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Thread: Going on a road trip and need cassettes, help!

  1. #1

    Default Going on a road trip and need cassettes, help!

    I'm about to go on a long road trip and just found out that the car we will be using only has a cassette player. Is it possible to buy cassettes anywhere these days? It's too late to order off the internet. I tried guestroom records and they only have CD's and records. I think I've seen cassettes in Goodwills before. Any suggestions? You really need something to listen to while driving for 8+ hours!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Going on a road trip and need cassettes, help!

    What kind of music do you like?

  3. Default Re: Going on a road trip and need cassettes, help!

    Get a cassette adapter. Lets you plug your ipod, smart phone etc. into the cassette holder and play your music through the car speakers.


  4. #4

    Default Re: Going on a road trip and need cassettes, help!

    Wow thanks BBatesokc, I didn't think about that. If I can find that at walmart today you are a lifesaver.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Going on a road trip and need cassettes, help!

    Quote Originally Posted by USG'60 View Post
    What kind of music do you like?
    I guess mostly stuff that fits into the "rock" category, though I like other genres like jazz as well.

  6. Default Re: Going on a road trip and need cassettes, help!

    Quote Originally Posted by SatelliteHigh View Post
    Wow thanks BBatesokc, I didn't think about that. If I can find that at walmart today you are a lifesaver.
    WalMart, Target, Radio Shack, and I've even seen them in the Dollar General stores.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Going on a road trip and need cassettes, help!

    If you don't find an adaptor that you want to buy, PM me. I have hundreds and hundreds to pick from and would be willing to loan some to you for the trip. I'm old school and still listen to tapes as often as CDs. I don't have an ipod. :-)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Going on a road trip and need cassettes, help!

    Sometimes you can find "books on tape" on cassettes. That's my favorite method for passing the time on a long drive, personally.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Going on a road trip and need cassettes, help!

    I have not been there in a while, but Happy Days Records at S.W. 89th and Western used to have a lot of cassettes.

    Bigray in Ok

  10. #10

    Default Re: Going on a road trip and need cassettes, help!

    Goodwill, most any Love's, friends

  11. #11

    Default Re: Going on a road trip and need cassettes, help!

    I have, literally, boxes and boxes of old cassettes.
    And when I say boxes, I mean crates.

    Many of these precious musical storage marvels even have that little felt pressure block under the tape replaced with bent over paper matches and pieces of cigarette butts and whatnot. These were among my favorites.

    But none of that does you any good, does it . . . =)

    Look on the bright side: At least the vehicle isn't equipped with an 8-Track player ("e.g. Santana's Greatest Hits" c. 1973?)

    Say! Isn't "Thunder" doing The Fred Sanford Thing out there on The Big 2-3/NE?
    Last edited by RadicalModerate; 07-20-2011 at 10:43 PM. Reason: Capitalize the T in the The preceeding Sanford

  12. #12

    Default Re: Going on a road trip and need cassettes, help!

    Note to Betts: Thanks for reminding me! (via your "Books on Tape" comment)

    If you, Mr. S. High, don't have an overdue book fine hanging over your borrowing ability, the Metro Library has almost as many cassettes as I do! And they are FREE! But they are really strict about maintaining The Honor System. That's why all of the local taxes I pay go directly to The Metropolitan Library System.

  13. Default Re: Going on a road trip and need cassettes, help!

    Quote Originally Posted by SatelliteHigh View Post
    I'm about to go on a long road trip and just found out that the car we will be using only has a cassette player. Is it possible to buy cassettes anywhere these days? It's too late to order off the internet. I tried guestroom records and they only have CD's and records. I think I've seen cassettes in Goodwills before. Any suggestions? You really need something to listen to while driving for 8+ hours!
    Come on down to your favorite market at the Golden Goose (link in signature)! There are a lot of cassettes! Enter through the main doors, walk left, and you will go into another section of the building. My booth is in the front. You will pass Paul's LPs. There are a celebrity booth across the aisle, check there for any. Then walk toward the very back, you will see millions of records and cassettes. I just took a walk around and noticed the tables of thousands of cassettes and remembered you asking about them. Very affordable prices!!! Today is Sunday, so your last chance before waiting through the week. We close at 6pm. If you can't make it in time, there is always next weekend.

    Here is the direct page.


    You should see boxes of cassettes in those pictures.

    In the below picture, this specific table was replaced with cassettes all together, so you should easily find them.

  14. Default Re: Going on a road trip and need cassettes, help!

    Tell him Thunder sent ya!

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