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Being the consumer advocate that you are, it is a little surprising that you would poo-poo the importance of nutritional information. But I will agree 100% that Braum's training seems to include modules on indifference, slow-motion, downright ignoring of customers (picture this: handicapped man limps into store with cane, makes difficult rounds to pick up milk, eggs, bread, etc. while using cane then has to stand at grocery checkout for 10 minutes while employees jabber at each other in the food service area), going brain-dead while a customer makes a request for a specific ice cream/topping combination. I actually witnessed what I can only describe as a complete melt-down by an employee at the Guthrie store when my son-in-law requested a mix, using chocolate ice cream and butterfinger. Pretty simple, but the worker couldn't understand it, and then gave him change twice which he tried to give back the second time when she then turned beet-red, closed her eyes, cried and, I thought, was going to scream. Maybe just a bad day, but my opinion, probably poor training. Try to give your constructive input sometime. I have many times, because I'm addicted...ADDICTED to Braum's milk and ice cream and want to see them succeed in every way. I've even tried to go offline to Drew Braum. Dead end. They are pretty closed to input, however good it might be. I've had a very successful career as a business consultant but they pretty much fire back form letters and make the executives impossible to reach. And I was offering my input free...very unlike me. Anyway, enough about me...anyone else think they should make accommodations for pregnant women/mothers of small children and handicapped people for groceries through the drive-though window?