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Thread: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

  1. #26

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    Well most of the place is a distribution center, not an office complex...so comparing square footage is like apples and oranges.

    But on the sponsorship front, you should also realize that most companies here do not sponsor. You see some big name ones do so, but for ever large company like that, you've got a dozen smaller ones that probably no one has hear of. Just because someone doesn't buy naming rights for an arena or build a monster tower, doesn't mean they don't have a presense in town. Some companies prefer to stay under the radar on their donations. My company used to contribute heavily to Big Brother Big Sisters and our previous owner actually opened a facility for troubled teens. If you didn't work here, you wouldn't have had any idea who we were/are...but it doesn't mean an impact wasn't being made somewhere.
    Doesnt have to be naming rights to an arena, Im just talking about being a sponser for something like the Red Tie Event or the Wayman Tisdale Award or Shakespeare in the Park....just something like that would be nice, seeing how they are one of the largest companies that are headquartered in OKC. Of course they are free to do as they please with their money, just would be nice to see them give a little more in their own backyard than donating land in Cali to some already super wealthy ministry.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Doesnt have to be naming rights to an arena, Im just talking about being a sponser for something like the Red Tie Event or the Wayman Tisdale Award or Shakespeare in the Park....just something like that would be nice, seeing how they are one of the largest companies that are headquartered in OKC. Of course they are free to do as they please with their money, just would be nice to see them give a little more in their own backyard than donating land in Cali to some already super wealthy ministry.
    They do more than most of the companies you talk about combined, it's just that they don't do it for the publicity so it doesn't always make the news.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    They do more than most of the companies you talk about combined, it's just that they don't do it for the publicity so it doesn't always make the news.
    What companies? I havent mentioned any. And I just said it doesnt have to be news worthy stuff like naming rights to buildings or advertising at Thunder games. Im talking about just being a sponser to civic and charity events that plenty of others sponser without making the news. Whether its a 5k, a fundraiser, a charity event or anything else like that, I never see them as a sponser.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    strip, you have no idea what you are talking about. They are HUGE givers. Out of state and in-state. But they obviously don't give to the things you would like them to. Maybe they should consult with you first from now on.

    BTW...do you know the progress that has been made at City Rescue in the last 15 years? Would you be happy if they called it the "Hobby Lobby City Rescue Mission"?

    Really seems absurd, doesn't it. You should give up on this discussion.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    If there are specific examples, name them and give specifics. For example, does anyone know how much they've given the rescue mission?

    No need to get all hostile about this.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    Quote Originally Posted by proud2Bsooner View Post
    strip, you have no idea what you are talking about. They are HUGE givers. Out of state and in-state. But they obviously don't give to the things you would like them to. Maybe they should consult with you first from now on.

    BTW...do you know the progress that has been made at City Rescue in the last 15 years? Would you be happy if they called it the "Hobby Lobby City Rescue Mission"?

    Really seems absurd, doesn't it. You should give up on this discussion.
    I certainly know what I am talking about and you certainly dont seem to read.
    I have said that they are free to give to what they want (though I disagree with some of it). I have said they dont have to get naming rights to anything and gain publicity like your Hobby Lobby Rescue Mission example. I know they bailed out ORU and just donated land to a ministry in California, both of which happened to be pretty news worthy, and they give to the City Rescue, though no one has mentioned how much.

    What I have said is that it would be nice to see them be more present in local civic and charity events. You know, maybe buy a few tables at a charity dinner or something like that. Thats all Im saying, that it would be nice if they did more of that but somehow everyone seems to think I am personally attacking the company and Green family.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    If there are specific examples, name them and give specifics. For example, does anyone know how much they've given the rescue mission?

    No need to get all hostile about this.
    Exactly. Thank you Pete

  7. #32
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    Most of the civic and charity things are really done for advertising purposes (otherwise why tout the company name?), something they clearly do well without. They donate to causes that agree their particular business philosophy.

    What sort of groups do you disagree with them supporting?

  8. #33

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    So far, Hobby Lobby has purchased 43 properties valued at $200 million, donating them to churches, para-church ministries and other charitable causes.
    Donations special considerations

    Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. would like to be able to donate to all of the wonderful communities, ministries and organizations in our area. However, due to the over ten thousand requests that we receive yearly, this is just not a possibility. Because of this, Hobby Lobby has decided to give a special 10% discount on merchandise sold to churches, schools and national charitable organizations when they purchase items with an organizational check or credit card. Please see your local store manager in regards to obtaining this discount.

    Who does Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. donate to? Hobby Lobby has chosen to donate to and substantially support several charities and organizations that the family has selected, based on each charity's specific needs and mission. We believe that this specific support can provide a greater impact for good, as well as provide needed benefits to the communities that these charities are involved with.

    We hope this helps in clarifying our donation policy and wish all of you a very blessed day. Thank you for your continued support and for visiting our website.
    There is a link within the above text on their website to the specific organizations they support.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    My mother grew up with David Green in Altus. In the first paragraph of his book he talks about the impact that retail had on his formative years and talks about the toy department lady at the TG&Y store in Altus, that was my aunt.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    I just got back today from spending a week in Southern California. Last Saturday the Orange County Register had a large article about an Oklahoma company bidding $47 million for the Crystal Cathederal. The Oklahoma company was Hobby Lobby. If deemed the successful bidder they plan to lease it to an entity called King's College for a nominal amount. The college will be allowed to use it or lease it out at a much higher lease amount.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    I just shop at Michaels

  12. Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    Popsy, now that's weird.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    How is that weird?

  14. Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    You don't think it's weird that a business is buying a church half a country away, only to lease it out for someone else to sublease it?

  15. #40

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

  16. #41

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    BomberMWC: knowing what limited amount that I know about the Hobby Lobby folks, not really. Seems consistent with their stated beliefs and practices. For some other business, I might agree with you completely, but not in this instance.

  17. #42

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    You don't think it's weird that a business is buying a church half a country away, only to lease it out for someone else to sublease it?
    Not at all, they are a family and faith based company and always donate and provide according to their faith.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    Maybe I need to reevaluate my position on this, RC and I are in agreement? LOL

  19. #44

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Maybe I need to reevaluate my position on this, RC and I are in agreement? LOL
    Thanks Larry, now you've ruined everyhting. LOL

  20. #45

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    I feel a bit uncomfortable with the idea that people feel that it is anyone's business if someone gives or does not give to anyone. As a Christian organization, they likely take the Bible at face value. If that is the case, then they probably feel similar to my beliefs when it comes to giving. The Bible tells people to give privately. In fact in Matthew 6:1 it says...

    "Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven."

    I question the motives of ANYONE that gives to others seeking personal attention. To me it goes against God's wishes. I understand people have different beliefs and I can respect that. I have noticed a open hostility from several posters toward people of faith and I sometimes think it clouds their view. It seems like to give to organizations of faith are irrelevant in their eyes and do not count. I am not here to bash on anyone but rather to shine a light on the possible motives behind why someone gives the way they do... Not that it is ANYONE's business.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center


  22. #47

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    For those who want a little better perspective about where this company came from and what they are about:


    When looking for information about why they purchased the Crystal Cathedral, please listen to the section called Properties for Purchase which talks about similar past purchases and donations they have made.

  23. #48

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    Hobby Lobby to add One Million sq. feet of office space to it's OKC headquarters location!I think We already knew this but here is a Journal Record article about it.Anyone with access to the JR can you please post the entire article!http://journalrecord.com/2011/08/23/...s-real-estate/

  24. #49

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    1 million sf of office space? Awesome!

  25. #50

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby HQ & Distribution Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    1 million sf of office space? Awesome!
    Please note that it says 1 million sf of warehouse and office space. Most of that will be warehouse. They have little use for that much office space.

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