Originally Posted by
Pete Brzycki
I've been around the 'net since it's inception and have ran a bunch of different forums and participated in many more, but the anger and hostility that is often the norm can still shock me on occasion.
Even here -- where everyone either lives in or comes from Oklahoma, a place famous for friendliness -- the most innocuous threads tend to take an angry and even acrimonious turn. Someone could post about their favorite corn dog and by the second page of discussion, we'll be calling each other idiots for preferring thick batter to the thinner variety or some other trivial point of disagreement.
I just don't get it. I also don't expect to change it and therefore have to accept it here, even though I feel a strong sense of ownership (literally and figuratively).
There are some times it bothers me more than others, though, and today was one of those days. Hence the post.
BTW, I'm not trying to be high-and-mighty here because I can lose my cool as well or simply make a bad assumption that leads me down a dark path. But today is one of those days where I reaffirm a promise to myself to try and be nice, even when others aren't providing the same courtesy.
My dad used to say this (not sure where he heard it): "I choose to treat any man as a gentleman, not because he is one but because I am one."
I always try to keep that in mind.