I will have to check on tonight. I know they have a Thunder sequence (you can see a still of the light pallet in the flickr shots I posted). I also know they've been making tweaks to the program. Not sure what they have planned tonight.
I will have to check on tonight. I know they have a Thunder sequence (you can see a still of the light pallet in the flickr shots I posted). I also know they've been making tweaks to the program. Not sure what they have planned tonight.
The Crystal Bridge was Blue last night when we left the game...
That's cool! I soooooooo wanted to go take pics after the game, but I was WORE out!!
I was going to add pictures, but it's taking too long to edit them all. I'm still working on stuff from Denver last month...
These have been up for a while already, so enjoy.
April 28 2011
Pt 1
Crystal Bridge
Pt 2
April 30 2011
Festival of the Arts
Great vids. I took my wife down to the park for lunch today, looks like people are starting to use the park more than before, but still needs more people, especially at lunchtime. I'm sure after the park is completely done it will help, but they need to promote it more to the general public. Unfortunately, lots of people still aren't aware of the remodel. Also I noticed some parts of the grounds were under construction or repairs that appeared to be finished at the Arts Festival. Definitely my new favorite place to hang out.
FritterGirl, one thing I noticed, that would be a good suggestion to the people in charge, the park needs more trash cans (heck this city needs more public trash cans, that's one reason it's so trashy compared to prettier cities). The trash cans they have are nice, and definitely way more than before, but it's still a good distance in between trash cans. There should be more than one at the eating/sitting areas, and I didn't see any on the pond level along the sidewalk that circles it. I did pick up some trash along the way and throw it away though, but would be nice if you didn't have to walk to the top level to do so.
Also, do you have an ETA on when they will put out the RFP for the restaurant or announce the tenant?
Cool videos, what camcorder are you using for these? Oh and I really enjoy the interior of the Crystal Bridge, it seems a bit more spacious.
Thanks, metro, and thanks, unforsakn, for those spectacular videos.
We always knew going into Festival that this would be a "soft" opening, hence the lack of heavy promotion at this juncture. There WILL be more, just not until the entire grounds are completed and more amenities are open to the public. We'll be having our official 3-day Grand Opening Celebration in October, so look for information on that in the ensuing months. Also, a lot of people are STILL intimidated by downtown and the construction. I spoke at a Homeowner's Meeting last night and while lots DID venture down for Festival, several more said they were waiting for the construction to be complete before coming back downtown. When the Devon building is complete and workers there situated, you'll see a whole new dynamic in the Gardens space. Give it time.
I will make note of the trash recepticle suggestion and send that along to the powers that be. I was down on the lake level during Festival and agree, some trash receptacles would have been very helpful there, especially since I saw people leaving their plates and leftover food items down under the Crystal Bridge area.
Festival was, in many ways, a test run for us, and we had to take care of a lot of things up until the last minute to have it ready for that number of people. It wasn't unlike having guests come to your house and you having to throw your dirty socks under the bed and extra clutter into the coat closet in order to make things presentable. Contractors were in a huge rush to make things ready for Festival, so a lot of the detail work that is still in the overall plan wasn't complete yet. From what I saw of the in-progress Gardens in the two weeks leading up to Festival, they moved mountains.
There is still a LOT of landscaping to go (about 60% still to be planted), and more significant changes to be made. An example: the landscaped area on the South entry plaza is, in fact, a shallow water feature. Instead of showing the feature "under construction," crews planted the area to make it attractive, but they'll be relocating those plants to other areas in the Gardens as they complete the water feature.
In addition, they still have to finish the Children's Garden and Interactive Fountain, as well as the entire east side of the Gardens. Not only that, but only about 40% of the overall landscaping has even been installed, so many more plants are still to come.
I don't have information I can share with you regarding the the restaurant at this juncture. Keep your eyes open for news about the Gardens in the next week or do. I think you'll get the "big picture" then.
Last edited by FritterGirl; 05-06-2011 at 09:25 AM. Reason: typo
Sounds great, I'm so excited. Can you give us more info on the Children's Garden and Children's amenities? Also, is anyone working on booking any big acts for the grand lawn bandshell yet?
I don't have all the details on the Children's Garden amenities as of yet. I can tell you there are several water features in there, apart from the big interactive fountain on the West Lake Plaza. The labyrinth has been planted (it's still pretty short), and there are going to be some exploratory pools, as well as a story tree (still not constructed), a stonehenge like circle, as well as several other neat play areas. To be honest, I haven't seen a description of all of the individual features yet - so am in need of more of those details myself.
As you know, the highlight of the area is the Children's Interactive Fountain, which will simulate an Oklahoma Thunderstorm. Featuring light, sound and water, it will really be the highlight of the area. It will run in a 15-minute computerized cycle that will start with a light mist or fog. Cue a low rumble of thunder and that's your hint to get out or get ready to be very, very, very wet. A light patter of "rain" will follow, and then heavier rain, and more water that will eventually sluice off the "legs" of the fountain. Children can lean back on the concave portion of the legs and get the full-on waterfall effect. Near the end of the cycle, spouts of water will come up from the middle of the Gaillardia flowers.
In the evenings, there will be a mist / light show, with multi-colored lights coming up from the ground, and a mist / fog being sprayed by the fountain. The light colors will be diffused in the fog and the kids can run in and out chasing the lights.
As for bookings, again, nothing of that nature is being done until after our official Grand Opening in October. Will know more then.
It would be neat to have a swirling tornado effect with powerful wind.
While we're at it, why not taze them with faux lightning too Thunder.
They could get a giant Teala Coil.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY-AS13fl30 This one would just have to be moved a few miles. Go crazy, with this idea, Thunder.![]()
OMG! That is exactly what we need there! FritterGirl, can you pass on the suggestion?
How about talking to Larry Nichols about putting it on top of the tower. THAT would be Thunder and Lightning heaven, wouldn't it?G'day.
Thunder, did you ever make a peanut butter fort when you were a kid?
That be so awesome to watch!!!
Metro, no, never heard of it.
Had a wonderful stroll around the MBG last night after dinner. It wasn't packed by any means, but we did cross paths with other couples or families out enjoying a nice breeze and the renovations about every four or five minutes. The night watch crew were very friendly folk.
It is well lit at night throughout and I can see it being a more regular after dinner stroll.
Fritter, I did notice that on the northside bridge, NW corner, there was a small light on the rail cap that was burned out. No biggie, and probably wouldn't have noticed except we stopped to exchange howdys with another couple on that end of the bridge.
I've finally gotten around to looking at a couple of the great videos taken on 4/28 that Will Hider posted above. From the 1st video, I have a question or two about Sculpture Park ... images below are screen captures from Will's 1st video at the above link.
Location. A map in Will's video shows the Sculpture Park location (top, center left, east of Stage Center):
Just to be certain, if that's not accurate, anyone please correct me. I think that's a great location for this type of a public art exhibit and does wonders for making Stage Center not look like it doesn't belong where it is. The public art creates a different, and much better, ambiance for the Stage Center environment, in my opinion.
What Part Is Permanent? I also wondered whether the wind sculptures and the rest are permanently located in Sculpture Park, which is my hope:
Anyone know? Frittergirl?
Doug, to my knowledge, none of it is, they do the sculpture park there every year.
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