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Thread: Caylee's Law

  1. Default Caylee's Law


    Please sign this petition to help Caylee's Law become a real law.

  2. Default Re: Caylee's Law


    Caylee's Law, contact your Senator and Representative: there should be a new federal law created called Caylee's Law that will make it a federal offense for a parent or guardian to not notify law enforcement of a child going missing in a timely manner.
    Let's keep another case like Caylee Anthony out of the courts.
    That will be a good law. Just what kind of punishment? Most likely a misdemeanor. I'd suggest a max of one year per count.

    Although, the name is misleading... She never was really missing when she died an accidental death. How about to also report a child's accidental death rather than just missing itself. That way mothers, fathers, and guardians should most likely report it without fear of wrongful accusations.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Caylee's Law

    No new laws without a like number of old laws stricken.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Caylee's Law

    I don't believe this would be remotely constitutional. What Constitutional authority exists for the federal government to do this? It's a fine idea for the states, but this isn't a federal issue.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Caylee's Law

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    I don't believe this would be remotely constitutional. What Constitutional authority exists for the federal government to do this? It's a fine idea for the states, but this isn't a federal issue.
    You are correct, however emotionalism rules the present.

  6. Default Re: Caylee's Law

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    You are correct, however emotionalism rules the present.
    Isn't that the truth? I keep thinking to myself, "little dead white girl" syndrome...
    Still corrupting young minds

  7. Default Re: Caylee's Law

    The petition is that it be a felony.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Caylee's Law

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerQueen View Post
    The petition is that it be a felony.
    And I can't see a constitutional basis for it. The federal government doesn't have the power to criminalize things like that.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Caylee's Law

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    You are correct, however emotionalism rules the present.
    Most "named" laws are nothing but that...

  10. #10

    Default Re: Caylee's Law


    How often does this even happen?

    Not very often and I don't think we need a new law at all.

    The state failed to prove it's case beyond a reasonable doubt....no reason to pass a new law in my opinion.

  11. Default Re: Caylee's Law

    Aren't there plenty of other laws on the books that would handle a case like this? Why keep making more and more laws when it can already be enforced with what is on the books. If need be, increase the penalties for the existing laws and move on.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Caylee's Law

    I agree that this should something determined by state. But, really shouldn't this sort of thing already be covered? I would peg someone who doesn't report a missing 2 year old as abuse/neglect. Which is why I don't understand why Casey got a Not Guilty for the child abuse charge.

  13. Default Re: Caylee's Law

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUMom View Post
    I agree that this should something determined by state. But, really shouldn't this sort of thing already be covered? I would peg someone who doesn't report a missing 2 year old as abuse/neglect. Which is why I don't understand why Casey got a Not Guilty for the child abuse charge.
    1. She was never missing.
    2. Not reporting is not child abuse.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Caylee's Law

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    1. She was never missing.
    2. Not reporting is not child abuse.
    1. She was missing
    2. But it is neglect

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