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Thread: Ersland upset over defense fees

  1. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    Now that's funny, I (and probably most), remember a different situation not that long ago.
    Sounds like you remember the facts around my situation about as well as you remember Ersland's (which isn't saying much). Lets see, mine was all dropped and I never skipped a beat. Don't see Ersland's ending quite the same way.

  2. #177

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerSoftail View Post
    As it is, if Ersland is found not guilty it could set up a precedent that could be used for anti-personal defense activists to use to try to overturn "Make My Day" and concealed carry. I don't want to see that happen.
    Not at all, Sooner. He was gold up until he executed the kid. He was completely within the law in shooting him, and would have been in shooting Ingram. He could have kept himself safe by covering Antwun with his weapon from cover and calling 911. Instead, he made sure the kid had no chance for survival. He exceeded his rights with action, and no one ever had that right.

  3. #178

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    Thank you, I thought so myself.
    That people are in a high stress situation doesn't absolve them of their actions. You don't get a free pass to follow any and all impulse because your flight or fight response has been triggered.

  4. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Tune in to FOX25 tonight. I gave them an exclusive tip regarding a juror's misconduct that I believe Phil Cross is reporting on tonight.

  5. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Tune in to FOX25 tonight. I gave them an exclusive tip regarding a juror's misconduct that I believe Phil Cross is reporting on tonight.
    Brian, what does a juror's private life have to do with the case? And, why in the world are you giving FOX25 an interview/tip? That is stepping over the line a bit, Brian, as it does not really concern you. I do not know why you would put yourself in this situation. Please, explain to me.

  6. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Brian, what does a juror's private life have to do with the case? And, why in the world are you giving FOX25 an interview/tip? That is stepping over the line a bit, Brian, as it does not really concern you. I do not know why you would put yourself in this situation. Please, explain to me.
    Thunder, once again you are proving yourself clueless to the world around you.

  7. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Thunder, once again you are proving yourself clueless to the world around you.
    No. I want to know what gave you the right to interfere in this case about a juror.

  8. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    No. I want to know what gave you the right to interfere in this case about a juror.
    Do you even know what you're talking about? The story was just on, it was news, and if you're so concerned then you should have watched it. I'm sure it will be on okcfox.com soon.

  9. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    No, I was just trying to sleep, so I'm back on. Why are you not sharing this with everyone? Why does it always have to be you, you, you, on a lot of cases?

  10. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    No, I was just trying to sleep, so I'm back on. Why are you not sharing this with everyone? Why does it always have to be you, you, you, on a lot of cases?
    Just keep going Thunder..... Keep making your case for something you don't know anything about. You don't even know what you're complaining about - how could you, you didn't see the news story and you made assumptions based on nothing. At least you're consistent.

  11. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    I'm not making a case. I'm not complaining about anything. I simply asked you a question and you refused to answer. I want to know why did the news media go to you about a juror's misconduct. I want to know why it is you that is providing info to the news media. Why, why, why?

  12. #187

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    I'm not making a case. I'm not complaining about anything. I simply asked you a question and you refused to answer. I want to know why did the news media go to you about a juror's misconduct. I want to know why it is you that is providing info to the news media. Why, why, why?
    He provides information/evidence that he's concerned about to the police and/or media, as we all should. While I don't always agree with his methods, Brian is very good at what he does.

  13. #188

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    According to a copy of the lawsuit obtained by Eyewitness News 5 reporter Amanda Guerra, Jennings is suing Ersland for "grief, loss of companionship and love of Antwun Rayshaun Parker, destruction of the parent-child relationship, funeral expense, pecuniary loss, punitive damages, pre-judgment and post-judgment interest, costs, reasonable attorney fees in this matter, and any and all such further relief to which she is entitled in law and in equity."

    This is the funniest thing ive read in quite some time. Maybe Ersland can file a countersuit for allowing her "good boy" to place a huge part in ruining his life.
    My God i hope this lady isnt still breeding or voting.

  14. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Sounds like you remember the facts around my situation about as well as you remember Ersland's (which isn't saying much). Lets see, mine was all dropped and I never skipped a beat. Don't see Ersland's ending quite the same way.
    You're exactly right, Brian. You could also teach another poster here that prosecutors do - in fact - sometimes go off like loose cannons and can become fixated. In fact, I could mark you as "Exhibit A" when it comes to that. (I'm not talking about the Ersland case here at all, btw.)

  15. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    You're exactly right, Brian. You could also teach another poster here that prosecutors do - in fact - sometimes go off like loose cannons and can become fixated. In fact, I could mark you as "Exhibit A" when it comes to that. (I'm not talking about the Ersland case here at all, btw.)
    Yeah, I'm sorta the poster child for "When DA's implode their career exercising personal vendettas."

  16. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    According to a copy of the lawsuit obtained by Eyewitness News 5 reporter Amanda Guerra, Jennings is suing Ersland for "grief, loss of companionship and love of Antwun Rayshaun Parker, destruction of the parent-child relationship, funeral expense, pecuniary loss, punitive damages, pre-judgment and post-judgment interest, costs, reasonable attorney fees in this matter, and any and all such further relief to which she is entitled in law and in equity."

    This is the funniest thing ive read in quite some time. Maybe Ersland can file a countersuit for allowing her "good boy" to place a huge part in ruining his life.
    My God i hope this lady isnt still breeding or voting.
    I agree. I hope she reads this thread, cuz I want her to know how stupid she is.

  17. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Here is a link to juror story..... http://www.okcfox.com/newsroom/top_s...vid_3358.shtml

    Do you see the news value now Thunder? I have no idea how you equated 'juror misconduct' with me digging into her personal life or disrupting the case. Lying to get on a jury is a serious offense both legally and morally. What is surprising is that even though this case is being covered heavily by all the media, non of them caught it to report it.

    Here's the charge on OSCN http://www.oscn.net/applications/osc...33&db=Oklahoma (Odd, they set the hearing for Saturday morning - don't see that happening).

  18. #193

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Was that another juror/facebook incident, or the same one previously mentioned here?

    Punishment is up to Elliot, but instead of jail or community service, if he really wanted to punish, he could always make the errant juror come back and sit in the peanut gallery and watch the next few jury pickin' sessions in his courtroom. Now that's a punishment.

  19. #194

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerSoftail View Post
    I actually agree with you completely. The kid was scum and, as I've said before, I'd like to see Ersland get a medal. But, the courts are supposed to uphold current law, not do what might be morally right. And Ersland broke the law that the court is supposed to uphold. I also agree, if he hadn't had a gun at all it might have been the end for three innocent people. But, he went too far in re-entering the building, walking almost over the kid, getting a second gun and unloading it. As it is, if Ersland is found not guilty it could set up a precedent that could be used for anti-personal defense activists to use to try to overturn "Make My Day" and concealed carry. I don't want to see that happen.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattB View Post
    Not at all, Sooner. He was gold up until he executed the kid. He was completely within the law in shooting him, and would have been in shooting Ingram. He could have kept himself safe by covering Antwun with his weapon from cover and calling 911. Instead, he made sure the kid had no chance for survival. He exceeded his rights with action, and no one ever had that right.
    I know he was fine until he went back and got the second gun. Then he went too far. You could say at that point he was a crazy guy with a gun. That's the kind of thing I'm worried about anti-gun folks using against those of us who carry. It's what he did wrong that's the problem, not what he did right.

  20. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Was that another juror/facebook incident, or the same one previously mentioned here?

    Punishment is up to Elliot, but instead of jail or community service, if he really wanted to punish, he could always make the errant juror come back and sit in the peanut gallery and watch the next few jury pickin' sessions in his courtroom. Now that's a punishment.
    Same case. I just mentioned it in passing here the other day assuming the media picked up on it, but they didn't. It was only mentioned vaguely in the courtroom, so I guess they didn't realize what they were hearing.

    On the TODAY show this morning they did a piece on how prosecutors, defense attorneys and even the media (well not our media) all routinely cross check jurors with social media sites. They had some clips of potential jurors in the Kasey Anthony trial being confronted by tweets, FaceBook posts and even a mug shot of a guy who claimed he'd never been arrested before.

    I was involved in a case awhile back where the husband of a juror contacted the defense attorney in the case and said he could get his wife to vote not guilty and at least cause a hung jury is the defendant would pay off his house! Needless to say we wires the attorney up and got the husband on tape and he was arrested.

  21. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Its really amazing to see the amount of people that seem to be against Mr Ersland. There is something called cause and effect and action and reaction. If the thugs didnt decide to commit a felony none of this would even matter. What if Ersland wasnt carrying that day? Would we be talking about a pharmacist and female employess lined up and shot in the back room? And shouldnt the mother take some responsiblilty in this instead of proclaiming my son was a hero and looking for a payday? Regardless whether or not Ersland has any social skills or works full or part time hes surely making a better contribution to society then commiting felonys or having numerous cases against you for unpaid rent I have also heard that Antwun already had a lenghty rap sheet but i cant find anything online to confirm/deny this.
    Everything in this case is so twisted so upside down its enough to make your head swim. Dosnt anyone have the guts to speak up and tell the mother that her son was comitting a violent felony and sometimes when you put yourself in these types of situations the outcome can be tragic?
    All these what if's and talk about how bad the mom is really makes no difference. The FACT is, he did the right thing but took it way too far. He murdered a kid and should be punished.

  22. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    Thank you, I thought so myself.
    You are great at avoiding questions and ignorning the facts. Typical.

  23. #198

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerSoftail View Post
    I know he was fine until he went back and got the second gun. Then he went too far. You could say at that point he was a crazy guy with a gun. That's the kind of thing I'm worried about anti-gun folks using against those of us who carry. It's what he did wrong that's the problem, not what he did right.
    He was fine until he went out the door after the 2nd robber. His life was no longer threatened after the guy left the store and he put other people lives in danger when he went chasing after him. If he would have shot and killed the 2nd robber outside the store he probably would have been charge in his death too.

  24. Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    He was fine until he went out the door after the 2nd robber. His life was no longer threatened after the guy left the store and he put other people lives in danger when he went chasing after him. If he would have shot and killed the 2nd robber outside the store he probably would have been charge in his death too.
    I was kind of shocked he wasn't charged with reckless endangerment for firing those shots outside. Remember he was using a Taurus 'Judge' with .410 shells. He's lucky he didn't pepper innocent bystanders or cars driving by.

  25. #200

    Default Re: Ersland upset over defense fees

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    He was fine until he went out the door after the 2nd robber. His life was no longer threatened after the guy left the store and he put other people lives in danger when he went chasing after him. If he would have shot and killed the 2nd robber outside the store he probably would have been charge in his death too.
    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I was kind of shocked he wasn't charged with reckless endangerment for firing those shots outside. Remember he was using a Taurus 'Judge' with .410 shells. He's lucky he didn't pepper innocent bystanders or cars driving by.
    Both true.

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