Mike I can see you are passionate about CHK. I am curious as to why this company interests you so much to the exclusion of others. I have never seen you berate Devon or any other corporate entity. Does that mean they are the perfect no bad company? How about Hobby Lobby any thoughts there? Generally when I see the type of energy you are expending I immediately conclude "axe to grind" in the majority of cases I am correct or having felt "wronged" by the target entity..

If you are really so concerned about OKC then why not the attention to detail on other companies? Having been an investor in companies for over 20+ years. As to the pensioners leave that to the fund managers to deal with they are smarter than everybody on this board put together. They are pros. Out of curiousity if CHK were to disappear tomorrow what if any negative situations will you be DIRECTLY be subjected to loss of of, loss of income etc???

KT currently I own stock in the company that produced the poison gas used in the death camps many years ago and my statement to that is SO WHAT? If I had been alive back in WWII and known then no I would not have owned their stock. But to say or infer that it is bad to own that companies stock today is hubris/stupidity of the FIRST magnitude. That is like saying do not own BP becasue of the spill in the gulf which is equally STUPID.