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It may have impacted them differently than me and other people. I think it is more the case of for people that don't fly the flag on 9/11, should they get any type of negative attention. So it goes both ways, which many people always seem to forget. Did the OKC bombing impact me? Not a lot - I didn't live here then. Did May 3rd? Sure it did. Did 9/11 impact me...I think it impacted us all differently, but based on that we approach it differently in how we remember.
So yes...I completely agree with your statement of: "It seems a little petty to deride someone displaying this harmless form of patriotism and remembrance because it doesn't meet their personal anti-nationalistic standards."
Much like I would completely agree with the reverse statement of: It seems a little petty to deride someone for not displaying the flag on 9/11 or having any public display of remembrance because it doesn't meet their personal standards.