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Thread: Seattle Still Pissed

  1. #1

    Default Seattle Still Pissed

    Spent four days in Seattle this past week. Was amazed how many in Seattle are still pissed about loosing their NBA team. Seems like OKC still leaves a bad taste for Seattle folks. Wasn't sure how I should have responded to some of the rude comments...

  2. #2

    Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    BuckTalk, No response is the best response because nothing you could say would change their opinion. We have a team, they don't and won't unless they do what is necessary to do so, end of story.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    What bothered me was how vicious some were about OKC! The worst comments came from our airport shuttle driver who freely spewed misinformation to about 30 of us on the shuttle!! Grrrrr...

  4. Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    Speaks more badly about Seattle than OKC. I seriously doubt such vitriol would greet visitors here if the situation were reversed.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    I was in Washington this summer, and I have cousins that live in Seattle. I had to wear my Thunder shirt one day just to see what they would say. They told me they were glad they were gone and they are happy just having a girls team.

    I just laughed!

  6. Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    What kind of misinformation was he sharing?
    Still corrupting young minds

  7. Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    Ignore them. They are just a bunch of minority crybabies whom are extremely jealous of not being able to see the dudes (more like drool at them) on the basketball court in their broken-down arena. It is not Oklahoma or Oklahoma City's fault.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    they should just give up and move on in they lives because they will probley not getting a NBA Team

  9. #9

    Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    I don't really have a dog in this fight, don't care about pro-sports all that much and didn't keep up with the boys who brought them here but in case you forgot, or never knew, the accusations were the new owners came to town, lied to everyone and left with the team. I'm sure that bad press left a life long impression about OKC on a few in Seattle, justified or not. Did the owners really do anything to attempt to repair that damage or did they not really care, sour grapes, we don't need Seattle etc?

    E-mails obtained by lawyers for the city of Seattle show Sonics owners were talking enthusiastically last April about moving the franchise to Oklahoma City — despite telling the public and the NBA they were still interested in keeping the team here.


  10. #10

    Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    They need to get over it, it happens and they really have nobody to blame but themselves...

  11. #11

    Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    They should blame themselves that our leaders would lie to them about it?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    If their Seattle based owner haven't of sold the team to owners based in OKC it wouldn't have been an issue. He had to have known it was their intention to buy a team to move to OKC after the Hornets experience. If he didn't he was pretty dang clueless.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    I think everyone knew that was their full intent from the beginning. So if they lied about it, why? It was good for their business, it was the only way they could pull it off? What was the need to be dishonest other than for their personal gain? It appears to me they were damn poor ambassadors for the state.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    Well Double Edge,after OKC's wildly sucsessful tenure with the Hornets EVERYONE knew OKC was trying to pursue an NBA franchise,infact Bennet's same group tried to buy the Hornets to no success.Howard Schultz should be public enemy #1 in Seattle,everyone knew when the SuperSonics were sold TO AN OKC BUISNESS GROUP that this was their intent to bring said team to OKC.When people from Seattle or National sportswriters dog OKC it shows a lack of class imo,what did the people of OKC or the Thunder fans ever do to deserve such bashing that has taken place?Were we not supposed to be happy we got an NBA team?or were we supposed to embrace and wildly support the Thunder like we have to prove everyone wrong!

  15. #15

    Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    Yes, the OKC fans are winners and the owners are winners. Don't know how you can expect to go to Seattle and be loved, considering. Maybe you can explain that to me, or more importantly to them next time you go there. The ends justify the means? Like I said, I don't care about the Thunder, Clay Bennet or his buddies. The ill will and allegations of less than honest dealings from Okies does concern me.

  16. Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    Sorry to hear about your experience bucktalk. If anything, Seattleites reaction to this whole situation has taught me that although Seattle may be a beautiful place on the outside, many of the people there are arrogant, rude, and deeply unhappy folks...and my sister lives there, I know from experience! Must be the crummy weather most of the year. Boy, that must stink. I would rather live here ANY DAY!

  17. #17

    Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    This isn't so simplistic. Seattle leaders lied, the City failed to provide an arena, and Clay Bennett lied through his teeth. Seattle had good fans for a long time. I don't blame them for being mad, but they shouldn't be mad at OKC FANS. and most Seattle residents aren't. Don't make thus so black and white. It's more complex than that. I'm still extremely happy we have the Thunder, but I understand that there are some conjugations. I hope Seattle gets another team someday.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    In the meanwhile, about the last thing OKC needs is for Thunder fans to go to Seattle and be douchebags.

  19. Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    Quote Originally Posted by Double Edge View Post
    In the meanwhile, about the last thing OKC needs is for Thunder fans to go to Seattle and be douchebags.
    Best way to do this? Stop bringing it up...regardless of what side people are on. Don't even mention it and move on. The complex people get of needing to "have the last say" is what keeps rehashing something that should be over and done with.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    In the course of my business I talk on the phone frequently with businesses in Seattle which my company does business with. I always identify myself, my company, and where we are located. I have often expected to get some kind of remark, even if in jest, about OKC, but I've never heard anything. They are always very courteous. Maybe they don't want to jeopardize a business dealing but I've had nothing but good experiences.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    Quote Originally Posted by Double Edge View Post
    In the meanwhile, about the last thing OKC needs is for Thunder fans to go to Seattle and be douchebags.
    People from here are probably going to be douchebags about this until the Thunder pack up and leave town for greener pastures ten or fifteen years from now. Then they'll know how the people of Seattle feel.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Luxton View Post
    People from here are probably going to be douchebags about this until the Thunder pack up and leave town for greener pastures ten or fifteen years from now. Then they'll know how the people of Seattle feel.
    Who is being a douchebag? Do the fans in Seattle have a right to be unhappy? Yes. Do they have a right to carry a grudge against anyone from OKC several years later? No. As I said, in my contact with people in Seattle, I'm not seeing that. I'm sure there are always going to be some who just can't give it up though.

  23. Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    I'm curious how many here have actually sat down and watched the much-lauded documentary 'Sonicsgate'? If nothing else, it should help people here in Oklahoma City to understand the anger a little bit and maybe be a little less judgmental.
    The full movie is online here:

  24. #24

    Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    I'm curious how many here have actually sat down and watched the much-lauded documentary 'Sonicsgate'? If nothing else, it should help people here in Oklahoma City to understand the anger a little bit and maybe be a little less judgmental.
    The full movie is online here:
    I watched it some time ago and it still gives no reason for grownup people to be unreasonable years later. We are friendly with Japan and Germany after World War II. Surely the citizens of OKC and Seattle can get along after the moving of a sports franchise where no one died.

  25. Default Re: Seattle Still Pissed

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I watched it some time ago and it still gives no reason for grownup people to be unreasonable years later. We are friendly with Japan and Germany after World War II. Surely the citizens of OKC and Seattle can get along after the moving of a sports franchise where no one died.
    But rabid football and basketball fans make for some pretty unreasonable grownup people.

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