Re: Meeting or What?
Leon, let me express something to you that I have learned many years ago when I first started going online and making friends. It is amazingly hard for members to give up their anonymity. They are afraid of letting you see the real person - they are afraid of letting people see the real person and want to maintain the mystique. This happens over and over on message boards and email exchanges.
Leon, I applaud your efforts and I too was saddened watching all of your efforts to get together fall apart. It is hard to see how many people are lonely and wanting friends and dates and then let the fear overtake them. It probably isn't even conscious in a lot of ways.. a little reason comes up and they bow out. It is not directed at you in any way. It is hard for some people to take the first step - they probably feel vulnerable. This may or may not be true for all members, but I have experienced this repeatedly - even on cruise ships message boards when you've been talking to people for more than a year - we plan on meeting and only one or two people show up! And it's on a cruise ship! Where can you hide? LOL But I don't take it personally. I just grab my umbrella drink and do the conga .. and you should too!
My point is please don't take it personally either. Spring is right around the corner and there will be plenty of opportunities to get together..
Oki Man5, as a moderator, I am privvy to posts being reported.. typically this is not the place to discuss issues such as this. But, to clear this up and put it to rest, I have to say that I do not recall one mention of what you are implying. No one said anything to the effect of stalking in any way, shape or form. The report was in reference to hijacking threads and having possibly inappropriate posts in the wrong thread. Please PM me or othermods if you need more details or want to discuss it further.
We all enjoy this board but is a public board & there does have to be rules and limitations on what & where things are posted.
Keep posting guys. We all appreciate both of your insights.
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "