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Thread: Myriad Gardens

  1. #451

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Won't there be bike lanes on all the streets surrounding the park?

  2. #452

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Pete, I'm not exactly sure of the bike lane status in this general area. Three sides of the park will have on-street (parallel) parking as soon as the streetscape areas are complete, so I'm not sure how bike lanes or sharrows would configure in that.

    Here is a photo of one of the bike racks. As I noted earlier, I'm not certain how many of them there will be. This one is located on the north side, adjacent to the "Harvey Spine," which transects the Gardens north to south. It's just north of the band shell.

  3. #453

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Fritter Girl-thanks for sharing your photos! They are fantastic! As far as trees being planted, how many different species are there? Do you know if they planted any live oaks? I think it would serve the park well because these trees are evergreens so they keep their leaves in the winter months. How about any redbuds? Cherry Blossom Trees. Imagine the burst of color in the springtime!! I hope the Gardens plan on displaying interesting flora

  4. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by progressiveboy View Post
    Fritter Girl-thanks for sharing your photos! They are fantastic! As far as trees being planted, how many different species are there? Do you know if they planted any live oaks? I think it would serve the park well because these trees are evergreens so they keep their leaves in the winter months. How about any redbuds? Cherry Blossom Trees. Imagine the burst of color in the springtime!! I hope the Gardens plan on displaying interesting flora
    There is oak trees in the front yard, but they do not stay green during the Winter. In fact, they seem to be able to hold onto the leaves way after turning brown into dead until excess wind knock them all off. They're great trees.

  5. #455

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    There is oak trees in the front yard, but they do not stay green during the Winter. In fact, they seem to be able to hold onto the leaves way after turning brown into dead until excess wind knock them all off. They're great trees.
    Actually there are different types of oaks. The live oak is very prevelant in the South and the reason why they are called "live" is because they are green year round. They do shed their leaves however, while there shedding leaves, new leaves take their place so the branches are never barren. They are not "dormant" trees that is part of why they are an evergreen.

  6. #456

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Is it too late for adding bike racks? Seems a cheap and sensible adjustment.
    It was mentioned just a few posts back their will be bike racks, but that still doesn't solve the problem of people wanting a leisurely, scenic bike ride downtown and NOT a stroll in the park on foot. Again, OKC 's parks are wayyyyyyy underused. I'd rather wait to change it to no bikes or rollerskating after it gets busy on a frequent basis.

  7. #457

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    . I'd rather wait to change it to no bikes or rollerskating after it gets busy on a frequent basis.
    Just imagine what kind of protests would ensue. It's better to start with that policy in place to start with instead of reversing it later.

  8. #458

    Default New Myriad Gardens

    So I just came back from the Arts Festival, and I must say I am very impressed by how open and modern the Myriad Gardens feel. I think the changes that have been made are very bold, something I never would have expected in OKC. The overall feeling is very lively, there's a lot of public art and it doesn't feel walled in like the old Gardens did.

    Big thumbs up from me.

  9. #459

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Everyone lease post your pics, this is the time to shoot pics to use for PR pieces for the city.

  10. #460

    Default Re: New Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    So I just came back from the Arts Festival, and I must say I am very impressed by how open and modern the Myriad Gardens feel. I think the changes that have been made are very bold, something I never would have expected in OKC. The overall feeling is very lively, there's a lot of public art and it doesn't feel walled in like the old Gardens did.

    Big thumbs up from me.
    I agree, I just got back myself and I was VERY impressed with how it looks. Very open, & very modern. I am actually amazed at how "big" it feels compared to the old gardens, especially considering that the east half is not even open. Two thumbs WAY up!

  11. #461

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    I'm going today. I'll try to snap some pictures.

  12. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Wow, what an absolutely perfect day. I would have stayed down there all day but had to go charge my batteries. I got plenty of Devon video, all around the Myriad Gardens, Crystal Bridge and some of the Arts Festival. Look for it in a few days.

  13. #463

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by UnFrSaKn View Post
    Wow, what an absolutely perfect day. I would have stayed down there all day but had to go charge my batteries. I got plenty of Devon video, all around the Myriad Gardens, Crystal Bridge and some of the Arts Festival. Look for it in a few days.
    Definitely looking forward to it. Really appreciate the works you share here.

  14. #464

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by UnFrSaKn View Post
    Wow, what an absolutely perfect day. I would have stayed down there all day but had to go charge my batteries. I got plenty of Devon video, all around the Myriad Gardens, Crystal Bridge and some of the Arts Festival. Look for it in a few days.
    I agree!!! Me and the family went today as well I would've stayed all day too! It was GORGEOUS outside!! I have some pics I will post as well.

  15. #465

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation


  16. #466

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    So, I agree with pretty much everyone else, the Gardens look amazing. I'm really impressed with how modern the park looks. There are so many events that the park can get used for and it got me thinking... And I'm sure this has been discussed, but how do you think the Myriad Gardens will interact with the new park. When I was at the gardens today I was thinking, do we even need a new park now (I know we're getting one either way)? So, what am I missing? What is the new park going to do that this one won't. Will they play off each other? Again, sorry if these questions are repetitive or stupid...

  17. #467

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    You can't utilize the myriad gardens for playing sports/goofing off like you can any large field park. No soccer games. No baseball. No ultimate frisbee. No practices for youth sports teams. No great running/biking areas. That's what I'm really looking forward to with the new park in an urban area.

  18. #468

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by iMAX386 View Post
    You can't utilize the myriad gardens for playing sports/goofing off like you can any large field park. No soccer games. No baseball. No ultimate frisbee. No practices for youth sports teams. No great running/biking areas. That's what I'm really looking forward to with the new park in an urban area.
    Exactly, iMAX. The Myriad Gardens are designed to be a very condensed high activity type of park. The new park will be a much larger more passive type of park and will serve a very different purpose.

  19. #469

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Something to keep in mind with the MAPS 3 park, the sports fields are slated for the lower portion of the Park and slotted for construction at a much later date than the upper portion of the Park. In other words, you are going to be waiting a while...

    And while both have some duplicate elements at this point, it will be a matter of scale. Smaller events can be held at the MG while larger gatherings at the MAPS 3 Park

  20. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Exactly, iMAX. The Myriad Gardens are designed to be a very condensed high activity type of park. The new park will be a much larger more passive type of park and will serve a very different purpose.
    Well, technically it's the other way. Both the Myriad Gardens redesign and the new park follow a pattern of new, more active parks that are often termed "highly-programmed" meaning that each space has a purpose. It's just that the Myriad is too small and condensed to have much room for athletic fields, although you could probably organize some ultimate frisbee on the new lawn, although I imagine that space will primarily be a huge hit for music festivals.

    The new park won't exactly have room for baseball or soccer, until the south of I-40 expansion is completed, which will have more athletic fields. My concern with that is that OKC's climate is such that athletic fields are usually really unattractive spaces. In climates that aren't as sunny and oppressively hot, athletic fields tend to be more lush and green, whereas in OKC they tend to get brown and ugly.

  21. #471

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    So glad everyone is enjoying the new Gardens. We certainly are, and so far, we've had nothing but RAVE reviews. And this is just the beginning!

    If anyone is around, I'm happy to do an impromptu tour at 3 this afternoon. Meet at the North End of the Crystal Bridge. If interested, let me know here, or give us an @reply on twitter @myriadgardens. I can do one a bit later, too, if that fits your schedule.

  22. #472

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    How complete is the renovation at this point? If I were to show up on Saturday in a few weeks with a family member or two, is there anything we wouldn't be able to look at?

  23. #473

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    I would say you'd get to "look at" almost everying. Being able to "experience" things is a bit different.

    The main grounds are about 3/4 complete, although there is still a lot of small detail work to go. The conservatory portion of the Crystal Bridge is also complete and open.

    Areas that should open in mid- to late- June are the Children's Garden and Children's Interactive Fountain.

    Areas that remain under construction and will not open for a few months are the dog release area (I had earlier reported that would be open), the restaurant and All-Seasons' Plaza, and the southeast entryway. The new visitors' information center on the south end of the Crystal Bridge will also still be under construction.

    There may still be some areas where they will resume work, but again, that is really for detail purposes.

  24. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Thanks wind for ruining my plans for coming back and doing more of the Festival.

  25. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    All-Seasons' Plaza <<< Is this the gift shop? Please tell me they left the gift shop in there!

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