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Spartan, I hear what you're saying. I think the main problem is that we don't maintain things around here. They fall into disrepair. Then, they cost too much to refurbish. And we just demolish them. It won't happen, but I'd still like to see the Cox Center refurbished instead of demolished. I mean, we already spent millions of dollars adding onto it and fixing up certain parts of it. Why turn right around and demolish it? It's a complete waste of resources. And, I agree with the consultants original opinions that it's in a perfect location....close to all of the existing hotels, close to the Myriad Gardens, and close to Bricktown. Why demolish it? Why not just refurbish and expand it? Sure, taking out the arena would be cost prohibitive. But, why not just close the streets around it, create a more walkable environment, and use the street space for expansion? Add more exhibit space to the west....you could double your exhibit space with an expansion to the west. Add another ballroom and meeting room addition on the south side to match that on the north side. If you need more space, just go vertical with the expansions. Build the convention hotel on EK Gaylord on the east side. I still don't see why this can't happen.