There are Apple fans, and then there are real Apple fans.
Count 17 year-old Chinese student “Zheng” as a member of the latter camp. Zheng is the new owner of a brand new iPad 2, which the Anhui Province resident received through the unlikeliest of means: By trading one of his own kidneys.
Both The Global Times and Shanghi Daily report the story, which begins when Zeng is contacted online by a bona fide organ broker. Zheng, clearly enticed by the notion of finally owning an iPad 2, underwent the surgery on April 28th, exchanging the extracted organ for 22,000 yuan ($3393).
Suffice it to say that Zheng’s mom wasn’t happy with the trade, and made honest maternal efforts to get the police to help retrieve her son’s irreplacable body part. No dice, of course, because the kind broker who arranged the trade was sadly also the kind of organ broker who keeps his phone in a perpetually off state.
Now, Zheng, stricken with sickness after the surgery, regrets his decision, especially after finding out that the hospital where he stayed wasn’t actually qualified to remove his kidney in the first place.
Now the question is, are there any apps for searching for kidney donors?