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Thread: NE 7th & Oklahoma

  1. #1

    Default NE 7th & Oklahoma

    On my way to Deep Deuce on my lunch break, I noticed site prep and construction trucks for clearing land, on lots from NE 7th to NE 10th & Oklahoma, anybody know what this is for? Going south on Oklahoma Ave, it would be lots the on your left hand side...

  2. #2

    Default Re: NE 7th & Oklahoma

    i know they got permission from the city to close the easements so they can rip out the "extra" roads east of oklahoma ... don't know what is going in

  3. #3

    Default Re: NE 7th & Oklahoma

    According to this development, its zoned for commercial use...

  4. #4

    Default Re: NE 7th & Oklahoma

    The property between 6th and 8th and east of Oklahoma (shown in yellow) is owned by OKC Town Center, which is the Bert Belanger / Anthony McDermid group.

    The only other privately owned property east of Oklahoma in that area is on the north side of 8th, and it's about four small lots owned by different people and is shown in blue. Everything else is public right-of-way.

    I believe they recently approved closing 7th and the two alley ways east of Oklahoma. My guess is they may be reading the site for apartments, which seems to be the only thing that can get financed at the current time.

    Last edited by Pete; 06-13-2011 at 07:10 PM.

  5. Default Re: NE 7th & Oklahoma

    I've always felt that area was maybe one of the most prime areas for housing in all of downtown, going back to my Automobile Alley days. Talk about access...

  6. Default Re: NE 7th & Oklahoma

    Another benefit is how contiguous all of that land is. Someone could really put together something special. Great economy of scale.

  7. #7

    Default Re: NE 7th & Oklahoma

    A few years ago I remember Bert Belanger saying he wouldn't build there until a Quiet Zone was established.

  8. #8

    Default Re: NE 7th & Oklahoma

    That area isn't any closer to the tracks than where you live, I don't understand that.

    On another note, Betts, how is the Harrison street construction coming along? Are they adding landscaping like the rendering in post #3 proposed?

  9. Default Re: NE 7th & Oklahoma

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    A few years ago I remember Bert Belanger saying he wouldn't build there until a Quiet Zone was established.
    They've been talking about the Quiet Zone for the last ten years... and still doesn't exist.

  10. #10

    Default Re: NE 7th & Oklahoma

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    They've been talking about the Quiet Zone for the last ten years... and still doesn't exist.
    Not that long,and it's in the works now and should be complete in the next 2 if it stays on track.

  11. Default Re: NE 7th & Oklahoma

    Good news! Will the quiet zone make it as far north as 16th?

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