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Thread: "Roll Call" - Introduce yourself

  1. #26
    Floating_adrift Guest

    Default Re: "roll Call"

    Hello, Mike - Single, 36 years old, working for an architectural firm and living in the far northwest OKC area, with a great view - on the 4th of July I can see the fireworks from Edmond to Piedmont and all the way to the capital!

    I grew up in OKC then joined the military for a stint to 'see the world'. They sent me to Michigan. lol Once I got out, I went to college to fill my brain up, then traveled around for about 9 years, then came back here to be with family a couple of years ago. (I'm a sucker when an opportunity to move to a new part of the country comes along.) I look for places with good things to do outdoors - I've lived in Colorado, Arizona, Washington, Michigan, California, Texas, Massachusetts. Seattle is my favorite place so far I wanna go back someday - It's beautiful and there is WAY too much to do....

    I'm in the middle of stumbling through the process of starting my own business based on an invention I have. It's been real interesting and fun so far and I'm looking forward to seeing where it leads. Hopefully I'll retire real soon and head off to see the rest of the world! Woot!

    I understand there are a lot of city officials on this board. I have one request. Please bring a nice mountain range and some ocean front to the OKC area and I'll never need to move again!! Doesn't have to be the Rockies, the Cascades would be fine and something along the lines of the Puget Sound over around 150th and MacArthur would be great!

    Thanks for reading!

  2. #27
    sella35 Guest

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    Hello everyone,

    Keith suggested I come here and introduce myself. My name is Sella to friends on the internet. I play MMORPG's and love to watch OU Sooners football. I like to watch all sports, but especially love the Sooners. I am a single mom of a 17 year old daughter.

    Thanks for the welcome.


  3. #28
    Floating_adrift Guest

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself


    What MMORPGs do you play?

  4. #29
    tatyana Guest

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    hey, I'm Tatyana. I moved to OKalhoma from Russia several years ago, and have been living in OKC since May of this year. I LOVE this area. I"m living near lake Hefner and it is absolutely beautiful, especially for skating and biking.

    I work for a computer company that does high-end graphic design training for artists...

    hope this works for an introduction.

  5. #30
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    hey tatyana, we're glad to have you in Oklahoma! Seems like there are a lot of computer people that are on this site....maybe you can jump into discussion on the computer/technology forum!!! Hey, thanks for the intro. and feel free to jump in wherever you'd like.

  6. #31
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Re: "roll Call"

    Hello Everyone!!

    My name is Matt. I am 27 years old and married to the most beautiful woman in the world. I enjoy programming computer games and applications on my free time. I am looking forward to all the great stuff that the website has to offer. It is really great and I enjoy it. I would like to thank all of you on this site for making me feel at home here. You guys are awesome. See ya on the boards!!!

  7. #32
    nyc2okc Guest

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    Hello everyone-

    I'm Harvey, new to OKC, moved here from NYC. It's a very big change for me. I thought I'd join your little community to hopefully make some friends and learn a little bit about what OKC has to offer as far as entertainment.

  8. #33
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    Hi, nyc2okc, and welcome to OKC. We appreciate you taking the time to let us know a little more about yourself. Please feel free to jump in anytime and post on any thread. There are lots of nice and friendly people on this forum, and we have lots of fun


  9. Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    Hey, I'm Ken and have lived in the OkC for a couple years now...I'm originally from the Detroit area and moved here after I got out of the Marine Corps. I live on the southwest side of town. I work as a security guard (or at least that's what they tell me) and go to church. That's about the skinny on me.

  10. #35
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    Hi, El Gato Pollo Loco, and welcome to the OKCTALK forum. Thank you for taking the time to register with us. This forum has many topics to choose from, and their are many discussions that you can get involved in.

    You have the freedom to express your opinions and share your ideas with us. So, jump right in and start posting, and make yourself at home.


  11. #36

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    Hi I am 23 year old mother of 2 kids a little girl 2 1/2 and son 8 months. I live in the norman area.

  12. #37
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    Thank you for sharing a little about yourself, and we all look forward to reading your posts. I noticed that you are a mother of two very young children, which I think is really cool Mine are 11(daughter) and 16 (son), so mine are quite a bit older.

    I don't know if you are a working stay at home mom or a working outside the home mom, but we have a very special topic for parents. The topic is called "Peanut Butter and Jelly," and it's a topic where we discuss things that have to do with parenting.

    Many of us that are registered on this forum have children, so it's a great place to share funny stories as well as serious stories about kids. You can also share stories where your children have embarrassed you in public (I have my share of those).

    So, have fun on the forum and post when you want on any topic and feel free to start your own thread.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    My name is Keith and I live in far West OKC (for now), a stone's throw away from Yukon. In fact, I live in the 73099 zip code -- but still in OKC city limits. I'm looking to move soon, hopefully near the Paseo. I'm an inner city person at heart.

    I was born and bred in these parts (Guthrie) and always seem to keep coming back. Lived in Tulsa, KC and San Diego for awhile, but came back here where my friends and family are. It's always home. I just like to get on here from time to time and see what folks are talking about.

    Don't know if I'll stay in Oklahoma once I get my degree. I got bitten by the San Diego Bug when I lived there and hope to return someday. But I'm really proud of this town and the progress that's occured since MAPS and Oklahoma will always be home. Go Sooners!

  14. #39

    Default Re: "roll Call"

    First off, if you ever run for public office, you have my vote, mranderson.

    My name is Luke. I am 24 years old. I teach at a private Christian school in Del City. I have lived in OKC's Mesta Park neighbhorhood for about a year. Before that I lived 6 months in Del City. Before that I lived in Norman for 5 years while I was at OU. Before that, I was raised in Sulphur, a small town in southern Oklahoma.

    I love living in OKC. I love my neighborhood. My interests include enjoying God's creation. And I love nature and landscape photography. I have been to many parts of our state. I love that Oklahoma has such a diverse terrain. Literal mountains in Southeast Oklahoma (Kiamichis and Ouachitas). The rocky rugged Wichita Mountains in Southwest Oklahoma. Sand dunes in northwest Oklahoma. Plateaus in the panhandle. The Arbuckle Mountains with lakes, streams and waterfalls in southcentral Oklahoma. We are truly blessed here in Oklahoma. If all you do is stay on the interstates, Oklahoma is pretty ugly. Go just a few miles off the interstates and you will be pleasantly surprised. I am also involved with my church. You'll be hearing more about this church in coming months and years.

    Lastly, one of my crazy dreams is to build a snow ski resort in Southeast Oklahoma. I've actually dedicated a web site to that idea. It is much more than possible.


    No pessimists allowed.

  15. #40
    slydog Guest

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    Howdy neighbors, SlyDog here, Large, Hairy Faced, Obsessive Buck Hunter, Married for twelve years, father of Six, Killer on the Mic, Love BIG TRUCKS, Sling a mean Guitar, Passionate for Family, Insane for my wife, Die for the right people, GOD IS my Light, Jesus IS my Savior....Thanxx..."come on, it ain't rocket science".....Yes, I have Schoolin'

  16. #41

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    Hello, I'm Leon, been web-surfing for years and never came close to this site but the instant I saw it, I had to register. Looks like it holds a lot of promise for meeting folks and inteligent conversation/chat.

  17. #42

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    Welcome, Leon!

  18. #43

    Arrow Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    I am BricktownGuy. I enjoy reading the topics on this site and hope that I can contribute to it also.

    I like Bricktown and OKC, seems to be a very happening place. I like to get to know new people. If you care to know more about me, feel free to ask.

  19. #44
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    Hi, BricktownGuy, and welcome to the OKCTALK forum. It's always good to see new people on the forum. I appreciate you taking the time to register. Feel free to jump in anytime you want. We have lots of discussions here, and we have lots of fun.

    Again, to the OKCTALK forum.

    BTW, how did you find this site?

  20. #45

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    I found the site with my random Yahoo searches I do.. to learn more about OKC and Bricktown.

  21. #46
    Prov1717 Guest

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    I have two kids and drive car pool, I have a job and a husband to try and keep up with With the holidays coming everyone is busy...

  22. #47
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    Hey Prov1717! It's great to have you aboard....I hear you have a pretty great husband! Of course, I can say that because I know him personally! Just continue to keep him in line!
    Hey, welcome to the site! Glad you've come to join us!

  23. #48
    slydog Guest

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    WOW, kewl, keen, neat, whoa beaver, wasn't that just swell............HURL

  24. #49
    wally Guest

    Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    Hello guys, I live in Tulsa and have been there since i was first born. I am proud to live in Oklahoma and will try to do my best in this Forum. I really wan't to find out information about OKC and Iam here to learn.

  25. Default Re: Roll Call- Introduce yourself

    Greetings, salutations, and less formally, Howdy.

    My name is Chaz, I'm 51, and I've lived around these parts for about 30 of those years, usually in the 'burbs; I bought a house last year in the city, feeling that (1) I've had enough apartment life and (2) I need to get out more. I still need to get out more, but that's a tale for another time. And I've been online for twenty years, taking time out for meals of course, so I do have a smattering of netiquette. I think.

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