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Thread: John Rex Elementary

  1. Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    yep Im a traiter and you all are the judge. So what?

    I'll leave this forum since no person can properly read my posts anyway nor appreciate the contribution I try to make. I've been on OKC forums for 15 years, but this is the first people have accused me of being a traitor. So is the new OKC, Im glad people have pride in the city finally.

    Good luck! Signing off from OKC TALK.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  2. #202

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    This has to be the biggest bone headed decision of the century!!! Great job OKC maps trust!! You have just wasted a ultra prime piece of property for a school.. First urban renewal comes in 30 years ago and destroys our historical buildings on that site, leaves it vacant for 30 years and puts in a school that will generate nothing.. This was the plan back in 1983 when downtown was dead, but now it really makes no sense.. I would love to see the demographics of the area to see how much of the population actually has kids in the area.. Anyways it all could change tomorrow!! " This city is flying by the seat of its pants, totally unpredictable and dangerous".. quote off" Top Gun.." Also, Hot rod go and put your big boy pants on and get over it!!!

  3. #203

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    yep Im a traiter and you all are the judge. So what?

    I'll leave this forum since no person can properly read my posts anyway nor appreciate the contribution I try to make. I've been on OKC forums for 15 years, but this is the first people have accused me of being a traitor. So is the new OKC, Im glad people have pride in the city finally.

    Good luck! Signing off from OKC TALK.
    Geeze. Drama queen.

  4. #204

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by Reno and Walker View Post
    This has to be the biggest bone headed decision of the century!!! Great job OKC maps trust!! You have just wasted a ultra prime piece of property for a school.. First urban renewal comes in 30 years ago and destroys our historical buildings on that site, leaves it vacant for 30 years and puts in a school that will generate nothing.. This was the plan back in 1983 when downtown was dead, but now it really makes no sense.. I would love to see the demographics of the area to see how much of the population actually has kids in the area.. Anyways it all could change tomorrow!! " This city is flying by the seat of its pants, totally unpredictable and dangerous".. quote off" Top Gun.." Also, Hot rod go and put your big boy pants on and get over it!!!
    See, I would say the biggest waste of an ultra prime piece of property is putting the convention center on the Bob Howard site. There are differences of opinion, clearly. I think the school will probalby have to be a magnet school, but what will happen is that its presence will encourage more people to move near downtown and, besides the park, will be the biggest stimulus for development of Core to Shore.

  5. #205

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    See, I would say the biggest waste of an ultra prime piece of property is putting the convention center on the Bob Howard site. There are differences of opinion, clearly. I think the school will probalby have to be a magnet school, but what will happen is that its presence will encourage more people to move near downtown and, besides the park, will be the biggest stimulus for development of Core to Shore.
    agree 100%

  6. #206

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    I pray you are right betts, now I wonder if City Arts is ever going to move and where, I bet Film Row committee is ticked off.. They were hoping for a huge development to help bring income to that district, now it will get nothing from that super block.. I can only pray our city leaders know what they are doing and I am totally wrong...

  7. #207
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    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    I think that we have gotten really, really myopic on our views of downtown. We assume EVERY piece of property is prime. The truth is, the core of OKC needs the CC, the CC hotel, the school, more retail, more housing, better streets, an improved arena, and active entertainment area, the arts, more restaurants, more PEOPLE, more businesses. We worry more about EXACTLY where it goes than THAT it goes. OKC core will continue to develop and will morph. As long as we have the right enterprises and facilities in the core and the right infrastructure, the private development and corresponding lifestyle will follow. Having a new school downtown is a really GOOD thing. Moving it over a block or two does nothing to discourage any other private development in the near area. The NET result is very very positive for the core.

  8. #208

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    I think that we have gotten really, really myopic on our views of downtown. We assume EVERY piece of property is prime. The truth is, the core of OKC needs the CC, the CC hotel, the school, more retail, more housing, better streets, an improved arena, and active entertainment area, the arts, more restaurants, more PEOPLE, more businesses. We worry more about EXACTLY where it goes than THAT it goes. OKC core will continue to develop and will morph. As long as we have the right enterprises and facilities in the core and the right infrastructure, the private development and corresponding lifestyle will follow. Having a new school downtown is a really GOOD thing. Moving it over a block or two does nothing to discourage any other private development in the near area. The NET result is very very positive for the core.
    Agree! Very concise and spot on!

  9. #209

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    I am not even sure how 'prime' the school site is anyhow. It has been vacant for a generation. Make the school 3 stories, push it to the sidewalk, open up an inner courtyard for the playground, provide for drive-thru drop-off/pick-up and you would have a nice low/mid rise addition to downtown.

  10. #210

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    I am not even sure how 'prime' the school site is anyhow. It has been vacant for a generation. Make the school 3 stories, push it to the sidewalk, open up an inner courtyard for the playground, provide for drive-thru drop-off/pick-up and you would have a nice low/mid rise addition to downtown.
    that sounds like a great plan

  11. #211

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    Steve, aint it the truth - You guys will be SO SURPRISED if you ever come to China... This country is really leaving the US in the dust in many ways - development/planning wise. ....

    I know this is off topic a little - but allow me to respond/explain what Im talking about, since Rover and others (who supposedly live(d) in NY don't understand what Im talking about OKC lacking but would be a huge improvement):

    ok, let me put it a way you can understand. Does OKC have any clubs or restaurants that would be worthy of a block in New York or Chicago?

    Most big cities have at least a neighbourhood with some chic, sophisticated venues. A must go to place of that city, where you go to be seen, and often pay for it. A place/district where people dress up, and feel good about themselves and those around them. This is where OKC is lacking, and why everybody from bigger cities often say OKC is boring. Fact is fact.

    Im not saying OKC needs to be like other big cities, but I am saying that OKC will be even more attractive to a demographic it is trying to attract, by encouraging sophisticated development (and I don't mean good ole boy social clubs either).

    I do agree that the young people of OKC need to embrace it, we are speaking the same there. But OKC leaders also need to 'encourage' it, just like they do with Bricktown 'Family' venues. .... that's my point.

    Hot Rod,
    I agree with you 100%. I think until OKC grows out of its uber conservative mindset it will continue to be a 2d tier city being surpassed by other cities currently our size.

  12. #212

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by dcsooner View Post
    Hot Rod,
    I agree with you 100%. I think until OKC grows out of its uber conservative mindset it will continue to be a 2d tier city being surpassed by other cities currently our size.
    Conservative has nothing to do with it. We need to get rid of the suburban mindset. More people need to become new urbanist conservatives.

  13. #213

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    I agree with sid on the charter school, but not the location of the school. It should be north of the CBD not near the homeless shelters. That area is not safe for dropping kids off for school, and is not safely walkable for kids to any homes/apartments...etc.

  14. #214
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    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Conservative has nothing to do with it. We need to get rid of the suburban mindset. More people need to become new urbanist conservatives.
    Helps to have 1 Billion + people and and a government who does what they want with a huge military backing them.

  15. #215

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by lasomeday View Post
    I agree with sid on the charter school, but not the location of the school. It should be north of the CBD not near the homeless shelters. That area is not safe for dropping kids off for school, and is not safely walkable for kids to any homes/apartments...etc.
    Won't the shelters be gone by the time the school is being built? I thought all were relocating to the west near the fairgrounds. Maybe I am mistaken. Wouldn't be the first time.

  16. #216

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Between Linwood and 10 on Virginia they are building a huge mission, Detox will be on linwood and virginia. if anything the city rescue mission on 900 W california ia expanding but will be more family oriented.. Fairgrounds would be nice place though..

  17. #217

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    I don't understand the huge concern about safety for school children near homeless shelters. Have there been problems that I'm not aware of? Many of the homeless shelters actually take in families with school age children. Are they in danger?

  18. #218
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    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Don't you know, all unfortunate and poor people are dangerous?

    Am being sarcastic, of course. This scare tactic or people's fear of anyone different than themselves is just another level of paranoia. I seriously doubt that there is any less or more danger for the kids depending on moving them a block or two in any direction. There is no proof that the homeless shelters attract any more predators than the general population. This seems like an ignorant fear. Schools should be secured regardless of where they are. This one should be no different.

  19. #219

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Rover let me buy you lunch and I will introduce you to some of the rescue mission clientel that I have come to know and love for over 30 years and then you tell me if you feel safe.. mental illness with severe psychosis is a wonderful thing to have around a school..

  20. #220

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Regardless, the homeless are being moved. It reminds me of when Larimer Square in Denver was made into an upscale restaurant and retail district. When I was a kid, it was skid row and "magically", all the homeless disappeared when it was converted. They were shifted to a different less prominent part of the city.

  21. #221
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    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Regardless, the homeless are being moved. It reminds me of when Larimer Square in Denver was made into an upscale restaurant and retail district. When I was a kid, it was skid row and "magically", all the homeless disappeared when it was converted. They were shifted to a different less prominent part of the city.
    And how many times have the "street walkers" been moved around in this city?

    As for the mentally ill homeless, Reno you are right, but I think it is a separate issue the city, the churches, the people need to address regardless of where the school is built. We cannot avoid the development of our city in favor of not addressing this issue. If moving the school into the proximity forces the city and our citizens to address that concern, I am all for it.

  22. #222

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    I guess the biggest problem I sometimes have is the tone that this discussion often carries. When we talk of "moving" the homeless it is as if they are cattle... They are humans and lot of them need help. A lot need help with psychological disorders. Our society has failed big time in helping those with schizophrenia and other disorders. I just hope when we talk of moving the homeless we are not just doing it because it is best for us, but because it also best for them.

  23. #223

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    betts, Tell me where they are being moved other then over on Virginia.. Rescue mission is not going anywhere it is actually expanding down reno avenue. I believe the 700 block on reno has a new job placement building that the mission is sponsoring so it is actually getting bigger.. Remember missions are big businesses and I will let you draw your own conclusions on how they make money.. I am not going there on a public forum

  24. #224

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by Reno and Walker View Post
    Rover let me buy you lunch and I will introduce you to some of the rescue mission clientel that I have come to know and love for over 30 years and then you tell me if you feel safe.. mental illness with severe psychosis is a wonderful thing to have around a school..
    Mental illness and psychosis exists in the population all over OKC. A homeless shelter has no corner on that market. Schools should be secure areas no matter where they are located in OKC so that problem is a non starter as far as I'm concerned.

  25. #225

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Okay if you say so jbab.. I tell you what I invite you to come volunteer one day this month and serve food with me and then you can make a conclusion.

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