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Thread: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

  1. #26

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Best Buy's move to smaller location was bound to happen sooner or later regardless of Crossroads success or failure. There is no need for electronics stores to be the giant stores they used be. The majority of electronics have shrunk in size and companies have changed packaging materials to where they can ship more merchandise per truckload. Not to mention many items have become obsolete since the 90's. I predict the next thing to leave electronics stores will be recorded media. The days of buying movies and music on individual pieces of media are about to come to an end. That in itself is a large amount of floor space that will no longer be needed. In the next few years people will use the internet, vending machines or kiosks inside stores. People like the idea of buying only the tracks they like not the half-baked filler that filled LP's, Cassettes, CD's for years.

    Since online retail is succeeding by leaps and bounds these days, I predict Brick and Mortar stores will have to offer specialty services like delivery, install and home shipping for out of stock items.

    Which makes me wonder if places like Crossroads will even have a presence 5,10,15,20 years from now. Malls and shopping centers will need to evolve into social gathering spots in order to survive. Let's face it the days of killing a day to shop for something are just about over. You can find out all you need to know by the swipe of a finger on your phone or the click of a mouse or enter key.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    Best Buy's move to smaller location was bound to happen sooner or later regardless of Crossroads success or failure. There is no need for electronics stores to be the giant stores they used be. The majority of electronics have shrunk in size and companies have changed packaging materials to where they can ship more merchandise per truckload. Not to mention many items have become obsolete since the 90's. I predict the next thing to leave electronics stores will be recorded media. The days of buying movies and music on individual pieces of media are about to come to an end. That in itself is a large amount of floor space that will no longer be needed. In the next few years people will use the internet, vending machines or kiosks inside stores. People like the idea of buying only the tracks they like not the half-baked filler that filled LP's, Cassettes, CD's for years.

    Since online retail is succeeding by leaps and bounds these days, I predict Brick and Mortar stores will have to offer specialty services like delivery, install and home shipping for out of stock items.

    Which makes me wonder if places like Crossroads will even have a presence 5,10,15,20 years from now. Malls and shopping centers will need to evolve into social gathering spots in order to survive. Let's face it the days of killing a day to shop for something are just about over. You can find out all you need to know by the swipe of a finger on your phone or the click of a mouse or enter key.
    Reality and extreme predictions like these rarely match. Yes, the basic idea of retailing changing is obviously true, but its just as silly to predict brick and mortar extinction. Reality is somewhere in the middle.

    One thing to note is that as online retailers are, right or wrong, increasingly pressured to collect state sales taxes, one of the huge built-in advantages they hold will, albeit slowly, fade. Also, as brick-and-mortar stores start to reinvent themselves to reduce inventories, thereby reducing costs, they're starting to become more price competitive with their online counterparts. Bottom line - as the entire electronic shopping world matures, and the market drives conventional retailers to adapt, neither will just disappear into the night. Both will find their niches as the market demand for both shopping avenues finds its own inevitable equilibrium.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Questor View Post
    Okay that is what I was thinking, that makes sense to me because that area seems so much busier anytime I have driven by. I can see where the mobile checkout would be a lot more convenient for people buying big ticket items. As it is right now at Best Buy for big items you 'select' something in the (for example) PC area, have someone else go to a store room and get the actual item, then have the original dude walk you up to the front counter with the item to make sure you aren't going to steal it (LOL), then wait in line, then check out with a third person, then leave (sometimes while a fourth guy mildly accosts you for 'security reasons' on your way out). On the flip side, when I bought an Apple a while back at the Apple Store the guy I was casually asking questions to about the product, when I said let's do it, just pulled out his iPhone and swiped my card right there, and that was it and I left. I didn't even have to wait for a receipt because I was on file and it just emailed me automatically, and my iPhone chirped letting me know I had the receipt before I even walked out the door. It was really nice.
    No doubt.

    I can see how it would be beneficial during the holiday shopping season as well.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by thunder View Post
    larry, you misread. The lady did bought the mall, but the plans to convert it into the market center fell through. She then sold the mall to two dudes (maybe they are gay?).

  5. #30

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    I got a very rapid reply reply (have asked a follow up and will post when I get it) here is what the Assessor's office had to say...

    Not really familiar with these types of records and have asked for clarification. That said, it looks like the Feds (Maiden Lane) have continuously owned the Mall itself since they acquired it. Certain tenant-owned anchor building title(s) has passed from one of their own corporate entities to another.
    So none of them are this mysterious chick or two guys?

    I just don't see a reason for someone who used to work at the mall, to come and tell me "two dudes" bought it, if he was lying. I mean in a lie, he could use anyone as a means to lie. He could have said "this lady named Jujube bought the mall," or "5 sailors bought the mall." However, for him to be specific on who bought the mall, hence "two guys" (I say dudes) bought the mall.

    I mean when you think about it, it's pretty specific of someone to say that, when they're not on a need-to-know basis, when it comes to the happenings of CRM.

    I'm not going to say it is or isn't happening. It is all rumor, which can make for good discussion until the truth is either revealed, or the mall is still stuck in oblivion.

    I'm interested to learn more about this haunted house going in Dillards (JCP). I never knew one went into JCP before, like someone here mentioned. I wish I had known, so I could have gone to it.

    EDIT: OH, YEAH! I remember something else he told me. The guy who gave me the info about the mall stated that one thing that will be going, is the "pepto-bismal" pink covering the rails. He called it that. How he knows all of this, who knows.

    Let's say it is true. What would everyone here like to see scheme-wise, out of CRM? Any ideas for decor? How would you want it to look inside, everyone?

  6. #31

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    Best Buy's move to smaller location was bound to happen sooner or later regardless of Crossroads success or failure. There is no need for electronics stores to be the giant stores they used be. The majority of electronics have shrunk in size and companies have changed packaging materials to where they can ship more merchandise per truckload. Not to mention many items have become obsolete since the 90's. I predict the next thing to leave electronics stores will be recorded media. The days of buying movies and music on individual pieces of media are about to come to an end. That in itself is a large amount of floor space that will no longer be needed. In the next few years people will use the internet, vending machines or kiosks inside stores. People like the idea of buying only the tracks they like not the half-baked filler that filled LP's, Cassettes, CD's for years.

    Since online retail is succeeding by leaps and bounds these days, I predict Brick and Mortar stores will have to offer specialty services like delivery, install and home shipping for out of stock items.

    Which makes me wonder if places like Crossroads will even have a presence 5,10,15,20 years from now. Malls and shopping centers will need to evolve into social gathering spots in order to survive. Let's face it the days of killing a day to shop for something are just about over. You can find out all you need to know by the swipe of a finger on your phone or the click of a mouse or enter key.
    I "HATE" digital downloaded stuff, and refuse to support it. If everything goes digital download, then I guess I won't be buying movies/games anymore.

    When you buy digital downloaded stuff, it's not really yours. You're tied down by the dreaded DRM (Digital Rights Management), which means more hassle.

    If an all digital download age is upon us, I will take the hundreds of Blu Rays, DVD's, and thousands of games I own physically, and call it a day. I will fill out my backlog with whatever remains of physical movies/games, and retire.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    it coulda woulda sold, but the zombies objected. Once they chowed down on the brains of the prospective buyer's lawyers, any possibility of the deal still going through kinda sorta went south in a hurry.

  8. Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    But did the zombies get to the "two dudes and a girl"?

  9. #34

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Lol, I wondered when the Zombies would make their entrance.

    I love reading threads like this.

    megax11 and Thunder need their own daily blog.

  10. Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skyline View Post
    megax11 and Thunder need their own daily blog.
    Why would you want to follow our private lives? If you want to...beware...you're in for a scare!

  11. #36

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Why would you want to follow our private lives? If you want to...beware...you're in for a scare!
    Indeed. *puts pinky to mouth* MWAHAHAHA!

  12. #37

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by megax11 View Post
    So none of them are this mysterious chick or two guys?
    As you pointed out yourself, nothing has changed. That is my understanding of it as well from looking at the site. I asked for a straightforward answer and this was the reply (he tried, obviously he isn't aware that Maiden Lane LLC is an entity of the Feds ownership)
    Q. Since the feds took over ownership (through the Maiden Lane LLC), has the Mall itself (it is my understanding that anchor tenant buildings are often owned by the tenant, such as Dillards or Wards would own their own building), been sold to another non-Fed entity in say the past year?
    A. All I see on the accounts are private ownership, no federal agency. Dillard’s is the only anchor tenant that owns property, the others are all private. I’ve listed the dates for each account to show how long each current owner has owned the property under that entity. You can review the ownership history for each account on-line as well. If there has been a more recent sale of the properties then it is not official unless the deed is recorded with the County Clerk’s office.
    Presume the ones he is mentioning are those I posted in his first reply back in post #25. However, the ones he listed appear to be for the anchor buildings and not the mall itself.

    1) Steve & Barry's (formerly Wards): Maiden Lane LLC (the Fed entity) receiving the deed from the previous owner in June of 2009.

    2) Macy's/Folley's: the various transfer of deeds from one corporate division to another, most recently in Jan of 2010.

    3) Dillard's: unchanged since Feb of 1996

    4) JCPenney: Maiden Lane LLC (the Fed entity) receiving the deed from the previous owner in June of 2009.

    Quote Originally Posted by megax11 View Post
    I just don't see a reason for someone who used to work at the mall, to come and tell me "two dudes" bought it, if he was lying. I mean in a lie, he could use anyone as a means to lie. He could have said "this lady named Jujube bought the mall," or "5 sailors bought the mall." However, for him to be specific on who bought the mall, hence "two guys" (I say dudes) bought the mall.
    Again, I am not saying the person or persons that you keep talking to are lying (at least not intentionally). They may honestly believe it themselves. What it looks like is they are repeating rumors too.

    When did the lady supposedly buy the Mall?

    When did the 2 guys supposedly buy the Mall?

    Where is the reliable, verifiable source indicating any of that is the case?

  13. Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Step 1: Anonymous person comes onto an online forum, claims he has inside scoop on mall selling, says county assessor, competing local newspapers, television stations all conspiring with federal government to keep the sale quiet until redevelopment is started. Cites anonymous people as sources.
    Step 2: Months pass. Same anonymous person says redevelopment effort fell apart, but a sale REALLY DID take place. Says conspiracy to hide both the first sale, and now a second sale by "the chick" to "two dudes" are still being concealed by this massive conspiracy involving county, federal government, local media.
    Step 3: Anonymous person knows that there may be questions about his or her credibility - questions by cynical, mean "elitists" on OKC Talk (like myself?). Anonymous person says "I just don't see a reason for someone who used to work at the mall, to come and tell me 'two dudes' bought it, if he was lying. I mean in a lie, he could use anyone as a means to lie. He could have said 'this lady named Jujube bought the mall,' or "5 sailors bought the mall.' However, for him to be specific on who bought the mall, hence 'two guys' (I say dudes) bought the mall."

    Megax, whoever you are, I don't think anyone has lied to you. I do think someone is telling lies. Gotta love the Internet, where anyone can type anything with their keyboard and get people to give them much craved attention.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Sigh, okay I will spill it.

    I went to Best Buy Crossroads the other day. I was there buying some blank DL Discs.

    An employee there mentioned the new store opens in October (already knew that part), and said it would be one of 22 stores in the nation to be "connected."

    I mentioned Crossroads Mall for some reason, and he then told me the mall was bought by 2 guys who have bought and flipped malls before. I asked if the two guys intended to keep it as a mall or market center, he said mall.

    I said it was once going to be a market center, through some lady who had supposedly bought the mall. The guy cuts me off, saying "yeah, she couldn't get plans off the ground, so she sold it to these two guys."

    I asked if he was sure, because the assessor site stated it had never been sold. He said he was sure. He then said, "There is even supposed to be a statewide contest to rename the mall."

    I said cool. He mentioned the haunted house going into Dillards, I said cool. I said there are three pickups and three semis parked at JCP, with the semis actually connected to the docking bay. He said cool.

    So, Steve, this guy wasn't on the net. Usually trolls like to pull this kind of stupid crap on the net, but this person worked at Best Buy.

    I never get any info off the net, because I generally tend to not believe it. Everything I come here with info about, is given to me in my face, by people not masking themselves behind keyboards.

    Larry, that's all the info I can give. I can give a guestimate on when this chick supposedly bought the mall. Look up my old "Crossroads is dead my friend, blah-blah-blah" thread. I posted that the night I was told. The lady in the sporting goods store by Spencers told me the deal was signed in blood (as she put it) just the day before.

    As for the two guys. That was news to me when this Best Buy employee told me, who happened to be working at the mall recently before switching jobs.

    I will also add this. I failed to do so after I was told 2 months ago, because I don't know what to believe anymore.

    A guy comes and makes payments at my parents' carlot. He worked for Gamestop Crossroads. He told me Dillards was going back in (just like other people had said). He then told me something I never heard before. He said JCP was going back in their old building.

    I mentioned to him, the market center. He said that wasn't happening anymore. He said the mall was going to be bought by some people, with the intent on keeping it a mall.

    That's why I believed the guy at Best Buy. Their stories are almost identical. Both worked in the mall, but at different stores. Now I see semis and trucks flocking JCP's west entrance and dock.

    Who knows. I'm about ready to throw myself down to those zombies, and become zombie snacks, because peeps keep getting my hopes up.

    Who wants my stereo when I become zombie food?

  15. #40

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Regardless of who talked to you, maybe they were misinformed, heard a rumor that wasn't true, or whatever reason. They may not be lying to you, because they don't know for sure. Just repeating what they had heard.

    The facts are on the assessor website. Things of this magnitude do not sell with no paperwork being filed. An old lawnmower on craigslist would sell without any paperwork, but not a huge portion of land with a huge contiguous building, and that is owned by the government. Anything to do with any of those 3 have a lot of paperwork, not to mention a combination of the three.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by megax11 View Post
    ...A guy comes and makes payments at my parents' carlot. He worked for Gamestop Crossroads. He told me Dillards was going back in (just like other people had said). He then told me something I never heard before. He said JCP was going back in their old building. ...
    Don't know what is happening at the former JCPenney, but it seems unlikely they would be moving back (unless it was some sort of outlet situation as was rumored to be happening with the Dillard's space a few months ago). Why?

    1. JCPenney relocated to two new stores, both 6 miles from Crossroads (according to an article posted by Pete over in another thread: http://www.okctalk.com/showthread.ph...7492#post97492)

    2. The Crossroads store closed in 2007 and these 2 new stores opened about 2 weeks later. "The official grand openings for the new JCPenney stores will take place on Friday, Aug. 3, marked by simultaneous ribbon cutting ceremonies at each store’s main entrance at a special opening time of 7:45 a.m., in honor of Oklahoma’s first tax-free sales event." Being relatively new, would imagine they have long term leases or own the buildings.

  17. Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    I believe you. Don't worry about Steve. He's from Joklahoman. lol

  18. Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Thunder, sorry I didn't ask you for approval of my comment in advance. But then again I don't worry about you much either.
    Megax, I really appreciate your response this time. It allows me to get a better understanding of where you're coming from, and I think I can help you see why these things get so easily confused.
    All too often there's confusion between having a contract to buy a building vs. closing on that contract, and having a "letter of intent" to lease a space vs. an actual lease. In the development world these situations are often misstated rather casually because those having such conversations generally understand the nuance of it all. So a person might tell another person he has bought a property, when in fact he only has a contract. Often these contracts go through, and the sale actually takes place. But sometimes they don't.
    Case in point: Chris Johnson, owner of USA Screen Printing, represented himself as the buyer of the key corner lot on the Bricktown Canal when he went to the Bricktown Urban Design Committee. In fact he only had a contract. When he met resistance, he dropped out of the contract and it was then that it was fully understood he hadn't closed (he ended up reviving the contract and closing a couple of weeks later).
    So with all this in mind, I do know the woman with the wholesale mart you spoke about earlier did have either a contract or was negotiating a contract to buy the mall. That contract didn't close. No sale.
    It is entirely possible, as you say, that there could be a new entity trying to buy Crossroads with the intent of reviving it, though as others have said, it's more likely to see a J.C. Penney outlet, etc., than full fledged stores again. I apologize for the harshness of my comment, but please understand, I take offense to the idea that I or others have somehow purposely kept a transaction like this a secret (as inferred in the last thread on Crossroads).

  19. #44

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    I just want CRM back.

    I keep having odd dreams, where I keep seeing it with a fresh look inside, 5 different times, 5 different locations.

    Not to say my dreams mean anything when it comes to this mall anymore, but it has an old-school CRM feel, in that it has a brown color scheme going, but it's brightness is through a ton of neon lights. It felt old-schoolish, but modern.

    Last dream I had, about a month ago or less, I was inside the mall during Christmas. They had it decorated differently than all the years that have gone by.

    Again, nothing to make a big fuss over. Maybe it's just dreams stemming from the fact I miss the mall a lot.

    All I know, is everytime people keep telling me these new rumors and they're following other past employees stories to a T, it's like I become a kid in a candy store.

    You would figure that the mall is a sore spot in the city at this time, and the city would want to do something about it. Heck, turn that puppy into another outlet mall. I think for now on, I'm gonna chill, until something more concrete happens with the dealings of this mall.

    I'm still interested in learning more about any potential haunted house that the mall gets this year.

  20. Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    I understand.
    Favorite memories - going to Farrell's ice cream and then going to the Lemans? racetrack nearby for my birthday. Walking through the mall when it was the only BIG mall in town, just gazing in awe at how big it was. Seeing Dannysday in the food court area. Orange Julius (is that still there?).
    So yeah, Megax in this respect I completely understand where you're coming from.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    megax11; I want CRM to revive somehow too and appreciate your passion for it. Wanting to believe anything that would feed into that hope/desire (so much it works into your dreams) and frustrated when those things don't pan out. Peace.

  22. #47

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    megax11; I want CRM to revive somehow too and appreciate your passion for it. Wanting to believe anything that would feed into that hope/desire (so much it works into your dreams) and frustrated when those things don't pan out. Peace.
    Me too!

  23. #48

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    I predict the next thing to leave electronics stores will be recorded media.
    Well I predict Oklahoma will fall into the Pacific Ocean in the next 10 years. Your's has about as much a chance as happening as mine.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    Quote Originally Posted by mikesimpsons82 View Post
    Well I predict Oklahoma will fall into the Pacific Ocean in the next 10 years. Your's has about as much a chance as happening as mine.
    I don't think Oneforone means all recordable media will disappear based on this comment.

    In the next few years people will use the internet, vending machines or kiosks inside stores. People like the idea of buying only the tracks they like not the half-baked filler that filled LP's, Cassettes, CD's for years.
    Sure, I can see that happening, its already happening to Blockbuster. I definitely see DVDs gone(no longer produced) in 10 years as the industry completely transitions to Blue-ray with something smaller and better just around the horizon. Music? Yeah, that will be completely digital in a decade.

    Solid state memory continues to get faster and bigger. I can envision there being kiosks that are connected to super fast internet. People would take their memory cards to these kiosks and download their movies. A record of them owning the movie would be in the database in case they lost or deleted their movie.

    I see Walmart, Target, Costco and internet eating what remains of the traditional recordable media market.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Two bits of information about Best Buy and Crossroads Mall.

    2) Macy's/Folley's: the various transfer of deeds from one corporate division to another, most recently in Jan of 2010.
    This one surprised me. I thought I recalled a DOK article from 09 or 10 that a local developer had purchased the Macy/Foley wing w/ an intent to convert to office space. Maybe mega isn't the only one having dreams, but dang that seems stuck in my mind for whatever reason.

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