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Thread: Ok Dhs

  1. Default Re: Ok Dhs

    You want to avoid these things, don't have kids or don't get a divorce. Presumably, DHS processes these payments so as to better monitor deadbeat dads and to help ensure you get your money. They are not a consumer bank, nor should you expect such service from them, and frankly, you expecting such service from them makes me question whether you're dealing in realistic terms regarding this problem.

    The rest of your post is a bunch logical fallacies that need not be addressed.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Ok Dhs

    Ummm...I expect ZERO service from them. I don't need them. I don't want them.

    Exactly what you said. They were created to help ensure deadbeat dads pay for their kids. I don't have one of those!

    I have been divorced for 8 years btw and never needed them. So I guess it's not about getting a divorce is it dear.

  3. Default Re: Ok Dhs

    kmf563...I would really like to get with you (e-amil). You can contact me at jacodenn5201@att.net.


    Oklahoma City

    Dennis and Jacob's Page - Children Need Both Parents

  4. #29

    Default Re: Ok Dhs

    Please let me know who get in touch with! I am seriously considering sueing the state. I have had a case where i was getting child support and then my ex husband and his current wife seperated and she went to DHS. Now they take out for both of our families but she gets all the funds because she is on welfare. I have tried to straighten this out but again i am put on hold for 30 minutes and then have a really rude person tell me that they can't help me! I desperately need the money that i am owed! i don't ask the state for assistance i work for my money and all i ask is for the money they owe. Please let me know the contact or how you got this resolved.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Ok Dhs

    When DHS decided they needed to have their hands in my son's father paying support to me, I got paperchecks. After several years, I was given the option of automatic deposit or the card I assume you are speaking of. With automatic deposit, it doesn't cost you a thing.
    However, they have just loved to charge 25-50 bucks a year for the convenience of getting me the money I assume and every year, my former husband's refunds are robbed of what they think he owes DESPITE the fact that they have taken everything they should have all year long.
    Yea, real stupid idiots.
    Either way, just make sure you don't ever have to have them in your life for any other reason because they will all but destroy you if your children get removed.

  6. Default Re: Ok Dhs

    iwantmysonback, are they still doing that to your former husband's refunds? If so, and if they send it all to you, I hope you gave it all back in cash to him, if you are still in contact with him.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Ok Dhs

    My child support has always been direct deposited into my ex's account.......the child support for my stepson was being put onto one of those debit cards but all it took was a phone call and a form to get that changed into being direct deposited into our checking account. It was really that easy......

  8. #33

    Default Re: Ok Dhs

    Quote Originally Posted by kmf563 View Post
    I think you are under assumptions that are not correct. I too am a tax payer and do not wish my taxes to be wasted. What I guess you missed is that I did not choose this. My ex husband has always - always - paid his child support. He has paid it directly to me and we've never had a problem. DHS is the one who insisted it go through their office. They are the ones who insisted it be on a card. They are the ones who claim to want to save paper by not writing checks the, make you fill out 132 pages of paper for services you do not wish to have nor need. That is what I call wasteful. Their time and money and our taxes would be better spent on people who need their services to collect money they are not getting. Once a month isn't what most people get. You child support is taken out of each check the payor receives - so if they get paid once a month, you get paid once a month. Most people get paid weekly or bimonthly, therefore child support is more often received multiple times per month. It's not like I get twice the amount of money, I just get paid smaller amounts more often. I feel I DO have a right to say how I should be getting MY money. Because it's just that. MINE. DHS does not pay me. They do not provide any service to me that I require. It is just some political ploy to show how busy they are. When they went before the state to try to aquire more money, they came up with this brilliant plan to separate the child services division from the elderly division. They needed every child support case they could just to show how much money they would need for that side. That is when they decided that every case that goes before a judge becomes mandatory services provided by them. It doesn't matter what the situation is. The judge used to be able to say direct deposit or check directly to the payee. Now it all has to go through DHS. Without regard for who or what the situation is. So not only are my taxes being wasted to provide services for those who don't need it, they are now in charge of my money.

    You obviously don't use their services or work there.
    Just a note, it isn't your money - it is for the kids. Just saying and I understand your frustration. Honestly, I think child support matters are the most hellish situations possible. In your case, dad is paying, so you're ahead of the game. So many people end up going back to court over and over and over and over - often just to continue to fight. It is hell on earth.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Ok Dhs

    DHS especially Child Support Enforcement is a joke. It needs an overhaul and they are the most backwards organization I have ever dealt with. For instance they don't know if I actually owe back child support and if I do how much but they take state tax returns and they take extra money every check. I've received letters and info from them stating they are going to take my license away for not paying when it has come out of my check automatically from day one. Even at times they were taking double what they were supposed to.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Ok Dhs

    Yes, the money is not yours, it is the kids...

    You know for a fact someone is making money off these cards otherwise it wouldn't be done. Since people know it's not the parents or kids making the money...

    The card company is probably paying DHS to require child support to be paid using their card. DHS gets more funding, the card company is making money off the parents and the parents are getting screwed. Isn't that how the government is supposed to work?

  11. #36

    Default Re: Ok Dhs

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCNDN View Post
    Yes, the money is not yours, it is the kids...

    You know for a fact someone is making money off these cards otherwise it wouldn't be done. Since people know it's not the parents or kids making the money...

    The card company is probably paying DHS to require child support to be paid using their card. DHS gets more funding, the card company is making money off the parents and the parents are getting screwed. Isn't that how the government is supposed to work?
    I love my son, but when there were times it equated to 75% of my income tell me how I am supposed to live....Tell me how I support my family now if it happened again? Guess how much credit I got? Keep in mind DHS is the same org that has welfare as a whole jacked up for the state.
    DHS already makes money collecting child support. They can send the money via direct deposit to your bank account as well - they offer the cards as a convenience.

    I have also been told that if I request a review my child support will go up - my son's mother requested one they sent paperwork and nothing happened. My guess was they said oh this will go down you don't want to do that.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Ok Dhs

    Also let's not forget about the people who are paying child support for children who are not even theirs like the guy in Tulsa DHS ruined his future and killed his scholarship to college because of the scandel.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Ok Dhs

    Zombie, you really ought to talk to a lawyer. If you don't understand how child support works, it seems like it's a big enough part of your life that you might want to make yourself a lot more familiar with its mechanics.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Ok Dhs

    I used to represent incarcerated parents as a guardian ad litem in child support matters. That generally just involved charging them about $60.00 a month (the minimum) that they wouldn't have to pay until they got out of jail. Alternatively, the other parent might have been collecting federal benefits (TANF) and the court would assess costs the incarcerated parent. I did NOT represent private clients on child support. I couldn't stomach it.

    Where I am going with this is that I was in court a lot and heard a lot of sad/infuriating stories. What never seemed to sink in to so many deadbeats is that if they have a child or two, already, perhaps they need to not continue to populate the world with subsequent significant others. I saw that ALL the time, particularly if they had a child with someone they weren't emotionally connected to - for more than a couple of months, anyway. Oh sure, ask them if they love their child and they insist they do. But for some reason, once they'd gone on to another life/another significant other, they didn't think making them pay for the children they'd already had was "fair." And of COURSE they feel the "right" to have additional children with the love they found after they'd already brought children into the world with someone else. They have a right to be happy, don't they?

    I'm sorry, when I see someone complain that they can't afford to support "their family" because so much child support is taken out of their paycheck, I see red. People don't get a "do over" simply because they decided they'd rather build a life with someone besides the other parent of certain children. Have as many kids as they can afford - no matter if they stay with the other parent or not - and STOP. Once someone becomes a parent, personal happiness in terms of a romantic interest needs to take a back seat. My advice to someone who can't pay their child support is to get a second job. Sucks to make rotton decisions but children and the rest of the community shouldn't have to pay the bills of someone who screwed up his/her life.

    And a common question asked was, 'Do you smoke?" "How to you pay for that when you claim you can't pay your child support." That used to make them just go nuts, even on the stand. Based on what I heard in court - repeatedly - smoking is apparently a god given right, even if it means the children you left behind go without.

    Grrr. Okay, a single person who is doing the best they can and it is just too much - I have sympathy for that. Take for example someone who was assessed child support but who got sick or lost their job through no fault of their own. The remedy is to go ask the court to change the amount assessed. But I have NO sympathy for someone who thinks that just because they started over with someone else that they should be entitled to have MORE children when they can't afford the ones they already have.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Ok Dhs

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Zombie, you really ought to talk to a lawyer. If you don't understand how child support works, it seems like it's a big enough part of your life that you might want to make yourself a lot more familiar with its mechanics.
    I'm familiar...as a non custodial father they like to screw you. If I could come 1500 out of pocket up front to start the fight without taking away from my family I'd consider. I have talked to several lawyers about the situation and things that have occurred and if I have enough money they would take the case and fight it but no lawyers work for free.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Ok Dhs

    Yeah I have no doubt that DHS can make money by direct depositing payments. What I am saying is that they can make even more by requiring people like that original poster to use these cards. It's not right and I never said it was. DHS is just being greedy.

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