My grill burner rusted out, and it's not worth fixing. Uni Flame from Wal-Mart is cheap by the way. Anyways, I've been looking for a new grill. I've always thought about getting a charcoal grill in addition to my gas grill to experiment with. I'm looking for help to see if this grill I like is good or not. They make Propane/Charcoal combos. The one I found is at Sam's. It has a side infrared burner, and includes a smoke box for indirect heat. Here is the link at the Smoke Hollow website. It's the first one on the page.
They have a Char-Griller brand that is similar at Lowe's, and a Brinkmann at Home Depot. They don't have the amount of features this one at Sam's does for around the same price. Does anyone have an opinion on this?