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Okay that is what I was thinking, that makes sense to me because that area seems so much busier anytime I have driven by. I can see where the mobile checkout would be a lot more convenient for people buying big ticket items. As it is right now at Best Buy for big items you 'select' something in the (for example) PC area, have someone else go to a store room and get the actual item, then have the original dude walk you up to the front counter with the item to make sure you aren't going to steal it (LOL), then wait in line, then check out with a third person, then leave (sometimes while a fourth guy mildly accosts you for 'security reasons' on your way out). On the flip side, when I bought an Apple a while back at the Apple Store the guy I was casually asking questions to about the product, when I said let's do it, just pulled out his iPhone and swiped my card right there, and that was it and I left. I didn't even have to wait for a receipt because I was on file and it just emailed me automatically, and my iPhone chirped letting me know I had the receipt before I even walked out the door. It was really nice.