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Thread: Radioactive Rain in OKC (?)

  1. Default Radioactive Rain in OKC (?)

    Couple videos on YouTube to make you go hmm. Take from it what you will.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Radioactive Rain in OKC (?)

    I'm thinking he's tossing out radioactive waste into his garbage

  3. Default Re: Radioactive Rain in OKC (?)

    Maybe the bins the city passed out are just radioactive in nature, but just need to be watered to make it show up. LOL

  4. #4

    Default Re: Radioactive Rain in OKC (?)

    That kind of reminds me of the email that came in my box this morning. I didn't click on the link. To quote a favorite television show: "The Truth Is Out There."

    Look for HAARP and the unmarked jets (trails of chemicals to activate) at work. Look for Circles (all sizes) sometimes with a dot of rain in the center. Easy to spot once you see. Put in motion and watch: http://www.intellicast.com/Local/WxMap.aspx

    To Whom It May Concern,
    I am an ordinary housewife, I believe I am sane, however; what I am about to tell you about my observations in my Cedar Ridge Farms Subdivision in Hephzibah, Georgia does not seem sane at all. My neighbors and I have been seeing these jets with trails that last anywhere from 5 minutes to 5 hours. They seem to be dispersing an agent to dry up our clouds and change the jet streams. Well one day my husband and I were outside, and we heard this HUGE EXPLOSION. I thought if it happens again I need to hit the ground. I thought it was some sort of attack. It happened 2 more times not as loud, and I hit the ground running for my telephone to call the police, I felt with the explosion being so LOUD someone somewhere, surely must be dead from an accident or something. The police dispatcher said someone called about the same explosion and they would send someone out. They found nothing. Well strange things really began to happen after this with the jets. They started making trails with X's above our homes. And when I water my garden and wash my car they come out immediately with their chemicals and disperse the steam that wants to create a cloud. (NUTS? well it gets better). I started watering my tin roof to see if I was imagining things. Each time the jets would come. Then one day I was watering the tin roof (a lot) this aircraft came over my house (looked like a jet from far away) but when it got lower and closer I looked like a (Maybe drone) round disk shape that wobbled as it went over my house. Some type of strands of material must have been released from it because I seen (maybe scalar particles) strands of some type of substance falling from where the object was hovering. I promise you I do not drink or do drugs and this is only my observation. I feel I need to tell you something, especially since it seems like Augusta’s weather seems to be manipulated. It looks like rain then these plane come and the clouds dry up instantly with holes seem to be punched in them. Also, one time I was sitting on my back porch and it looked like it would rain any second. The sky was totally black looking. Then I heard some sort of pop come from the sky and the birds in the trees must have heard it and they flew out of the trees squawking. I looked where the sound came from and in the darkest area of the clouds was this white circle. It starting getting larger and larger (clearing out the cloud), then I heard and seen this other pop that looked like a sparkler, and right where I seen this spark it did the same exact thing and began drying up the cloud. We never received any rain. If you search the internet, they talk about cloud busters, Scalar, Geoengineering (Turning a Desert to Garden and vice versa). Also, scientists talk about blowing holes in the atmosphere to lift something or other, I truly believe they have blown a hole directly over Cedar Ridge Farms Subdivision and are trying to manipulate the jet streams and weather. All the above is true, there is one more thing but it would really sound far fetched (as if this was not enough). You can call me if you like or if you even believe me. Sincerely, Mrs. ilene Lucot
    They (unmarked jets and their chemical trails) are manipulating the wind currents daily above our home.
    Have your friends and neighbors watch for the jets after you see exactly what I see! Seriously! Concerned!

  5. Default Re: Radioactive Rain in OKC (?)

    We are being poisoned by the Feds. :-(

    And guess who is the President. :'-(

  6. #6

    Default Re: Radioactive Rain in OKC (?)


    Chemtrail theories came about long before our current President took office. I consider it, and things like it, a hoax.

  7. Default Re: Radioactive Rain in OKC (?)

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    We are being poisoned by the Feds. :-(

    And guess who is the President. :'-(
    Ugh. Don't be an idiot...and I say that in the most caring way possible. :-P

    If there is radiation in the rain water and such...just shows we need to look at our environment more to protect it (and ourselves).

  8. Default Re: Radioactive Rain in OKC (?)

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    Ugh. Don't be an idiot...and I say that in the most caring way possible. :-P
    It is a joke. :-)

    Its like how people always blame the current President (whoever that may be) for this and that.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Radioactive Rain in OKC (?)

    This is a concert record performed by the founder of elecrtonic music, Kraftwerk. It's been founded in 1969 by Ralf Hütter (syntethizer, electronic organ, lead vocal) and Florian Schneider (flute, electronic violin, syntethizer). They were the first generation of experimental music. Later, they've been joined by Wolfgang Flür (percussion) in 1974, and Karl Bartos (also known as Bartos Károly[origin of hungarian])(elecrtonic percussion, keyboards, live vibrophone). That's one of their famous songs, called Radioactivity (Radioactivität). Enjoy!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Radioactive Rain in OKC (?)

    The original post's video is most likely for real. Videos like this from all over the world have been popping up on YouTube since the Fukushima incident. The levels shown in the video are only 2x or 3x normal background levels... Not really dangerous.

    You might be surprised to find out that kitchen granite countertops can have readings higher than that.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Radioactive Rain in OKC (?)

    Quote Originally Posted by cameron_405 View Post
    founder of elecrtonic music, Kraftwerk. It's been founded in 1969
    That was about 20 years after electronic music first appeared, in the form of the Theremin (featured in the soundtrack of the film Laura) and the synthesizers of Robert Moog, used by Raymond Scott to provide soundtracks for the Road Runner cartoons...
    Last edited by Jim Kyle; 08-14-2011 at 03:06 PM. Reason: typo

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