I have a serious question and I am hoping that the responses can stay friendly. With the leadership changes at The Oklahoman, is there any chance that the Editorial/Opinion page might someday contain opposing viewpoints? It strikes me as odd that all of the major newspapers that I read (USA Today, Dallas News, etc.) often have both conservative and liberal commentary, but The Oklahoman does not. Heck one of the Dallas News' commentators used to work for a famous Democrat, and USA Today routinely runs an "opposing view" article after they print an article from their viewpoint (which is often conservative but sometimes liberal).
I'm not a liberal, but I'm also not an ultra conservative, and I tend to think that we learn at least as much about life by trying to understand the guy whose views we don't agree with as we do listening to those we agree with. I guess it's just surprising to me that we have a city this big and the paper's editorial page is run the way it is.
If there are occasionally opposing views from respected national writers I apologize, they certainly are not printed on the iPad version or the website.