Guys, it is just plastic swords. Nothing to worry about. I'm sure OKC will hire someone professional and that safety precautions will take place.
I walked around the Gardens three times during the Arts festival on different nights. Everything was amazingly well done from the festival organization to the gardens' design... The only negative thing I can say is that they booked the WORST artists for the water stage. Two times I went by there people were complaining and leaving. silvergrove's picture of the water stage above with the 2 old ladies in shiny dresses shows the worst offenders. Not only were they annoying, but they did a version of Feliz Navidad, but instead of singing the words they just said "Mexican words" like "Taco Bueno," "burrito," and so on... It was offensive. Anyway I just wanted to encourage anyone that reads this board from the Arts Festival put some better acts on the water stage (they did a great job on the other stages!). The overall experience was amazing.
Can we just put this sword juggler thing to rest? He was added in as part of an architectural rendering, simply to show the "potential" for how the space can be used. He was not meant to be taken literally by any means.
Yeah, I was definitely under the impression that everyone was joking. I don't think anyone is really worried about sword jugglers.
I voted for maps3 and if that random sword juggler is not employed year round I will loose my faith in government. Just joking. I really do know that it is a project 180 project, and we only get the juggler if Larry Nichols wants him. Maybe the Devon Energy Center sword juggler?
Last edited by ABryant; 05-02-2011 at 01:43 AM. Reason: spelling
Well, if the hiring decision will be made by Larry Nichols as well, then it sounds like a good career opportunity for Tom Ward after his little energy company goes belly-up..
Geez, I hope not for OKCs sake
I saw the two women mentioned. I literally was not sure if they were older women or drag queens. I liked the new gardens but wished there were more trees. It appeared to me they took some trees out. I will be glad when Project 180 and the Devon Tower are completed. Driving downtown has been a hassle the past few months.
Bigray in Ok
Ray, as stated before, there are MORE trees than before.
They did take 30% of the old trees out, but most of those were diseased or beyond repair. And they replaced them with far more trees, but of course they will take several years to mature.
It looks like they did a great job on everything, and I might be the only one, but I still like the design and landscaping of the old park better.
Hey, the juggling sword man was there today! He did drop a sword. Nearest kid away was like about 6 feet.
I'll agree, access was horrible, and it seems that was a main consideration in the new design
Hey All,
I've uploaded a week's worth of new MBG photos from Festival to the City's flickr account. You can find them HERE. Enjoy!
Some of the video from Thursday will be up later tonight. Still working on the second half, and Saturday.
Thanks as always Fritter!
A couple of things: 1) The LED lighting in the bandshell is a great touch and 2) now that water stage has a fantastic backdrop with the Devon complex directly behind.
Everything looks fantastic!
I can't get over the crystal bridge now. It looks so awesome lit up.
Posted hours are 6a to 11p.
Is the Crystal Bridge going to be lit up in Thunder colors for tonight's game? Hope so! That thing will look GOOD on national TV.
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