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Thread: Poodles

  1. Exclamation Poodles

    Its very rare to find any across the state. Pet shops are disappearing all around us. Now where can I find one that will be exactly like this one below?

    All I know is best bet is to search through private breeders, which is generally at private homes, so I made a post on CL hoping to find one.

    There is a couple listed on Kijiji out of Guthrie that is similar, but too young, so I asked the seller for latest pictures if any is left since the ads are 1 to 2 months old.

    Before people lash out at me... There is nothing wrong with wanting a son.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Poodles

    Go to a shelter. Don't encourage breeders. That's a business that needs to die.

    That said, I recall you can't even take care of cats. What makes you think you can take care of a dog???? That's a much bigger commitment.

  3. Default Re: Poodles

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Go to a shelter. Don't encourage those asshole breeders.
    The only shelter that I know of is the one on 29th and Bryant. It is the closest one. That requires constant nearly every day to check, because a Poodle like this one will go out extremely fast. There is nothing wrong with breeders. Not all of them are bad.

  4. Default Re: Poodles

    Unless you get a reputable breeder, you're going to end up with a dog with major physical or medical issues. Backyard breeders are a no-go in my opinion. You're better off with a mutt from a shelter. They have fewer health problems and usually fewer personality problems.

    That said...why? Why do you want a dog? Please don't call it a "son."
    Still corrupting young minds

  5. #5

    Default Re: Poodles

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    The only shelter that I know of is the one on 29th and Bryant. It is the closest one. That requires constant nearly every day to check, because a Poodle like this one will go out extremely fast. There is nothing wrong with breeders. Not all of them are bad.
    Just check their website daily, they post a description and picture of all animals that are ready for adoption.

  6. Default Re: Poodles

    I may have found one. Emailed this lady for pictures of the boy. She sent me some, but not the kind I'm looking for. I showed her the picture above and she said that there will be one ready in four weeks (too young right now). Hoping its like the one in the picture! Seems like a nice breeder, especially thoughtful of the puppy not being ready yet. She might send me pix of him or I go up to check him out.

  7. Default Re: Poodles

    I got pix of him and he's so frickin cute! His name is Taz and she will immediately be calling him Taz. She will hold him for me until next month when he is ready to go home with me. Its 70 miles away, so I can't just go on a long trip back 'n forth, but she will send me pictures every few days. Until then, I will get his things in order and prepare his spot for bed. Becky, a vendor at the market, will be having me as a regular customer for clothes, hats, costumes, and goodies. :-)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Poodles

    Just make sure she doesn't offer to bring the dog to you. That's a huge red flag for a puppy mill. You should go pick the puppy up, and he should be a minimum of 8 weeks old, so he's been properly socialized with other puppies. Ask to meet both parents, or if the father of the puppy is from elsewhere, make sure you at least meet the mom. She may be thin, but she should otherwise look healthy. Make sure she has a good temperment. The puppy should have bright eyes without discharge and also come up to you and be at least interested. A purebred dog should be expensive, but you should get a health guarantee for a certain period of time. A good breeder will ask you to return the puppy to him or her if there is a problem, at any age, and will insist you never give the puppy to a shelter. A dog is a member of your family for ten+ years, so it is better to be safe than sorry. You don't want a backyard breeder or puppy mill puppy that will cost you more in vet bills than the price of a carefully bred puppy. Good luck and enjoy.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Poodles

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Go to a shelter. Don't encourage breeders. That's a business that needs to die.

    That said, I recall you can't even take care of cats. What makes you think you can take care of a dog???? That's a much bigger commitment.
    Not only that but I thought you didn't have any money. You can afford to get a dog from a breeder but can't afford a place to live?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Poodles

    Just a few weeks ago, you had a spat with you mother and were homeless. Think real hard about whether you have the financial wherewithall to care for a dog. Be able to budget about $40/month for food and be able to eat about $400 at any given time in vet bills. Also be able to pay about $30-50/month for flea and heartworm meds. Also, with a puppy, you're going to need to get a carpet shampooer for messes. That'll be a one-time cost of at least $100. Also, since you're getting a pure bred, be ready to hear in a few years that your dog has a skin condition (very common in pure bred poodles) which you're going to have to medicate.

    Is this something you can do? Getting a dog is a big commitment, based on what you've disclosed about yourself, I really doubt you have the ability to keep your financial situation secure enough for the next 10+ years to take care of a pet. It is not too late to step back from this and reconsider.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Poodles

    Good advise

  12. #12

    Default Re: Poodles

    Five bucks says that this poor pooch will be euthanized in under a year.

  13. Default Re: Poodles

    I'm experienced and know what to do. The only financial problem was finding a place that doesn't jack up high income requirement. Anyway, everything is fine. I've managed two cats while living on my own nearly 5 years along with tons of fish. I can do it. No problem. lol

  14. #14

    Default Re: Poodles

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    I'm experienced and know what to do. The only financial problem was finding a place that doesn't jack up high income requirement. Anyway, everything is fine. I've managed two cats while living on my own nearly 5 years along with tons of fish. I can do it. No problem. lol
    Why don't you try fostering dogs at first through a local rescue program? How are your two cats? Didn't you have to give 'em up?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Poodles

    I second rescue dogs. I have a 2 year old male Pomeranian/Chihuahua rescue that is the best companion ever.

  16. Default Re: Poodles

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Why don't you try fostering dogs at first through a local rescue program? How are your two cats? Didn't you have to give 'em up?
    Yup, sold one, gave another away. I don't see how that is an issue.

  17. Default Re: Poodles

    Is that a poodle or a schnoodle (sp)? Schnoodles are awesome.

  18. Default Re: Poodles

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Is that a poodle or a schnoodle (sp)? Schnoodles are awesome.
    Schnoodles is correct spelling according to Google. There is also a Goldenoodle.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Poodles

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Yup, sold one, gave another away. I don't see how that is an issue.
    It was because you couldn't afford to take care of 'em, right?

    Dogs cost lots more than cats.

  20. Default Re: Poodles

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    It was because you couldn't afford to take care of 'em, right?

    Dogs cost lots more than cats.
    They don't just cost more in money, but also in time, they aren't litter trained and they require more exercise.
    Still corrupting young minds

  21. Default Re: Poodles

    Nope. Ex-mom didn't allow them in the house.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Poodles

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
    Unless you get a reputable breeder, you're going to end up with a dog with major physical or medical issues. Backyard breeders are a no-go in my opinion. You're better off with a mutt from a shelter. They have fewer health problems and usually fewer personality problems.

    That said...why? Why do you want a dog? Please don't call it a "son."
    I'm heavily involved in my Samoyed group and a lot of our members are rescue workers, volunteer at shelters, are vets or work for vets, transport, foster, etc. I take a bit of issue with the comment that mutts from a shelter tend to be healthier with fewer personality problems. Just not so. While there are plenty of breeds that have been bred to be unhealthy (pugs, bulldogs, Great Danes come to mind), there are NO consistent records of genetic disorders passed by mutts since records aren't kept. The myth that cross breeds are healthier is just that. It is better than repeated crossbreeding/inbreeding among dogs that have genetic problems, surely, but there is no guarantee that a shelter mutt isn't just as unhealthy.

    Reputable breeders tend to do an excellent job of selective breeding to have healthy dogs. I agree that doesn't include puppy mills and many ignorant backyard breeders.

    As for the personality problems, no offense but I just can't see how in the world anyone would come to that conclusion. So many dogs who end up at a shelter come from people who overbreed, dump them, don't train or properly feed them, properly, fail to provide appropriate medical care, leave them chained outside in all weather, fail to responsibly neuter them - blah, blah, blah. There is nothing in the background of the typical dog who ends up in the pound that would consistently result in a dog that is mentally healthier than other dogs. Just being at the pound - a mental asylum for dogs - is traumatic enough to do real damage to the dogs who end up there.

    The fosterers in my Samoyed group (and I also have friends in collie rescues) regularly get dogs that run the gauntlet in terms of breeding. It is a sorry state of affairs that so many poorly bred dogs (and even some nicely bred dogs that people were willing to pay more for) end up dumped at the pound with worms (including heart worms), thyroid problems, horribly skinny, worn out from being overbred in puppy mills, allergies from being fed poor quality food and severe emotional problems from having been abused or neglected.

    I'm not saying that people shouldn't adopt from the pound but claiming dogs who end up there are healthier and have fewer personality problems just isn't so, there is no reason to assume it is and there are no records available to substantiate the claim since, by their nature, mutts are bred by irresponsible breeders and we don't even know what sort of genetic material they carry or what sort of ailments they end up having. Moreover, historically, plenty of people who have sick mutts are, sadly, also the type who would just dump them or - if they are being "humane" - take them out behind the barn and shoot them to keep them from suffering.

  23. Default Re: Poodles

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    I'm experienced and know what to do. The only financial problem was finding a place that doesn't jack up high income requirement. Anyway, everything is fine. I've managed two cats while living on my own nearly 5 years along with tons of fish. I can do it. No problem. lol
    yes, because cats and fish are just like keeping a dog, good grief.

    Please allow me to be frank, you have no ****ing business taking care of a dog!! NONE

  24. Default Re: Poodles

    Quote Originally Posted by Bostonfan View Post
    yes, because cats and fish are just like keeping a dog, good grief.

    Please allow me to be frank, you have no ****ing business taking care of a dog!! NONE
    You're acting like a child. I've taken care of my doggy for years. What give you the right to determine that I can't have a smaller doggy?

    Bostonfan, you lose!

  25. Default Re: Poodles

    Unlike you, Bostonfan, all my pets enjoy celebrating birthdays, holidays, and occasions with me. They enjoy the endless supply of treats and toys. And most of all, they go to the vet regularly for annual shots, checkup, and emergency visits. You can't do any of that, Bostonfan! :-D

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