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Thread: Myriad Gardens

  1. #576

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Thanks, for notification about the light. I'll let crews know.

    Doug, I think any questions regarding placement of Festival elements are really up to he Arts Council. I certainly know that based on their experience this year, as well as looking at what is still to come, they will likely consider some changes. What those are I have no idea.

    I'm sure I'll know more as we move towards Festival next year.

  2. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    I still haven't gotten stills yet, but working on it. It's very time consuming.

  3. #578

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation


    Are there more plans to place trash bins throughout the park? I was taking a stroll through the gardens with my Mom this morning (aren't I a good son?) and came across some litter. I can't come across litter and not pick it up. So doing what I always do, I picked it up and then looked for a place to dispose of it. The nearest trash can was quite a distance away. I have read some different studies that have found most people would rather litter than throw something away if there isn't a trash can near by, sad but true reality. Also, any plans for recycling in the park?

  4. #579

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Doug, to my knowledge, none of it is, they do the sculpture park there every year.
    The last video with extensive footage of the sculpture park shows that they are temporary and for sale. There is a stand next to them with a price. I agree it would be a great place for a permanent sculpture park.

  5. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Does anyone know why the sculptures was priced way too expensive? Do they ever sell them?

  6. #581
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    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Does anyone know why the sculptures was priced way too expensive? Do they ever sell them?
    Cast sculptures are very expensive to do...especially with the cost of energy and metals are VERY expensive today. Plus, the art form tends to be very time intensive. I doubt they are priced too high. However, collecting sculpture art is an expensive interest and not usually for the masses. It is not where small time art collectors start unless they buy reproductions and mass casted pieces. They don't sell by the pound or square inch and the artist doesn't expect originals to sell fast unless they are commission pieces.

  7. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Does anyone know why the sculptures was priced way too expensive? Do they ever sell them?
    Yeah, welcome to the world of fine art, Thunder. That sculpture area is usually a part of the festival, and it's cool to look, but I know I will never be able to afford any of those.

    I hope you enjoyed the festival, though.

  8. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Does anyone know why the sculptures was priced way too expensive? Do they ever sell them?
    Those sculptures aren't something you go buy at Statuary World.

  9. #584
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    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

  10. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Looking great! It really sounds like the Thunderstorm fountain will be quite the attraction.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  11. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by UnFrSaKn View Post
    Those sculptures aren't something you go buy at Statuary World.
    I remember going to that store before they went out of business.

  12. #587

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    I remember going to that store before they went out of business.
    Remember again, Statuary World is still open!!

  13. #588

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Maybe Thunder is thinking of Cimarron Pottery (what was there before it became Statuary World)?

  14. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    There was a Statuary World on 15th in MWC. I could never find another one.

  15. #590

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    There was a Statuary World on 15th in MWC. I could never find another one.
    There's two. One in Edmond, off the I-35 service road and another way out west past Yukon on Cimarron road.

  16. #591

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Never knew of a Statuary World in MWC (only the 2 jn1780 mentioned). Where at on 15th? I used to frequent that area every weekend when I would do my thrift store hopping over there...maybe we should move this to a new thread and let this one get back to the Myriad Reno...

  17. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Speaking of cast satues, I sure with they would finish the Land Run Monument.

  18. #593

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    Speaking of cast satues, I sure with they would finish the Land Run Monument.
    I concur. I wish enough folks inside okc proper did. After all, since the council could actually do what they want with the M3 money, and since it is apparently bringing in more than anticipated, they could probably add in completion of the LRM to be paid from such excess collections. Sadly, I doubt there are enough in-city voices to turn it into a workable solution.

  19. #594

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    What the hey?? What IS that!?

  20. #595

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    What the hey?? What IS that!?
    Just a guess on my part, but I suspect it is the front lawn ornamentation for some folks I will never, ever choose for my next door neighbors.

  21. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Anybody have and ETA on the Children's area at the Gardens?

  22. #597

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Hey Cuatro,

    We're looking at early July some time. I don't have an exact date. Things are changing frequently.

  23. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    I understand. That is just the nature of construction. Thanks for the update. I have a 2 1/2-year-old who is dying to get in there...

  24. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Folks are excited about the new Myriad Gardens!

    Been meaning to share this for a couple weeks.

    Enjoy FritterGirl!

  25. #600

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    HAHA! That is GREAT! Almost a full FLASH MOB. When was that taken?

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