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Thread: Braum's

  1. #451

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    Here's the one due west of the Braum's property:

    And here's the one just west of that:

  2. #452

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    this is great news .. the new model braums will be great in that location

  3. #453

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    This is an answer to my prayers!! Great news if this is true!!

    I have been emailing Braum's the last couple of years, asking about the new model store going in at this location.

    Also knocking down those duplex buildings is a Huge improvement in it's own right!

  4. Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    Yep. That Braum's is at least a 25-year-old store dating back to the early 1990s (let the jokes about it being as old the commercials they still air begin now)

  5. #455

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    If so, this is great news for the neighborhoods in the immediate area and Midtown in general. Would love to see that Homeland follow suit.
    No doubt. Both those need vast improvements. My fish consumption has jumped about 2000% since I normally end up at Super Cao Nguyen for my daily dinner shopping.

  6. #456

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    it being as old the commercials they still air
    About the same age as their website, too.

  7. #457

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    Here are some photos of their new concept they call the W Model:

  8. #458

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    Here are some photos of their new concept they call the W Model:
    That looks like the Braums down the street from me in Arlington TX. All of the DFW Braums went this route about three years ago. They are nice.

  9. #459

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Yep. That Braum's is at least a 25-year-old store dating back to the early 1990s (let the jokes about it being as old the commercials they still air begin now)
    I thought the commercials were older.

  10. #460

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    They have the new model Braum's in Norman on the corner of E. Lindsey & S. Classen, they are really nice.

  11. #461

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    I like the concept but the buildings are ugly.

  12. #462

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    I believe they have multiple variations and the one shown is supposed to mimic a craftsman style.

  13. Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    About the same age as their website, too.
    And their logo..

    You can tell this is not a company meant to expand much further than Oklahoma, but at least it's pretty good for fast food

  14. #464

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    True. i started going to Braum's back when they started doing burgers and such. Their burgers are some of the tastiest fast food kind around (Big Ed's still gets my top vote). I wasn't impressed so much with their ice cream/dairy back then in the mid 80s. Now Braum's fat free milk is the only milk I'll buy. Theirs taste just like whole milk to me where every other "skim" brand tasted like weak water with some white "colorant" thrown in.

  15. #465

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    There was discussion in another thread that this location may be closed.

    However, two months ago Braum's purchased the two old homes directly west of their property and today there was a demolition permit for both.

    This sounds very much like they are planning to remodel/replace the existing structure with a bigger one in the mold of their new concept.

    If so, this is great news for the neighborhoods in the immediate area and Midtown in general. Would love to see that Homeland follow suit.
    Yeah, I think Metro was the one that reported it was coming down. I told him he was wrong and the Braums they are building off of the new I-40 was to replace the one they tore down on Penn and I-40.

  16. Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    Quote Originally Posted by ZYX2 View Post
    I thought the commercials were older.
    I know, right. It's the same one they showed when i was like 8 years old! Funny thing is, they still have the same cup design, same uniforms and caps, etc. Not much has ever changed in the Braum's world. Including how bad they treat their employees, both in-store and corporate.

  17. Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    I like the concept but the buildings are ugly.
    I totally agree. It is like they designed one for Edmond, then decided to keeping going with it. The interior is not as bad.

    However, I'd much rather a new store than keep what is there now.

  18. #468

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    You can tell this is not a company meant to expand much further than Oklahoma, but at least it's pretty good for fast food
    I've been told that their official policy is to not go more than 300 miles from their Tuttle HQ, so that their trucks can get to the most distant site and back in a single 8-hour day...

  19. #469

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    I don't think they are ugly per se but some of them remind me more of a steakhouse exterior and don't fit the "Ice Cream & Dairy Store", In any case, if it is the old Braums I am thinking of, that location has a very awkward dining room layout and needs to be replaced

  20. #470

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    Quote Originally Posted by skyrick View Post
    That looks like the Braums down the street from me in Arlington TX. All of the DFW Braums went this route about three years ago. They are nice.
    The Braums in MWC off of SE 15th and Post and the Braums off of Classen and Lindsay in Norman have been converted since 2006,but it's weird to me that Braums an Oklahoma based company would revamp their Texas locales first,maybe they revamped the stores first that had the highest sales?

  21. #471

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    I don't think they are ugly per se but some of them remind me more of a steakhouse exterior and don't fit the "Ice Cream & Dairy Store", In any case, if it is the old Braums I am thinking of, that location has a very awkward dining room layout and needs to be replaced
    The one pictured above looks like a Sirloin Stockade.

  22. #472

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    I don't know why they have to tear buildings down to fit the new one?? I bet they become parking lots... who hoo! *ugg* They could just but it closer to the street... but I doubt that happens.
    On the bright side... many of the Braum's in western OK (Altus, Lawton, Weatherford, Elk City at least) that have reopened with the new design have really great neon signs...hope they replace this one too.

  23. #473

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    Quote Originally Posted by Platemaker View Post
    I don't know why they have to tear buildings down to fit the new one?? I bet they become parking lots... who hoo! *ugg*

  24. Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    Quote Originally Posted by Platemaker View Post
    I don't know why they have to tear buildings down to fit the new one?? I bet they become parking lots... who hoo! *ugg* They could just but it closer to the street... but I doubt that happens.
    On the bright side... many of the Braum's in western OK (Altus, Lawton, Weatherford, Elk City at least) that have reopened with the new design have really great neon signs...hope they replace this one too.
    Braum's has concerns obviously, particularly about having enough parking for customers, but I hope that they at least put it in the back away from Classen.

  25. #475

    Default Re: Braum's a NW 17th & Classen

    Most of the Braums I have been to, their lots are more wide than they are deep and the parking is generally mostly on one side. Can't speak directly about the Classen lot though

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