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Thread: Live with Regis and Kelly??

  1. #1

    Default Live with Regis and Kelly??

    does anyone know if any OKC station going to pick them up on syndication news 9 drop them last September and then after OPrah goes off the air. I thought they will put regis and Kelly at 9 but they don't and KOCO 5 is not going to air the show. Its one of my favorite talk show and hopefully someone can pick up

  2. #2

    Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??


    I just did a search on their website and they don't list it for OKC.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??

    i did to but they usually update in September when the new season begins and hopefully one station here in OKC pick it up

  4. #4

    Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??

    9 dropped it for the Nate somebody show, a young designer motivator etc. I don't think anyone plans to pick it back up.
    Also, maybe I heard wrong, but I heard Regis was retiring. If so, no offense to Ripa, but I don't see her carrying the show.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??

    "Anderson" is taking the 9 am slot on KOCO with "Dr. Phil" moving to 11, "Dr. OZ" at 3 and "Ellen" at 4. I'm hoping KSBI will pick it up like they did "Wendy Williams"

  6. #6

    Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??

    Regis is retiring in November but they are getting a new co-host for Kelly hopefully KSBI can pick it up they need more national tv show

  7. #7

    Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??

    Quote Originally Posted by duckman View Post
    "Anderson" is taking the 9 am slot on KOCO with "Dr. Phil" moving to 11, "Dr. OZ" at 3 and "Ellen" at 4. I'm hoping KSBI will pick it up like they did "Wendy Williams"
    Dr.Phil is at 9 and Anderson is at 11:00

  8. Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??

    I can't imagine Dr Phil so early in the morning. Guess I'll have to tape it and watch it later.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??

    well it looks like none of the OKC Stations is going to pick up Regis And Kelly

  10. Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??

    People are done and tired with Regis and Kelly.

  11. Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??

    When Channel 9 dropped the show I left a message on the "Live" website about there being no coverage in Oklahoma City and I never heard anything about it!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??

    Venture's right. Nobody gives a **** about Live with Regis and Kelly anymore. Not even Regis.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??

    Quote Originally Posted by duckman View Post
    "Anderson" is taking the 9 am slot on KOCO with "Dr. Phil" moving to 11, "Dr. OZ" at 3 and "Ellen" at 4. I'm hoping KSBI will pick it up like they did "Wendy Williams"
    That is correct....Anderson will be a good show...I went to an inagural taping of "Anderson" last week in NYC at his new studio in the Time Warner building....Great set (overlooks central park in the Jazz Room) and I really like his format. Lots of audience participation and provactive stories. I think he'll be a great replacement for the Oprah slot.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??

    Thank goodness those two idiots/bozos do not pollute the airwaves anymore.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??

    today was Regis last day on the show.I think if they don't find a good replacement for Kelly the show could fall apart however i think Kelly will do a good job taking it over.New Co-Host i say Anderson Cooper but he had his new show so that is out of the question.Maybe they can bring in Josh Elliott or Sam Champion from GMA to do it or get someone who had no idea that this person exist

  16. #16

    Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    People are done and tired with Regis and Kelly.
    Hey! Speak for yourself . . .

    And me too . . .
    And apparently Regis as well.
    And Barry L at Post #12 also.

    Maybe someone can start airing old reruns of Danny Williams with Mary Hart.

  17. Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Hey! Speak for yourself . . .

    And me too . . .
    And apparently Regis as well.
    And Barry L at Post #12 also.

    Maybe someone can start airing old reruns of Danny Williams with Mary Hart.
    You have to admit that "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" with Regis Philbin hosting was awesome. Million Dollar Password was fun, too.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??

    Yes . . . Can't argue with that . . .
    But I knew "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" and "Million Dollar Password"
    And "Regis and Kelley" was no "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" or "Million Dollar Password."

  19. Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??

    I still watch Dr Phil every day, but tape it and watch it later. I also tape Anderson and usually watch it late night. I don't watch the games shows. I have watched The Talk a few times, but am not a regular viewer.Gotta see Days of our Lives every day.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Live with Regis and Kelly??

    The Ulitimate Afternoon (olde milleniume) Viewing would be The [$10,000] Pyramid with Regis and Kathie Lee. As the Co-Hosts, not the Contestants.

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