First off, before the elitists think about coming in and biting my head off, because they know more and whatnot, this is only what I was told.
I will start with the Best Buy news. The new Best Buy on I-240 will be one of 22 stores in the nation, and the only one in Oklahoma, that is labled a "connected" store. What this means, is that they will be able to walk around with tablets, scan your items, and check you out, without having to wait in lines. Pretty cool, indeed.
Now for the CRM bit. I tried looking up the records on the county assessor site, but couldn't find a listing for CRM period.
Anyhow, someone told me that the chick I said who bought the mall, DID indeed buy the mall. However, her plans fell through, so she ended up selling it to two guys from out of state, who have purchased and flipped other malls.
Ironically, this person told me this, as I was driving to the store in which this person worked at and noticed something going on at JC Penney's building. At the old JCP building, I saw three semis docked at the docking bay, and three trucks parked right infront of the west JCP door, that faces the dinky community colleges.
Anyhow, this person told me that this year, Dillards entire first floor will be used as a haunted house. That should be cool if indeed true.
Back to the two guys, however. This person told me that the mall has indeed been sold, and when I asked are they trying to make it a market center or a mall, this person told me they're trying to keep it as a mall.
This person then told me that they may even hold a statewide competition where someone gets to rename the mall.
ALL OF THIS IS RUMOR, but the person I spoke to not only knew the lady I was always mentioning, but used to work at the mall recently as well, but now works at a business close to the mall.
I have no reason to call everyone liars, so it is what it is. I will believe this person for the time, until some time passes and nothing ever happens.
I just thought I'd share this info, incase it's true. So to summarize -
- Two dudes bought the mall from the chick who was going to turn it into a market center
- Looking to keep it as a mall
- Looking to hold a contest where people can choose the name of the mall
- Best Buy on I-240 will be one of 22 stores nationwide, that is a "connected store"
As for me seeing the trailers in the docking bay, as well as three pickup trucks parked on the west side of JCP, that's just that. I saw activity, but I don't know what. Not saying it has anything to do with what this person told me. Just thought it was interesting to see things happening in the old JCP building, when it's not even open.
Take this however you want.