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That's sort of my point. There is no one metric that is superior to all others.
To some, if we were only doing a 700+ million cc, that would be gravy on the biscuit.
To others, the rapids at the riverfront ought to be 2x or better the scope of what is presently envisioned, with still more spent to make the riverfront THE future.
To others, even more sidewalks and trails are vastly superior to even the minor remodel of the Cox arena to aid the Barons.
To others, multiple new fire rigs, well trained staff on board today, recruited in from other communities of similar size, all fully equipped, with similar improvement, or better, for the policia, are way more important than sidewalks, pools for seniors,or a basement cc for trade shows they will never attend.
None of those perspectives are invalid in general, and certainly not invalid to their proponents.
But the citizens who could vote turned out and voted for a blank slate tax increase,with some promises of some projects. One or two pols, none of whom had the stick to enforce their voice, said this or that ought to happen, perhaps even were so bold as to say this or that WILL happen. Blah, blah, blah. Promises at campaign time. Keep them or dump them next time around, but sheesh, don't treat pol speak as being Gospel.
So it finally came time to decide what will happen when, a real honest to goodness, can now hold someone accountable vote.
Some folks understood the difference in hopes and press releases and desire and reality. So they stepped up, filled a void and they shaped things to go their way, while others sat back and either watched with astonishment or were a tad too secure on their own agendas and beliefs and merely assumed they held a winning hand in a wide open no limits game. In short, some folks worked the system while others waited for the system to work the way they hoped it might.
Right or wrong from the perspective of X, those who take on the bull often get the horns as their prize, or if they lack experience, they get gored. Those who controlled the pace and direction for the voted timeline are not folks who tend to get gored when they go after the bull.
Should the cc be first? Not in my personal opinion. Did I lift a finger to prevent it, or to advance my own personal fav, the park, to happen first? Nope, just held out hope, and watched as it diminished almost daily over the span of a few weeks. Lots of people desiring other projects did pretty much the same thing.
Truthfully, at this point, I do not believe the park will ever be as it was pitched, not in four years, not in thirty four years. I'll get over it. I've survived far bigger disappointments, and am working through a whopper of a new one this week.