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Good point. You know, Oklahoma doesn't need Tinker, The FAA, Fort Sill, The Army Ammunition Plant, the Post Office, Federal Funding for police officers, the Social Security office, federal funding for highways and a RIVER NAVIGATION SYSTEM, The Storm Prediction Center, The National Weather Service, and all that other "big government bs."
It's a good thing that we all get paid by free enterprise, Devon Energy, and Chesapeake.
Just an FYI, but Oklahoma is one of the biggest recipients of "big government bs" of any state in the union, as are the other states you mention. But you're right, we should tell the Air Force to F Off and close Tinker, cuz OKC would be just fine without it. I'm sure the Enid Chamber of Commerce is ready to tell Vance AFB to relocate and "take their government bs with them." And I'm sure Altus would continue to thrive as a community without Altus AFB.
The boaters, retirees and vacationers of Oklahoma could sure do without that meddling government agency Corps of Engineers. Who needs those damn lakes? And why would we want a freaking wildlife refuge and national forest? This government interference is beyond the pale! Sheer tyranny (as Rand Paul would remind us)! Why can't we just go back to the days when the government gave away free land and called it a state?....oh wait.
And our farmers should just tell the government to F Off with all the farm supports. And the 35 to 40 percent of Oklahomans who receive either federal health subsidy or food stamps should just starve or leave. We should send all the money to Pennsylvania or something.
What you're spouting isn't ideology, it's idiocy. This reminds me of the tea partiers crashing those congressional town halls who showed up to complain about government health care who saw no irony in their happy use of Medicare and Social Security (and veteran's benefits, etc.).
Let me guess: you have a "Don't Tread on Me" banner on your truck! LOL. Seriously, though, it's comments like these that support Spartan's view that we live in the capital of dumbfukistan.