As was pointed out to me last night by one of OkcTalk's finest, but who apparently prefers to remain nameless (!), a most excellently fine discussion is going on right now as to e-mail apparently intercepted by one or more persons NOT involved in the communication (I'm not a "wiretap" expert, but I'm pretty sure that's illegal) between OKC lawyer(s) and those in the Hornets' organization. Rather than repeat the possiblly illegal interception (which might be illegal conduct itself), I'll just give you the links for your Sunday morning pleasure!
First, in the pro-New Orleans Horents website: where the stuff originally appeared, and,
Second, in the pro-Oklahoma City Hornets website:
It looks as though there is a NOLA mole (or someone who knows how to be one) in an Oklahoma City lawyer's office! Sooner or later, this ought to be in the papers, at least in the funnies!