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Thread: Ersland upset over defense fees

  1. #201

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I was kind of shocked he wasn't charged with reckless endangerment for firing those shots outside. Remember he was using a Taurus 'Judge' with .410 shells. He's lucky he didn't pepper innocent bystanders or cars driving by.
    I 'spect they were willing to give a robbery victim the benefit of the doubt on that one, especially since no one was hurt. Plus, with the murder charge, that would just be piling on.

  2. #202

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    I was involved in a case awhile back where the husband of a juror contacted the defense attorney in the case and said he could get his wife to vote not guilty and at least cause a hung jury is the defendant would pay off his house! Needless to say we wires the attorney up and got the husband on tape and he was arrested
    When you see things like this, you have to wonder how some people have enough sense to remember to breathe.

  3. #203

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    When you see things like this, you have to wonder how some people have enough sense to remember to breathe.
    Stupid and Greedy are close cousins. Outside of a Grisham novel, you don't end to hear of people trying to rig juries for altruistic reasons.

  4. #204

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Just an FYI, 9 reports they have their 12 for the jury, but are still working on selecting the alternates.
    About 2 to 1 women to men, age range 20's to 60's

  5. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Just an FYI, 9 reports they have their 12 for the jury, but are still working on selecting the alternates.
    About 2 to 1 women to men, age range 20's to 60's
    They got a late start due to a juror who arrived late. Didn't start today until about 11am. The Judge was adamant he wanted to start the trial today, but I don't know if that's going to happen. They still have some small matter to hear sides on first.

  6. #206

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Jury is picked. They are now choosing alternates. I was in the alternate pool but was excused.

  7. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by okc_bel_air View Post
    Jury is picked. They are now choosing alternates. I was in the alternate pool but was excused.
    Court will start tomorrow at 9am. No time for opening statements today.

  8. #208

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerSoftail View Post
    I know he was fine until he went back and got the second gun. Then he went too far. You could say at that point he was a crazy guy with a gun. That's the kind of thing I'm worried about anti-gun folks using against those of us who carry. It's what he did wrong that's the problem, not what he did right.
    They're always going to grasp at anything that paints gun owners in a negative light. That's just the way things are.

  9. #209

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Same case. I just mentioned it in passing here the other day assuming the media picked up on it, but they didn't. It was only mentioned vaguely in the courtroom, so I guess they didn't realize what they were hearing.

    On the TODAY show this morning they did a piece on how prosecutors, defense attorneys and even the media (well not our media) all routinely cross check jurors with social media sites. They had some clips of potential jurors in the Kasey Anthony trial being confronted by tweets, FaceBook posts and even a mug shot of a guy who claimed he'd never been arrested before.

    I was involved in a case awhile back where the husband of a juror contacted the defense attorney in the case and said he could get his wife to vote not guilty and at least cause a hung jury is the defendant would pay off his house! Needless to say we wires the attorney up and got the husband on tape and he was arrested.
    I recently charged a defendant with threatening a violent act. It amazes me that not only would some idiots post that sort of thing on FB, but that they would leave their privacy settings open to the PUBLIC so that the police can print it out and use it as evidence against them.

  10. #210

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by MattB View Post
    They're always going to grasp at anything that paints gun owners in a negative light. That's just the way things are.
    Well aware. Just don't want to give them any freebies.

  11. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Opening statements at 9am. I'm headed there early, its going to be packed.

  12. #212

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    The thread that would not die...

  13. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    I saw something on the news yesterday or the day before. TWO YEARS anniversary... WOW!

  14. #214

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    He is not a cry baby. Put yourself in his shoes.

    Its really stupid for all these hotshot lawyers/attorneys to charge $5,000-$10,000 or more a day. REALLY STUPID!

    I'd like some kind of laws passed to cap such outrageous rates.

    Anyway, Oklahomans really need to get together and start donating toward his defense funds. Send a message to the DA that the people will be backing him up.

    Honestly, the DA got no case. We all saw the video. Its inconclusive. Who cares what he did/say afterward. The focus of the case/charges is the event that took place inside the pharmacy. The video did not show the whole bad boy on the floor. The jury could see it as the boy still having a gun in his hand and was a threat.

    Brian, I am curious as to why you are attending the trial. Are you with the media or something? Why would you be given special access inside the court room? Its a good thing that you are not on the jury... Geez, what you posted on here is frightening, dude.
    You say the David Prater has no case I have seen him prosecute cases before where there was less evidence then in this one. I have seen him prosecute cases with no merit at all and no evidence either but then he is the all powerful David Prater what he says goes. As far as Ersland complaining about his legal fees he knew what it was going to cost when he hired Irven Box if he didn't want to pay it he didn't have to hire him. He should know by now our legal system has nothing to do with guilt or innocense anymore it is all about how much money you have. The only other chance you have is to demand a jury trial and pray you get an honest jury.

  15. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by MattB View Post
    I recently charged a defendant with threatening a violent act. It amazes me that not only would some idiots post that sort of thing on FB, but that they would leave their privacy settings open to the PUBLIC so that the police can print it out and use it as evidence against them.
    This was before FaceBook, but I was a testifying witness at the Yucatan Liquor Stand murder case. A big piece of evidence against the shooter was the fact he actually had pictures taken of him holding a gun in one hand and the victim's belongings in another hand. Sort of a 90's profile pic or Tweet I bet he wishes he could take back.

  16. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Only two active threads, this one and the other one for the trial, so I'm posting it here.

    Old article, but thought it be interesting to read.


  17. #217

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Yep the article pretty much hits the nail on the head. I hope that Mr Ersland files a countersuit again Cleta Jennings for being a unfit mother as well as holding her responsible for her kids actions.

  18. #218

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    wow... do you need to wear a pointed white hat when you surf that site?

  19. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Yep the article pretty much hits the nail on the head. I hope that Mr Ersland files a countersuit again Cleta Jennings for being a unfit mother as well as holding her responsible for her kids actions.
    Just a simple question. Does the mom's actions justify killing her son?

  20. #220

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Having worked at a pharmacy in Norman while a student at OU, and having had a gun pointed at me twice, and having been ordered to lie face down on the floor while Sirloin Stockade images flashed thru my head, I can say that adrenalin and the survival instinct take over and you stay in that state until well after the incident concludes. A thinking person probably would've realized the threat was neutralized, but a person's whose animal instincts are in overdrive...well you need to experience it for yourself.

    Bottom line...if you pull a gun on another person, don't be surprised if the end results don't suit you.

  21. #221

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Curious as to how much the jury will factor Ersland not testifying. Yes I know he has that right, however in self defense claims, many speculate the jury likes to hear the defendant's own story.

  22. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Yep the article pretty much hits the nail on the head. I hope that Mr Ersland files a countersuit again Cleta Jennings for being a unfit mother as well as holding her responsible for her kids actions.
    That would go nowhere fast.

  23. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    Curious as to how much the jury will factor Ersland not testifying. Yes I know he has that right, however in self defense claims, many speculate the jury likes to hear the defendant's own story.
    Actually, in most every murder/manslaughter case I've observed, the defendant does not take the stand.

  24. #224

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by Bostonfan View Post
    Just a simple question. Does the mom's actions justify killing her son?
    No, but mom getting a bundle doesn't bring him back, either. If she was all that worried about him, she might have worked a little harder at keeping him out of harm's way while he was alive. For her to profit from his death (and in my opinon, it was her own negligence that resulted in the child trying to rob someone in the first place) is repulsive. It is really apples and oranges. Do we really want parents to produce children, expose them to bad influences that lead the child to be a menace to society, then when the child is gunned down, write a check to the parent? IMO, it is appropriate to say the mother deserves NOTHING without saying the child deserved to die. IMO, the kid was a victim before he ever walked into the pharmacy intent on robbing it. His victimhood didn't mean he shouldn't have been reasonably punished but at the same time, the mother might as well have shoved him through the pharmacy door, as far as I am concerned.

  25. #225

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Actually, in most every murder/manslaughter case I've observed, the defendant does not take the stand.
    And in the cases where they do take the stand, it generally does not play out well. Primarily because the defendant has previously, as here, had fairly loose lips with various versions that come back in his or her face, or had done something he probably shouldn't have attempted. Imagine if you will, this defendant on the stand and being grilled about faking the gunshot wound or his versions of his military service. Or explaining how running out and leaving Parker (whom Ersland first claimed was armed) in the store alone with the women, or not shooting the gun who allegedly had the shotgun outside but did shoot the gun inside with no gun because he (maybe) moved. I imagine most defense attorneys would take the approach that rolling a lot of the evidence before a jury just once was more than enough.

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