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I found most of the places people rave about it in this city to be disappointing to say the least.
I noticed Primo's is starting to slide. I have yet to understand why they would let it slide. Especially when Olive Garden is there only real competition. I have found better italian food in the freezer case at the grocery store then what I found at Olive Garden.
Hideway was not the world's greatest pizza. It was good pizza but, I have had better from certain Pizza Hut's or Papa John's stores. Falcone's was the worst of all. Greasy and bad heartburn that took a bottle of tums to kill.
Nic's I tried to stand in line and just got impatient. If his burgers are that good, the least he could do is hire a few people and expand his establishment. He could still maintain the same quality control in a bigger location with more seating, cooks, servers/cashiers. Staying in that small of a place just tells me he is cheap. I can make a great burger on my back patio better then any place under the sun.
Cafe 7 was good but, had the same problem as Nic's. If your running out of tables on a regular basis it is time to expand or relocate. These days I do my best to stay away from the trendy eateries. When I feel like dining out, I eat at whatever is close by and fits the budget at the moment. I found good steaks at many places including IHOP. I love their t-bone steak and eggs with a side of hashbrowns. I eat the steak, mix the fried eggs with the hash browns. The pancakes serve as dessert. I don't go that often when I do that is one main things I order.