problem for Crossroads?
Well, I can't blame them. First time was misinformation. Other times, was me just rattling off my hopes of the mall, based on my dream.
It does mean, however, my dream is slowly coming true. It will see full realization, if the mall happens to look in anyway, the way I mentioned it in other topics.
I am just happy we can talk about the future of this mall in a light other than negative.
No eating crow on my end. My only argument was that insinuations that The Oklahoman was in on some sort of conspiracy to hide a sale of Crossroads Mall were ridiculous - I argued that the paper would be all over this story as soon as a sale took place. The sale has taken place, and the paper has done cover stories the past two days since the sale was finalized.
Hmm, that story could paint an interesting picture as to where these OKLAHOMA owners (which means they will actually care about the mall) are going.
They mention Costco. That's pretty awesome. I've always wanted to shop there and hear about it all the time. That would be a first for the city and people would have to come to southside to shop there.
If they can't get Costco, I would love to see them try for Fry's Electronics. I recently took my kids to Vegas and went to Fry's there. That store was beastin'. IT HAD IT ALL! It blows every other store out of the water.
I would also try for other known mall anchor stores. Maybe Sears?
I think they will try, and I mean TRY, to suck up to Penneys and Dillards.
I have a good feeling about this, because they don't want to go after stores until they've shown the mall in a new look, which could go a long ways in getting people back. People wanted it to look more modern, I bet they will give it to them.
I kind of wished these new owners posted here or read this site. Maybe we could offer them some free advice on how to get the mall to look. I know one thing. They need to get a dedicated section of the mall for food (ie food court). It would be awesome to see an arcade back for the kids.
EDIT: Steve, have they updated the assesor site yet?
Meh. After seeing pics of Costco, I thought it was like an electronics store. I know they carry some, but I didn't know it was in the style of Sam's Club.
The mall wouldn't do good having a warehouse looking store like that.
BRING ON FRY'S! Man, I wish those owners read this site. We need Fry's. Best store I shopped at.
what is the average square footage of a fry's? are they typically large enough to fill one of crossroads anchors? -M
Frys seem HUGE. I don't know their actual sf, but the last one I went to in the Arlington TX area looked like it was 2 or 3 Wal-mart supercenters inside. They have anything and everything that is electrical. Prices blow everything out of the water. I love this place. They told me that they were coming to OKC several years ago but obviously that didn't happen.To give ou an idea of the amount of stuff they carry, they had multiple full page ads in the Sunday paper with primarily line listings not huge amounts of space taken up by pictures with a little bit of text.
ON EDIT: while they do seem huge it looks like they may be about the same as a Wal-mart Supercenter (Frys =
50,000 to 180,000 square feet) but that space is not taken up by clothing, decor and grocery either
I can only vouch for the Vegas location they had south of the strip.
THAT STORE WAS MASSIVE! So much walking room, and they carried everything.
If I could guesstimate about the size of that store, it was as big as the inside of a walmart supercenter or close to it. If they knocked down all walls of JCP's first floor, I think that store would have fit in there. I THINK!
Here is a pic from outside the Vegas location. Despite what you see there, it still stretches to each side of that pic and then goes all the way back, way deep.
It seems all Fry's are pretty large on the inside. I wish I could show some pics to use as a comparison.
Also, I've noticed wherever a new Fry's goes, depending on the city/state, they give each Fry's a theme.
Like here is one in Arizona -
Here's another in another state -
The one in Vegas, as you can see, has a slot machine on its entrance. Pretty cool.
EDIT: If Fry's ever came here, that would be awesome. It was seriously a store I could have spent hours in.
Just saying...
What would be everyone's reaction of Crossroads Mall suddenly to become a monster mall that literally goes skyhigh? A 1,000' tower at the core of the mall. :-O
I agree with this. I only know of Valley Brook from the talk of strip clubs and corrupt cops. Before anybody asks for proof about the cops it's just been long talked about and then TODAY there's this:
Valley Brook police chief charged with drug trafficking
Read more:
So, I guess where there's smoke many times there is, indeed, a fire. But does Valley Brook have anything to do with Crossroads? I don't see it.
delete - meant this to be an edit.
Good for CRM. These guys bought it for a song and that helps the bottom line. But they will have to spend lots of money to get it marketed and competitive. This is a lot more ambitious project than Dillard has taken on before. It will be interesting to see how much money he can put in as I doubt it is too easy to get loans for enclosed mall improvements these days, let alone money for marketing. If improvements and marketing isn't done, there is no reason to suspect it will be any more successful than it has been the last decade. As long as it breaks even then Dillard made a good deal as the land will be worth what they paid. It is if it has negative cash flow that will test his stomach.
Yeah, I'm not confident the new owners will spend or do what it takes to bring Crossroads Mall back to life. After viewing the fox 25 report on the other thread, I get the impression the guy thinks he they can do a few cosmetic changes and everyone will come back. He sounds and even looks like one of those guys from "house flippers".
There will be major changes. The dudes don't have to go into complete and specific details so early on. FFS, they just bought the mall. Give them time to assemble the planning and designing teams. When all is done, you will see outdoor shopping centers will begin to have vast amount of near-store parking spaces available while people fight for one at CRM.
Hmmm, wonder why that is???
I was told a radio station was talking about the mall and what store callers would like to see.
During that call, supposedly someone who has ties to the owners or the owners themselves, called and said "we're taking notes. We're listening."
So I say this, incase they know of this website, read it, and maybe see this, here is what I would like to see in the mall.
Big risk sometimes brings great reward.
New stores not in Oklahoma -
- Fry's
Stores in other malls but not close to southside -
- Suncoast Video (FYE outside the mall)
- Hollister
- Buckle
- Abercrombie/A&F
- Spencers
- Sam Goody (if a no-go on Suncoast) (saw one while on a tipe to Vegas in Albuquerque's Coronado Mall 3 weeks ago).
- Candyopolis
- Tilt (an arcade I see at Quail Springs Mall) or some brand of arcade. GAMEWORKS! (slim to none, but having fun)
- Disney Store
These are just some ideas.
Make sure Hot Topic stays. Make sure Gamestop stays.
Make section of the mall dedicated to having a food court for consistency. Also buy the Macy's building from whoever is selling it, doze it - if Macy's won't return - and see if AMC will construct a new theatre to go there, with their own brand of IMAX.
Just ideas. However, I would like to see some of the stores listed above come to southside. Stores that people frequent at Quail/Penn like Hollister and Buckle.
Make the mall look nice. I say match the styling of the area where the carousel is. I like the color of the brick that's in place now.
Try and get Dillards and Penney's to come back.
This is the special message to the two dudes that is now the proud owners of Crossroads Mall.
There has been breaking news that the owner of a shopping center somewhere on Memorial jacked up the leasing rents. Stores in that location are leaving faster than a cockroach can scramble in daylight.
Books-A-Million and Bath & Body Works
I strongly advise you to contact them with superb incentives to relocate to Crossroads Mall.
If anyone can contact Books-A-Million and Bath & Body works management, please do inform them of Crossroads Mall's revival. Hopefully they are aware of the Crossroads Mall breaking news. Thanks!
Now, we need to alert many other stores by contacting management.
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