Quote Originally Posted by MustangGT View Post
In the past 30+ years I have only been burned once by a companies oops. Union Carbide at Bhopal. And even that was not too bad for my portfolio. Every company that has stock, benefits some and makes money at the expense of others. I would reconsider an investment only if it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt (mine) that their behavior is illegal. If corporate behavior is legal in Macedonia but illegal here the choice is easy. US laws do not apply in Macedonia and yes I would still invest. I do not make the intellectual mistake of holding companies accountable for US laws on their overseas behavior. It is silly to do so. Our laws do not reach them there why should my concern reach there either?

Do I care that the clothes that we wear, you too KT are made in sweat shops overseas, nope I do not. Way too many folks blow and crow about their choices about only using products that adhere to their paraochial viewpoints. We ALL buy gasoline that was refined from petroelum that was imported from countries that support terrorism but we still drive.

KT swear off all petroleum based products, gasoline, plastics etc unless that petroelum was positively produced here in the USA and then your thoughts would have some. When you and all of us are supporitng the middle eastern emirates with our petor dollars it is really unseemly to be upset about my robber baron profit attitude.
Because, like it or not, we are a country on a planet with other countries. We cannot be a nation that props up rogue companies running around violating the laws of other sovereign nations. We wouldn't tolerate China opening factories in the USA and paying ten cents an hour simply because they're not violating Chinese law - it would be all important that they would be violating US law and we would have every right to do whatever necessary to enforce our laws. The same - shock of shockers - applies to other countries as well.

Your seeming lack of social conscience is troubling. It sounds very much like Mussolini and his contempt for anything that wasn't Italian and his fascist beliefs that what's best for Italy is all that matters - the rest of the world be damned. America, under every president, has never had the total disregard for the laws of other sovereign countries that you seem to show.

To bring this back on topic, CHK seems a very good stock for you. Aubrey Kerr McClendon doesn't give a damn about people in Pennsylvania and other places where he is the modern day plunderer of resources with little care for the people that live there. Google 'Chesapeake' and 'Pennsylvania' and read how CHK deals with local people there (and elsewhere) with complete contempt.

With all due respect, as you've written plainly on your beliefs, you're a perfect match with CHK.