Great pics, metro... but probably should be moved to a different forum. Wish we had a photography forum..
Great pics, metro... but probably should be moved to a different forum. Wish we had a photography forum..
Well, one can only hope. In predicting this however, before anyone has said "Yes, we will start watering our city park grass for a change," how confident can you be? Which is a more telling factor? That we all hope the grass will be green, or the example of virtually every existing city park in which the grass is definitely not green beyond April and May. 2 months out of the year. Maybe in the summer months we can organize some OKC Talk rain dances or something, for the grass.
Personally, my thoughts on that dilemma as an environmental design student, are that perhaps the de facto bermuda grass isn't working when it is either dormant or sun-scorched for virtually the entire year. They should start experimenting with some different grass species to find something that is possible to keep lush. I do hate to see "over-watering" but it is what it is. And also keep in mind I'm not talking about the grass in the Myriad Gardens, but for athletic fields that will eventually be the south end of the new park.
Last edited by Pete; 04-30-2011 at 09:08 AM. Reason: personal attack
So great to see even more positive comments. So far the general concensus we've heard from almost everyone is they love he new outcome. And yes, I most heartily agree, you really do need to see it in person to fully understand it all - and keep in mind, it's still a work in progress!
To answer a few questions:
The "rings" you see in the water are aeration devices. They have a small bubbling effect now. I don't know if they are fountains or not.
The "All Seasons' Plaza" is the plaza area north of the restaurant on the Gardens' east side. This is where there will be another interactive fountain feature and outdoor seating area during the warm months, and where the ice skating rink will be in the winter.
There is room for new gift shop space in the new Visitors' Information Center onthe south side of the Crystal Bridge, but the new center will not be reopened for some time. It will be some time after that before new retail is established, once it is decided what kind of retailing will be there.
Unortunately, the Gardens does not have interpretive services at this time. Let
Me know if you have any more questions.
View from the Food Plaza at the Arts Festival:
View of the terrace on the west side:
Cool looking structure, I assume for kids:
Kids were trying to jump on the buttons on the ground:
Bike racks!!:
At night:
Thanks for the great photos, silvergrove!
Seeing all those people in the park it looks like there have been more visitors there in the last few days than in the last few years combined.
FritterGirl, will they install those 50 cents machine to dump out feed for us to toss to fish and duck?
Silver glove, those buttons and cool looking structure you speak of, is a thunderstorm machine for kids, it mimics an Oklahoma Thunderstorm with thunder and lightning and the "buttons" are fountains that spray water in the shape of flowers.
Went today. The MBG is looking really good, wish they would have kept a few more trees, but o'well.
I had to take this picture though of this rendering of the kids play area under construction. Anyone else find it slightly humorous they depicted a man juggling swords as entertainment in the kids play space?
Cause nothing says safe childrens play area like sword juggling!
And he does it right beside the sidewalk.
sheesh fellas, just because someone posted pics of a kiddie area doesn't mean ya gotta get all schoolyard word smithy. It's a new day. Get some sleep and see if you can approach a new day on better terms.
Which, if any, specific art projects incorporated in the Myriad Gardens Renovation were funded by the state's Art in Public Places set aside vehicle as opposed the general funding for the other parts of park? Grow? The colored balls? The canopy area that's copper roof and ceramic tile?
BTW, I won't say what but we are doing part of the work on this project. I'm amazed it came together at the end for the arts festival like it did, lots of effort by a lot a people. I haven't seen it since about a week before the festival and then I saw only part of it that day. The pix look great and I can't wait to enjoy it from a non-working perspective.
Yeah, that's just the way the park always is for the Festival of the Arts. But now that the public has been officially introduced it will be interesting to monitor activity levels in the park after the festival packs up.
Bbates, I agree, but that is still a very awesome depiction of the children's garden. Here's hoping it turns out just like that, creepy barefoot sword juggler (well maybe not him per se) and all.
We are way off subject here but I'm sure that painting is meant to depict juggling clubs/pins not swords:
Pete, you're a smart guy. How can you say they "meant to depict juggling clubs/pins not swords" when they clearly depicted SWORDS. They forgot what pins and clubs look like? Its actually an extremely minor point, meant for nothing more than a giggle. But lets not give the artist credit for something they clearly did not do.
I see clubs when I see that painting and thought so before anyone said anything. It's the most common thing jugglers use, after all.
I think he appears to be going for the pirate look. Shaggy hair, barefoot, baggy white shirt, and sword juggling..
Just my two cents on this extremely important matter.
At least nobody has photoshopped pedobear in there.
At least one photographer thinks the sword juggler is awesome.
Its some homeless guy juggling swords for tips. LOL
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