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Thread: John Rex Elementary

  1. #251

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    To be fair, lasomeday, you did include all of the Myriad Gardens in your post about shade (not just the "Tube")

    Like I said earlier, I seriously doubt that the man/company largely responsible for the renovation of the Myriad Gardens would allow anything to endanger its survival. That would mean a collosal waste of multi-millions of $$$. This includes their own 50 story tower, much less any newer construction.

  2. #252

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by lasomeday View Post
    Did you just compare the Myriad Gardens to Central Park? REALLY! Have you been there. Have you seen the green houses there. Are they next to the buildings?

    Study parks, tropical/desert plants, and sun shadows and get back to us!
    Yes, actually I have been there more than once. I've been all over Central Park. Would I want the Myriad Gardens to be completely surrounded by 50 story buildings? Of course not. Would a few high rises around the park cause any problems with the park? Of course not. None of the Myriad Gardens (Crystal Bridge included) would be adversely affected by anything currently being talked about or considered.
    As I said, this was discussed at length with detailed depictions of shadows, etc., in another thread. You seem to be making the assumption in post number 204 that a high rise building would block the sun all day long. It would actually only be for a short time each day and only during parts of the year. It's simply not an issue.

  3. #253
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    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Wow, we worry about some of the darndest stuff. I have been to urban parks all over the world and most have buildings around them. Vegetation still grows and most are pretty and green. In OKC we may actually welcome some late afternoon relief from the searing OK sun. I just bet our horticulturists can figure out how to evolve the vegetation should the need actually arise. Still not sure what all this talk has to do with the downtown school though. LOL

  4. #254

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Man this is soooooooo lame.. This is what to much downtime does to people. lol

  5. Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Lame works on this site.

  6. #256

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    How much does Lame get paid? If it is Asst City Mgr range are they hiring? LOL

  7. Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Bryant Park in NYC is a far better comparison, and it's nearly completely surrounded by tall buildings (Midtown Manhattan), other than where the NY Public Library sets it back a bit. Not all extremely tall (some are only mid-rise), but many are.

  8. Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Some great Bryant Park pictures: http://www.flickr.com/groups/bryantparknyc

  9. #259

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Urbanized.... does it have green houses with tropical and desert plants that need full sun? NO! Keep looking....

  10. #260

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by lasomeday View Post
    Urbanized.... does it have green houses with tropical and desert plants that need full sun? NO! Keep looking....
    That makes me wonder. How do tropical plants in mountainous areas of the Caribbean or Hawaii survive when they don't have full sun all day? How do desert plants in mountainous areas of the southwest USA survive when they aren't in full sun all day? Maybe they do, maybe they don't. Maybe the mountains are short and they're placed at just the right angles for the sun to get through? Just a thought. It doesn't have much affect on the downtown school in any case.

  11. Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    I wasn't getting into the greenhouse argument; just saying Bryant Park is a good comparison to the gardens. Obviously they don't have big tropical conservatory. But I'm sure Allan and his crew would find a way to adapt the plantings in the Crystal Bridge if OKC were lucky enough to have a bunch of tall buildings pop up around the MBG. It would be an interesting question to ask him. Maybe Fritter Girl could help with that one.

  12. #262

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by lasomeday View Post
    Urbanized.... does it have green houses with tropical and desert plants that need full sun? NO! Keep looking....
    Neither does downtown OKC, but if they build some in the future, I'm sure they'll keep this in mind.

  13. #263

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I wasn't getting into the greenhouse argument; just saying Bryant Park is a good comparison to the gardens. Obviously they don't have big tropical conservatory. But I'm sure Allan and his crew would find a way to adapt the plantings in the Crystal Bridge if OKC were lucky enough to have a bunch of tall buildings pop up around the MBG. It would be an interesting question to ask him. Maybe Fritter Girl could help with that one.
    If you went over to the MBG thread and asked her, where I'm sure she checks on a regular basis, you might get an answer.

  14. Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Nah, if I were really motivated I'd ask her on FB or Twitter. Or text her. Not my argument; just found it interesting to think about.

  15. #265

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    That's what's so nice about everything happening around the city, interesting enough to be stimulating.

  16. Default Re: Downtown Elementary School


  17. Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    How much does Lame get paid? If it is Asst City Mgr range are they hiring? LOL
    Don't worry Larry, lame just rakes in the cash.

  18. #268

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Be careful what you wish for with an elementary school downtown. See the current discussion regarding liquor licenses in Bricktown...

  19. #269

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by easternobserver View Post
    Be careful what you wish for with an elementary school downtown. See the current discussion regarding liquor licenses in Bricktown...
    So does that mean after the school is built, the new myriad garden restaurant, CC hotel, or any new development within a 300ft radius can't serve alcohol? If so, good luck in securing a restaurant for new myriad gardens or a cc hotel...

  20. #270

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Here is an rough idea of what the 300' buffer would entail (remember, it's 300 feet from any edge of the property, not the center of it):

  21. #271

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    So does that mean after the school is built, the new myriad garden restaurant, CC hotel, or any new development within a 300ft radius can't serve alcohol? If so, good luck in securing a restaurant for new myriad gardens or a cc hotel...
    Remember that the law only applies to businesses that derive more than 50% of their income from alcohol sales. I'm confident that wouldn't apply to a Myriad Gardens restaurant, and regarding a bar within a cc hotel, it looks like it could be outside 300' based on that map by Pete above.

  22. #272

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Oh NO!!! La Luna is in the 300 ft buffer, No more margaritas!!

  23. #273

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Existing businesses are grand-fathered in.

    But Film Row would be a in a world of hurt.

  24. #274

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    Existing businesses are grand-fathered in.

    But Film Row would be a in a world of hurt.
    If bars were what they're looking for in that area you could be right but I don't see that as a major focus for Film Row.

  25. #275

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    I might be able to understand a liquor store not being allowed next to a school if it attracted vagrants and such, but schools are usually done for the day by about 3:30PM and most night clubs/bars don't even get started until 8PM. They could operate in the same building and the users would never interact with each other. I think the distance rule is totally unnecessary.

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