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Thread: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

  1. #876

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    We went there today; no problem w/traffic or parking. Lots of people, lots of people buying, and it's not tax-free time.

    Thought the mall reminded us of the one that was at Santa Fe several years ago, but last time we were there, most of the stores had closed. Hope that doesn't happen here. This is a good place to walk around and see "stuff"--even though we don't buy much [as retirees, our needs are much less than before].

    Would love to see some of the stores that are at San Marcos, but think a number of those businesses no longer have outlet mall stores [like Oneida].

    As we were walking around, though, it did NOT "feel" as if we were in OKC, in spite of the heat! Definitely a new and positive look for OKC shopping!

  2. #877

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    May head out there later this morning to check it out if things have calmed down a bit (before the weekend again). This was the "perfect storm" type of opening by the media reports.
    Read more: http://newsok.com/oklahoma-citys-out...#ixzz1Uc9iB100
    More than 161,000 people visited The Outlet Shoppes at Oklahoma City Friday through Sunday, smashing retailers' and mall owners' expectations, said Gina Slechta, a spokeswoman for Horizon Group Properties, which owns the mall at Interstate 40 and Council Road. “It was truly the biggest opening we've seen,” she said ... In the parking lot, one in every six license plates were from outside Oklahoma...
    I good number of people from out of state (especially since it isn't located near a border) and all of the surrounding communities spending money in the OKC city limits. Good news for the State & great news for the City!

  3. #878

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    Larry, why are you so surprised?

  4. #879

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    Wow, that is awesome! I know I went out there twice and spent more than I care to mention. I went back last night with my sister from out of town and we spent even more money. It is not as crazy, but the sales are still going on. Not all the stores have the great sales, and there wasn't a line at the Coach store, so Metro you can get your woman a purse and not have to wait in line!

  5. #880

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Larry, why are you so surprised?
    LOL I'm sorry, surprised about what? I am endeavoring to post positive things from time to time as I know that it can be understandably perceived that I am always negative, have nothing positive to say about the City and/or State, some even have gone as far as to suggest I wasn't born here and/or certainly hate living here etc. None of which are the case.

    I still think an even better choice would have been to locate it (maybe as a southern anchor for Core to Shore (to help with the redevlopment and vitality of DT that everyone says they want). Or have plopped it in somewhere along lower Bricktown (if there was room).

  6. #881

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    I still think an even better choice would have been to locate it (maybe as a southern anchor for Core to Shore (to help with the redevlopment and vitality of DT that everyone says they want). Or have plopped it in somewhere along lower Bricktown (if there was room).
    Larry, that would have required massive parking facilities in those areas and doesn't fit in with what I would invision for either Core to Shore or Bricktown.

  7. #882

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    Well, we already have massive parking facilities (surface lots) in place and I have been told many times there is NO parking problem anywhere in the area (so there should be plenty)...but if not just build another parking structure. just imagine 161,000 more people adding to the vibrancy of DT! That's equal to a couple of OU home football games..GO SOONERS!

    I thought from the renderings that the Outlet Mall looked remarkably like the Core to Shore ones and would have fit in perfectly. But it is where it is and ain't moving.

  8. #883

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    I imagine the developers had reasons for why they picked the location that they did. I bet available land and costs had a big reason they didn't go downtown. Also, sometimes proximity to other malls is a factor on where they locate. And what core to shore renderings had something that looked like the outlet mall.

  9. #884

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    i am sure they did have their reasons. Just saying that the City could have urged them to locate where we are trying to build things up, revitalize etc instead of out on the edge is all. And maybe the City did but the developers said, no thanks we really want to be here sort of thing. But I haven't read anything that would indicate that to be the case so just dont know if it happened or not. the City was wise in holding off building the infrastructure until it was certain that this was going through. Cant point to anything in particular since i dont have the renderings handy but just the over feeling I got from both seemed similar. heck, they enderings may have been done by the same firm/artist so that might explain what i was seeing too. LOL

  10. #885

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    I think where it is is fine. Getting to downtown from I-40 (and back on it again) is a nightmare, plus I-40 is being relocated. Nothing wrong with where they put this at all IMO. I don't recall seeing an "outlet" mall in a downtown setting, Usually out near the burbs is where they go.

  11. #886

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    It used to be that outlet stores had to be at least 50 miles from a store that was selling their brand. That was the reason for the outlet stores in Stroud and Gainesville, TX. My wife and I went to Oklahoma Factory Shoppes today. I went for a smash burger and she went to the Coach store. I left unimpressed. She left with four Coach purses and four wallets.

  12. #887

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    Quote Originally Posted by popsy View Post
    it used to be that outlet stores had to be at least 50 miles from a store that was selling their brand. That was the reason for the outlet stores in stroud and gainesville, tx. My wife and i went to oklahoma factory shoppes today. I went for a smash burger and she went to the coach store. I left unimpressed. She left with four coach purses and four wallets.

  13. Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    I'd say the right impression was made on the right person!

  14. #889

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    Quote Originally Posted by Popsy View Post
    It used to be that outlet stores had to be at least 50 miles from a store that was selling their brand. That was the reason for the outlet stores in Stroud and Gainesville, TX. My wife and I went to Oklahoma Factory Shoppes today. I went for a smash burger and she went to the Coach store. I left unimpressed. She left with four Coach purses and four wallets.
    4 purses? One for every outfit or what? And here I am whining about the one Coach my wifey buys a year

  15. #890

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    4 purses? One for every outfit or what? And here I am whining about the one Coach my wifey buys a year
    No, she said one of them was intended to be a Christmas gift. In re-reading what I posted I realized I was not specific about what I was not impressed with, which was the smash burger. As to the development, I never made it past the food court due to heat, so I have no opinion about the development other than they need to put up a bunch more tents.

  16. #891

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    Sounds like we both should have gone out there Thurs, when the temps were in the 70s for most of the day!

  17. #892

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    You are spot on about that. I think I stood in line 20-30 minutes outside with the sun beating down on me and then about 15 minutes in line once inside with the air conditioning not helping that much. Also, there were no tables inside not being used, so I had to go to the outside of the food court under a metal umbrella to eat the meal. I have not ruled out the possibility that the heat impacted my opinion that the smash burger was unimpressive. I will have to give it another try in November.

  18. #893

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    I heard from a very very reliable source that there have been a lot of new developments coming to the empty land around the mall. Also in the development to the east with Home Depot. All I can say is DICKS.....

  19. #894

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    Quote Originally Posted by lasomeday View Post
    I heard from a very very reliable source that there have been a lot of new developments coming to the empty land around the mall. Also in the development to the east with Home Depot. All I can say is DICKS.....
    how dare you use that language..i dont know what to say, but how rude..good day to you....I say good day

  20. #895

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesseda View Post
    how dare you use that language..i dont know what to say, but how rude..good day to you....I say good day
    Haha, if lasomeday is right though, that is very exciting news for Oklahoma City in general.

  21. #896

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    I wouldn't rule it out. A few weeks ago, the Dicks Sporting Goods corporate jet flew into OKC.

  22. #897

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    That officially gives me hope SkyWest.

  23. #898

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    Dick's Sporting Goods would be a nice add to the city if true.

  24. #899

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    Its a fact. There are also two chain restaurants going in. They are also in talks with more retail stores that are not in OKC. They just haven't finished the deals, so they couldn't tell me who they were. The two restaurants are already in OKC and found on Memorial.

  25. #900

    Default Re: Oklahoma Factory Shoppes - I40 & Council

    Quote Originally Posted by lasomeday View Post
    Its a fact. There are also two chain restaurants going in. They are also in talks with more retail stores that are not in OKC. They just haven't finished the deals, so they couldn't tell me who they were. The two restaurants are already in OKC and found on Memorial.
    That will be awesome, and oh by the way I went to the outlet mall last sunday, and i got to say that I was impressed with it, hope that area will expand.

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