Millenium Park in Chicago also has upscale dining. I have to say though; having been there and to the Bryant Park Grill plus the Central Park Boathouse restaurant in the past year, I really didn't think of them as "high-end" or stuffy. They seemed at least as casual as the OKC Art Museum, if not more so. The boathouse seemed perhaps the least casual, but the bar outside was VERY casual. My favorite of all was Bryant Park. I went to the grill and separately to the bar there on multiple occasions, and LOVED them.
I've eaten at the Bryant Park Grill and it's definitely on par with the Museum Cafe. The Central Park Boathouse has the nice restaurant inside and facing the Lake, but it also has walk-up dining windows next to a patio on the front side.
Don't Edmond My Downtown
The Central Park boathouse bar was one of my favorite stops in NYC. Of course, so was the bar at the Bryant Park Cafe (not Grill). Not sure what that says about me...
Some great pics of the Central Park Boathouse here.
Just this morning saw Larry the Cable Guy's Only In America show where he toured Central Park. Funny as heck, but reminded me again how incredible that place is.
Here is some pictures. I didn't completely walk through the area.
I don't know if there are fish in there.
Good job Thunder, no they haven't released the fish yet.
FritterGirl, any idea what the hold-up is on the spraygrounds/interactive children's fountain? I thought it was supposed to open in July. It'd be great to get it open during this heat wave.
Please understand, I fully realize our drought conditions but there seems to be a lot of barren/brown in those shots especially with the landscaping (the lawn areas seem to be in relatively good shape). Is this intentional? When most people think of "Gardens", brown isn't the color that jumps to the forefront. A lot of money has been spent redoing the MG and would be a shame if most of the landscaped materials had to be replaced because they didn't get watered.
There are guys out there planting, so many of the trees, shrubs, and plants will take a few years to grow and flourish. I do not know if there are any underground water system, which they really need it badly. There was some signs of the heat wave effects, but not quite as bad.
In the below picture, I can't remember if its all dead lawn or different material content, but the shrubs in the background, you can see some growing better than most. Need major help with this area.
And here you see the brown is normal. Its some sort of material, so I don't know what it is. Part of the landscaping design.
The same in this picture, the brown material is normal.
And you see in the below picture, the grass (on the slope where white squares are) should be green. MBG need to be watering...
I noticed that there are less lawns/grass, cuz I think they want less of that....less water to use...and in place they use some sort of brown/tan material.
Also, the borders around the pond is too white. It should have been creatively themed with lots of huge rocks. Just too...plain...white.
I know they have had some hold-ups with the Children's Interactive Fountain that pushed the progress back several weeks. I am hopeful it will be open within the coming weeks, but I've yet to hear a definite date.
As for Larry's comments regarding the landscaping, the Gardens has, like most of us, struggled mightily in this heat and dry weather. Technically, the Gardens is still under the purview of the contractors so they are sending out their landscaping subs to water and irrigate. City staff and Project 180 folks are aware of the plant issues, especially those places that are barren, or where plants haven't taken or have not survivied.
I've been told that contractors will be replacing these plant materials before they turn the project officially over to the City.
As now is NOT a good time to try and plant anything new, I would imagine they will wait until September when Fall planting season begins to try and put anything down. Right now, even with the best irrigation systems, soil temperatures are so hot that plants just don't take to the new environment well.
Give it some time, folks. It's still technically a construction site, and we've been experiencing unprecedented weather conditions this year that have really set some things back.
Hope this helps.
FritterGirl, what about the fish? And will they be offering food dispenser so I can feed them?
Hi Thunder,
It's going to be some time before we can relocate the fish back in there. Due to the drought, we are having to feed the lake with OKC water from time to time to keep water levels in check. As such, that water is not biologically viable for our fish at this time. Until the lake can pull adequate water from the existing water tables and not rely upon OKC water supply, I'm afraid the fish will stay put.
As for feeders, unless the new managment installs them, I doubt very highly they will be put in.
Yeah, too much chemicals in city water will kill those fish fast.
What are the hours of the tube? How much does it cost to go in? Free for OKCTalk members? Some day, it be kool to take night time pix. Is there hours limitation to walk around on the park? If its at 9 or 10, then I guess best time is during the Fall/Winter when it gets dark early enough to take pix of the tube lighting.
Is the office open yet? You are working there? Anyone can just walk in and request for a tour? How much the tour? Well, to walk around is free, but just wondering what kind of info are supplied during a tour. I have not seen the inside of the tube and don't remember seeing any pix, so is pix allowed inside the tube or not? Cuz I think people still pay to enter the tube? If people see the inside pix, then it may sway them away from paying to enter.
Any plans for this year's Christmas lights? Much more than ever before?
There was a story about the landscaping at MBG on Freedom 43 News last night. It makes perfect sense. It's just too darn hot and dry right now. Frittergirl, were you the lady they interviewed?
The current hours for the conservatory are Monday - Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and Sunday noon - 6:00 p.m. Now that the Foundation is operating the Gardens, they may choose to amend these hours once they get their new executive director in place.Originally Posted by Thunder
The cost for admission is $6 per adult; $5 per senior and/or child 13-18 (or with college ID); $4 for children 4-12, and FREE for children 3 and under. We do not offer any additional discounts nor free programs at this time, although in years' past, we have offered FREE days once quarterly. The last FREE day was on July 4. Look for one in October, around the time of the Grand Opening.
Hours for the outdoor grounds are 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m., which gives folks plenty of time to enjoy the Gardens from sunrise to sunset, and enjoy the lights at night.Originally Posted by Thunder
The new offices are NOT open yet. Group tours are available on an appointment basis by calling the front desk, and a group discount for the Crystal Bridge can/will apply. There are no guided tours of the outdoor grounds offered at this time.Originally Posted by Thunder
Information offered during a tour is basic information about rainforest ecology and conservation, as well as information about some of the interesting plants in the Crystal Bridge.
We are also working on a new Self-Guided Tour brochure for the Crystal Bridge, as well as a new map for the outdoor grounds, so individuals can go in and read up on the Crystal Bridge and outdoor grounds via their own tour.
Pictures are allowed inside of the Crystal Bridge. In fact, it is a very popular spot for photographers. I don't see that changing at all.
We will definitely be ramping up the Christmas display this year, and with FREE Sundays inside the Crystal Bridge, as well as Ice Skating on the All Seasons' Plaza near the restaurant, the Gardens will be very festive this Winter.Originally Posted by Thunder
No. That was one of my colleagues, who works for Project180 in the City's Public Information office. She is responsible for all construction and Project180-related information and communications. I deal more with things from a tourism aspect, as well as OKC Parks.Originally Posted by OKCisOK4Me
FritterGirl Thanks for the info. And please don't take it as a complaint, as that was not the intent. Just saw similar things happening with the Canal when it opened (they didn't plant indigenous species to Oklahoma and were replaced at the contractors expense IIRC). Then there was the issue of the broken irrigation system with the landscaping at the Landrun monument. Just seemed we might be seeing history repeat but fully understand the extenuating circumstances. It was one of the concerns I have for the MAPS 3 Park.
I plan on getting down there myself whenever the heat breaks (like when the high is in the low 80s).
Thunder: thanks for taking/posting the pics. Love the waterfall feature.
Glad to see people didn't waste any time criticising everything (sarcasm), but we've got to give the place at least 5 years to grow. And the fact that we're in this heat wave is the least attractive time to be critiquing the place. Thunder - some of the areas you're looking at (like the step area with the fill-in greenery) are grasses...think Monkey Grass....and it wil take a while for it to fill in. It will never be just a swath of green because that's not how that stuff's now Bermuda lawn grass. And something like the white concrete look is going to actually be a nice contrast once the plants have grown. You'll be in the middle of a deep green area there and the white will POP later.
I know we all want that instant gratification to be able to walk in and it be done, but it's plants not a structure. It has to grow so just be patient.
Went there for the 1st time post-renovation last week...only thing that stood out to me was the poor quality of the Grand Lawn grass. It had crab grass everywhere, and it was really uneven...not a smooth "lay down and watch a show" lawn at all . I'm not going to critique if that's just due to heat and water constraints, but I figured it'd be a nicer lawn for frisbee than what it is right now.
I don't know anything about grass so hopefully it's just a temporary problem that it'll grow out of.
These photos are a few months old but offer an interesting perspective of the gardens:
Nice pics Thunder!
Thanks Pete! It's interesting looking at those pix compared to what the rendering looked like.. They really did a GREAT JOB on this project. My 4 yr old son and I go out there at least once a week to walk around, play catch, look at the baby ducks. It great for family time. I can only imagine how much better it'll be once the Thunder Storm feature, Kid Zone, and Cafe all open up.
I love the new Myriad Gardens very much and think the renovation was fantastic. But saying that, looking at those pictures I can see how it is not a substitute for a central park. I took a walk around it a few weeks ago and the whole tour took me about 15 minutes. I think of a central park as a place where one can actually take a run or have enough space to play a soccer game etc.
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