Does anyone in here know of a local "artist" who might be willing to share his (or her) knowledge in connection with the person--and request--as outlined in the brief email, below?

I promised a friend from "up Nord" that I would check into this when we returned from vacation.

It occurs to me that this--The Best OKC Information Source on The Entire Internet--might be one place to efficiently and (hopefully) effectively conduct/continue the search.

[To Owner]:

My wife and I just returned from a trip to Minnesota.

One of the people up there, with whom we visited, is a retired guy named Jay. In his spare time he sometimes helps out at a small body shop, in Cambridge, Minnesota, owned by his son-in-law. Jay expressed a serious and sincere interest in learning how to do paintless dent repair (or what he referred to as "picking").

He said that Oklahoma and Missouri are the world capitals of this art due to the extreme number of hailstorms that we have. He requested that I check around a little, when we got back down here, to see if anyone locally would be willing to let him spend some time in their shop learning this skill.

Being from a small town, about 30 minutes north of Minneapolis, he obviously wouldn't be competeing with you for business or taking any business away from anyone in this area. He simply wants to be able to provide this service to folks in the immediate area of that Body Shop and has found it next to impossible to hire the services of anyone remotely local who knows how to do this.

At this point, I don't know all of the details of his plan--except that he will be staying with us in The Village--but I do know that he thinks he can get the basics down in about a week or two. I have no idea if his estimate of the time involved here is realistic, but this is what he said.

Is there any chance that you would be willing to give him the opportunity to learn this technique?

I work some strange hours (in retail) so any response to this request might best be made via email.
(However, my phone number is [removed].)

Thank you for your consideration of this proposal.


Well . . . That's pretty much it . . .

Thanks, in advance, for any leads any of y'all might be able to provide.
(Like, here on the board instead of by phone or email . . . =)

(P.S.: I apologize, in advance, to Pete and the Mods if this somehow violates any of the rules of the board. I certainly hope that it doesn't, because my friend in Minn. is really interested in this. And I've been told--by someone who knows--that Oklahomans are still the friendliest people in the country.)