Originally Posted by
Originally Posted by
I should have known you were an attorney. You like to argue just like every other attorney I know (except Doug, of course) :lol:
I have a feeling Doug has done his share of arguing.
My (Doug) Reply Begins Here:
Yeah, but that was in my 1st life. From that marriage, I have 2 wonderful children, an ex that I get along with better now than I did then, and, in my 2nd life, I have one that is more (but not always) tranquil. It's all part of living, don't you know? :roll: Generally, except when I'm having an emotional spasm (sometimes, here), argument for the sake of argument strikes me as pretty pointless and non-productive.
As to the Hornets, particularly, early on, I took a much more temporate and generous approach towards New Orleans and the Hornets returning there. For example, here's a post I made at OkcTalk on 10/27/05:
Originally Posted by
Doug Loudenback 10/27/05
[replying to a message from another concerning the disposition of HornetsReport.com fans toward OKC]Thanks, ****! I did a little exploring last night [@HornetsReport.com] and your report does seem at 1st glance to be correct. Still, I'm gonna explore a little more before reorienting my personal compass ... I don't want to be a jerk, too, you know? We shall see.
A little time passed and I explored more earnestly at the bad place, and I become more fumed about what I read there and probably just as much for learning the consequences of doing so.
Then, responding to another post there,
http://www.okctalk.com/35043-post13.html , I replied (following the lead in quote) ...
Originally Posted by OKCHornetsBuzz [as to the quickly signed up Okc corporate sponsors]
This story is GREAT. I think there's definitely enough big-time corporate support for the Hornets.
It's going to take NO the better part of a decade to come back. Even then, will the population ever fully go back? I doubt it. Factor in that the Hornets weren't supported BEFORE the huricane and you have a "why go back?" situation.
I was at the first exhibition game and the crowd almost WILLED the team to cut that big lead. And ya know what? They almost won.
I think the Hornets can win 36 and it will be in large part because they have a City that gives a damn about them now. Don't buy this NO junk. They NEVER cared about the Hornets. One official on the team I talked to said that they have been treated better in OKC in two months than they ever were in three years in NO.
Just be ready to keep them.
Originally Posted by
Doug Loudenback
I've got to say that my first thoughts and excitement about the Hornets coming to Okc were very tempered with the thought that we should take great care about Okc not having either the substance or the appearance of being vultures, circling around the dead and eating their prey. I don't think ... and I think that many feel the same way ... that neither of those things are what we (Okc) want to (1) be or (2) appear to be. Some in this forum were more aggressive. You can read all those posts for yourself.
But, my feelings and thoughts are becoming less clear in light of the absolutely ugly trash talk we (Okc) are getting from the Hornet's fan site in NO, as well as the NO poster's at
http://www.hornetscentral.com/, and perhaps at your site as well ... I've not yet had time to explore all the posts at
http://www.okchornetsbuzz.com/, but I will (but I did find time to register!).
The sensation is growing that I might ought to abandon the sense of being a "nice person" and just "go" for what I really hope will happen. My inner "child", "adult" and "parent" are having a serious discussion!
Were I persuaded that the NO trash-Okc-talkers represented the mainstream of NO Hornets fans ... and these trash-talkers are, in my opinion, a pretty despicable group of ingrates ... then I would have less hesitancy in saying, "That's enough. You're not worth caring a damn about. Let's duke it out, and forget about the hurricane disaster since you are such a lowly group of people", or perhaps with less polite words than these.
I'm not at all sure that I like that I'm starting to think that way ... but I'm not at all sure that I don't. The inner self debate continues ...
By 11/8/05, the evolution continued. See this post at OkcTalk.com:
http://www.okctalk.com/hornets-nest/...g-trashed.html as well as several other posts here.
During the time since then, I've tried as well as a novice can to learn not only about the Hornets, but about the NBA, the Hornets history in particular, and such mundane things as "what does the 3 second violation" mean! :roll: I'm certainly no expert (yet!), but I've come along at least a little.
And, at this point, I have personally concluded, based on the pretty thorough review of statistics that I made, that NOLA never did, in the 3 years the Hornets were there, really ACT to make this team its own by showing the team that it was really really important to them. While many NOLA posters speak the Hornets in terms of it being their "right" to have them, I see having the Hornets as a matter of "privilege" and it is not only me that is enjoying the exercise of that privilege to the hilt. I'm doing so again tonight, and again on Wednesday. Sad to say, getting tickets for Saturday's game v. the Lakers is not possible since it's been sold out for quite a time.
My "statistical" conclusion, my surprise at being wholly sucked up by this team, and coupled with the idiotic posts by those who set the rules and who dominate posting at the bad place (as well as being able to fully exercise that liberty here where they can and do say what they want), I have gotten to the point of going all out for the Hornets to stay in Oklahoma City.
Will they stay in Oklahma City or return to New Orleans? My crystal balls don't work - even if I yell at them, "WORK, DAMMIT!" Will I be angry if they don't stay? No. Will I be said? Absolutely. That's life in the city, don't you know? Life will go on.
Sorry for the long non-argument.